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I'll let Joel-Peter Witkin have his way with me ;-) (with his camera, ofcourse!)

As much as I adore Witkin, and as cool as this would be, I'd be too afraid that he'd cut me up, and Picasso my vagina in my mouth, or something......NOT how I'd like to be remembered ;->

I'm inbetween cremation and just being buried straight in the earth. I like the idea of sitting on someones mantle so they can picture me saying, "Hey, what's up?" when they walk by, but I also like the idea of returning to the earth, continuing the circle of life.

Decisions, decisions......

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you never know, he might be on dgn and you just don't know it

no i doubt it... he wasn't a technology freak of any sorts...

and if he was, I would gladly get banned for flaming his ass the hell out of here... Seriously... no one really liked him because of the vibes he gave off... it was like jeoffery dahlmer creepy...

i talked to him because i felt bad for him at first... but after the 2nd day he said that shit and that was too much for me.

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I've had a living will for 6 years now. I indicated that I wish to be given to science, because my body is one huge anomoly and maybe they can learn something. Whatever is left needs to be cremated and put into the Atlantic Ocean.

There is to be no funeral, but I would like a non-denominational, gathering / party.

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heh heh heh.

another way is to have a bronze age burial, in a chariot disassembled in armour, with horses, an throw in a calculator just for WTFness when archaeologists dig you up in 2000 years time

That rocks my socks

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My best friend, Lisa, has always been really morbid for a preppy girl. Hell...she says such sick shit sometimes I wonder who's really the "dark" one of the group :tongue:.

BUT...this is what we both want when we die:

First...our funeral. This part is not where the morbidness kicks in, we will have a regular funeral with a keg and maybe a bong. I'm known for constantly sharing alcohol and smoking people down constantly while expecting nothing in return for it. This will be my final contribution to all my stoner friends.

Then everyone will sit down in their seats in front of a closed casket. Then the surprise happens...the black lights come on and laser raver lights begin to go off like in CC. Skinny Puppy - Worlock will begin to play, at which time my casket lid will open and I'll be lifted out by strings. Think of a marionette puppet. I'll have a brace around my back that lifts me out, so that my dead weight can be supported, and then the strings around my ankles and wrists will cause me to dance. Of course I'll be in full on day-glo green and yellow glory or else it just wouldn't be convincingly authentic...hence the mentioning of black lights.

NOW...back to my best friend, Lisa. Our biggest hobby is roadkill. Whenever Lisa will see a nice big fat animal carcass that is festering on the side of the road filling up with maggots and becoming slime she gets FASCINATED by it. Fascinated so very much that she automatically MUST CALL me...and occasionally send me pictures through her camera phone, and vice versa. If I see a good one I call her and just describe it because I'm poor and have no camera phone. Yes...people think we're both crazy when this happens :laugh:.

But Lisa and I, upon dying and after the crazy fucking funeral, would like to be strung up on the same string system as at the funeral. For the next few weeks after that I will be dancing roadkill until my body finally rots to the point where it falls off the strings sending a friendly and chilling reminder to all of the people on the way to their 9-5 job: "You're next."

So I want to..ultimately...end up as roadkill so people can gawk at my body.

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I want my remains to be mixed with molten stainless steel,then molded into a BC Rich style guitar (warlock design)then displayed in front of the Wacken Open Air Metal Fest venue in Germany,I do not want my remains buried on american soil.I want to be closer to my ansestors

Dude, that is so fucking metal. I'm not worthy. I'm not worthy! <bows>

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But Lisa and I, upon dying and after the crazy fucking funeral, would like to be strung up on the same string system as at the funeral. For the next few weeks after that I will be dancing roadkill until my body finally rots to the point where it falls off the strings sending a friendly and chilling reminder to all of the people on the way to their 9-5 job: "You're next."

So I want to..ultimately...end up as roadkill so people can gawk at my body.

Whoa!!! :bow

Well, that's a visual I could've done without.

Strange and foreign, yet so..........familiar....lol :stuart:

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For all those who would spend their remains to a science institution or something similar: What do you think would your dependants feel about it? Do you care about it?

I think rituals like a funeral, funeral feast, grave maintenance etc. are very important for mourning dependants. So I'm not shure about what will happen with my body, because for me it won't be important after dead but all the more for those who will miss me...

If I can wish I like my remains to be cremated and buried in a grave maybe on an old cemetary or on "Friedwald". I don't know the correct word for this special kind of cemetery. It's only a forest without gravestones and the ashes will buried between the trees: German Friedwald

I could imagine something like a big party through the whole night around my grave, and all friends get drunk. Everybody who plays an Instrument should make musik. I'm dreaming of a wonderful and melancholic jamsession with all the musicians I know.

This would be awesome :)


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Donating to science doesn't have massive costs associated with it. They send your remains back to your family cremated for free.

My parents don't have life insurance.... Guess where they're going.

I don't have life insurance... Same place.

New Jersey?

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If I go B4 Rev I will be cremated and some of Me ashes sprinkled on his food, so he can eat Me one last time.....

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh, and I can't take credit for that line.....My friends Mom said that about her EX when I was 12ish.....

I found it so funny, I have not forgotten it after like 19 years.....

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If I go B4 Rev I will be cremated and some of Me ashes sprinkled on his food, so he can eat Me one last time.....

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh, and I can't take credit for that line.....My friends Mom said that about her EX when I was 12ish.....

I found it so funny, I have not forgotten it after like 19 years.....

Comedic gold! :gathering:

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