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DGN Night Aftermath - July 5th

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Rev.Reverence and Oh_My_Goth--very nice to meet you both, and Rev, what a lovely farewell you gave me...

deathfearsnone--thanks for the ride, and good to see that you are finally coming out of your shell

punk princess--great seeing you again, you were so cute

(and friends--can't remember your DGN names, sorry!!!!)--had fun dancing w/ everyone... lol, dancing orgies are the best lmao)

Stymie--saw you walking about... good seing you at Reaper's party!

Angel of Death and Danni T Girl-- great seing you again. Danni, post more, dear :p

Chernobyl and Raven--as always, good seing you again

Crank-- always a pleasure, dude..

Reaper-- saw you breafly

Daevion-- lay off the long islands, dude... those things can get you into trouble, every time... it was fun, tho

DarkChylde-- finally met you :p

Miss Kitty-- im glad i finally met you, as well... you are so sweet!

over all, i had a good time... some drama broke out, but other than that, it was all good....

if i missed anyone (some of the girls on DGN that were hanging w/ punk princess, i will learn your s/n! i swear I will!) I am sorry. it was AWESOME meeting everyone that i hadn't seen before... and i hope to see you all more often!


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*needs to be home*

FUCK THIS ARMY SHIT!!!! I wish i was stationed in the states...

One year ladies and gents.. one year of a piss soaked iraq, then I can see about getting stationed on the east side of the states... It kills me to be away from all my friends....

And nobody wants me depressed.. because then i turn into a fucking DICK...

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well i have to say, that was a night to remember!

it was my first night meeting dgn folks, and i met...

angel of death


shade everdark

ice queen

rev reverence

oh my goth

death fears none

miss kitty

piggy mama

gothic raven goddess


... and i'm sure others also, whose names i can't remember at the moment!

thank you to everyone who took time to say hi! i look forward to seeing you next week!

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it was a great nite i met alot of new dgn people all of you were awsome reapers party was a good start to the nite. i was really drunk so forgive me if i dont list you. but i saw:

reaper- great party! you sasha need to come to R.O and hang before she leaves

rev reverence-you are fucking awsome so is your wife(cant think of her name).

belle morte- pretty pretty

davion-always a pleasure

gothic raven goddess- bad ass dress you were stunning

nienna-never actually talked to you before that should change

tk soldier-was nice meeting you

bean water-hey neighbor

the eternal-hurry up and move your ass down here

damaged angel-didnt get to speak with you much, next time for sure

dark chylde- always fun bro

ken saga- was fun hanging out

jane dazzle- my heart

troy spiral- you werent there but you should have been i miss you

masterbeau-loved the nipple rings we should hang more often

and to all who werent listed i had a fucking awesome time all you dgn ladies were a vivid living example of beauty. i cant wait to see you all again and reaper thanks again for the kick ass partay!

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I want you to come home safe and sound. I feel rediculous even trying to reply to your post, I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through for our crooked government, but I was moved by what you say here and wanted to tell you that I do care. I am sending you safe mojo so you will come home in one piece and sane. What is your first name anyway?

  know_buddy_kares said:
*needs to be home*

FUCK THIS ARMY SHIT!!!! I wish i was stationed in the states...

One year ladies and gents.. one year of a piss soaked iraq, then I can see about getting stationed on the east side of the states... It kills me to be away from all my friends....

And nobody wants me depressed.. because then i turn into a fucking DICK...

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Bean and I had a nice time.

No one mentioned Saechalyn, so I'm mentioning her since she's not on the board much and Bean was happy to see her.

After an interesting car ride with the Rev. and OMG from Reaper's party (Reaper's the shit!),

we got to see and talk and dance with loads of you.

Have to do it again sometime,

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I met so many DGN people, and had a great time at both the party, and the club. :)

Thanks Reaper!

And thanks to all the awesome people that I talked to and/or danced with at City from DGN, it was a great night.

I just woke up, so I can't list off every one right now, the brain isn't awake yet. :p

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  st_masey said:
As I said in my barbecue party post, it was nice to finally meet everyone. As for city club in particular:

-Arrived wasted, sobered up halfway through.

-Never arrived so early nor left so late.

-Not a whole lot of you DGNers are dancers, evidently.

-Totally struck out twice in trying to get girls to dance with me.

-I have never spoken to so many people at this club before.

-Got completely exhausted towards the end.

Hey, I did a run by dancing with you......for about 30 seconds. lol.

Twas very nice to meet you Casey.

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All righty.....

*cracks knuckles*

First off.....I danced, and danced, and danced, and danced..... :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

Styme, thanx for the ride home.....Thank you very much..... :kiss

Ice Queen.....Well.....Umm.....Yeah.....call Me..... :smoke:

Bean & Eternal.....What can I say, you 2 are Awesome..... :thumbsup:

Thanx for the ride to the Club, I had a great nap.....

Cherny & Raven, thanx for the lift to the parte', it was an interesting ride..... :p

Mr.Beau, you are fun..... :fun: (send Me those pics.....)

Mis Kitty, you silly girl, you should not be so shy..... :animier:

Reaper, you were a great host at yer parte', great to meet you..... :wave

Shit, if it was not for you, I would not have had last night.....THANX!!!!! :stuart:

Deavion (I know I am not spelling that right) good to see you again.....Thanx to you as well, for the parte' night..... :nut

Damaged Angle, Awesome to see you, thanx for the drink..... :thumbup:

Scales, great to meet ya..... :turned:

Angle of Death, you're so fun..... :p You too Dani..... :harhar:

Darque.....Good to see you as always.....I am glad ya liked the brownie..... :biggrin:

I meet and saw sooooo many people last night, I can not get it straight right now..... :rolleyes:

I am sorry if people did not get a mention.....I will post later if I can sift through the haze of Me mind..... :blink:

I need a nap :803530406161:

Edited by Oh_My_Goth
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OMG I met so many ppl I came home and started jotting names down and filled up 1 page of looseleaf in bout 10 min...and I still think I missing ppl...grrr

Thanks to Tanuki, Punk princess, Xanthein, and Rambo me and Dani were able to make it there tonight. Once again you guys fucking rock!!!

I had a great time except for a lil bit of drama but it'll be ok. I met and talked to sooo many ppl and I even passed out a few cards (Altho it seemed like EVERYONE I talked to was already on DGN.) I fell like twice before I even had anything...damn those platform boots. I danced a bit with a few ppl and thats always fun. Overall it was a blast and I think that's the most ppl I have ever talked to in one night. Oh and Troy...We missed you much you should have been there. Makes me wanna :crybaby:. It's the first time me and Dani have been out in weeks and there was no Troy :spank

...and now...

The list:

Rev Reverence: Woot you guys made it!!!!

Oh_My_Goth: Such a lovely lady. So glad to see you again hun.

Ice Queen: I hope your feeling better and guys all made it home safe.

Tszura: Thank you hun I owe you one! Your so pretty and such a nice person to talk to.

Constantin: Spoke with you a bit great meeting you :p

Gothic Raven Goddess: Had a great time dancing with you hun! great to see you again.

Chernobyle: So glad I got to talk to you again!

Raven: glad to meet you.

Crank: I own you on My Space :p

Rambo: Your next =P

Tanuki: Thanks again for the ride hun. You guys are the best!

Punk Princess: Had a great time thanks!

Xanthein: Always a pleasure!! :flower:

Miss Kitty: I saw you as we were pulling out of CC. Hope we get to chat next time.

Daevion: So happy to see you again. I hope every thing works out.

Bella Morte: Hope your feeling better hun.

Aequrea: Nice to meet you.

Shade Everdark: Talked to you for a min b4 running off to get my cig from Dani.

Reaper: I missed you unfortunately. Hope your party was a big hit!

Nightgaunt: Saw you said hi, didn't talk much. Next time?

Candyquackenbush: Beautiful as always!

Odims Sphere: Saw you when I was speaking with Candy, sorry we didn't get to chat I was in a bit of a hurry.

Death Fears None: Good seeing you again!!

Piggy Mama: I'm gonna see if anyone can pick me up for that barbecue or maybe give me gas money if I pick them up on the way. Glad we had the chance to meet!

Masterbeau: Your mean...*pouts* even gave me hassle over a hug... :cry

Damagedangel: Didn't talk much...Do you ever head more towards the DGN corner?

Nienna: Glad I got to see you again!

Michiko Dreads: Thanks for the advice hun.

St. Masey: Yay! finally got to meet you!

Riku: I own you as well. :devil:

Headlessgoth: Good meeting you sir.

Scales: I believe we were introduced??

Saga: Isn't that thing a lil heavy to be wearing to a club??

If I missed anyone (Which I think I missed a couple but I can't think of who) I'm sorry and feel free to smack me for forgetting. I was all over the place and talked to so many ppl...I consider it a miracle I got this many...

Edited by Angel of Death
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  GothicRavenGoddess said:
over all, i had a good time... some drama broke out, but other than that, it was all good....

if i missed anyone (some of the girls on DGN that were hanging w/ punk princess, i will learn your s/n! i swear I will!) I am sorry. it was AWESOME meeting everyone that i hadn't seen before... and i hope to see you all more often!


I was one of the ones hanging out with Punk Princess. The other chick's screen name is xanthien, but she never posts. We're usually together at CC, like the Three Stooges. :p

My car was jam-packed with people last night! I never knew my car could hold so many people, damn!

I had a very fun time last night! It definitely made up for last week. I hung out with the regulars and met a lot of people finally, such as Rev.Reverence (my fellow trickster), Oh My Goth, Ice Queen, aquorea, GothicRavenGoddess, Einishi, st masey, Reaper, and several others that I can't remember right now. I'm sorry if I forgot anyone; you might remember me as the short pig-tailed one with the huge pink DGN button. I also had on some very fluorescent pink fishnet tights.

My favorite part of the night was the dance orgy. :rofl:

Hopefully there will be many more memorable nights in the future!

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  tanuki1985 said:
I was one of the ones hanging out with Punk Princess. The other chick's screen name is xanthien, but she never posts. We're usually together at CC, like the Three Stooges. :p

My car was jam-packed with people last night! I never knew my car could hold so many people, damn!

I had a very fun time last night! It definitely made up for last week. I hung out with the regulars and met a lot of people finally, such as Rev.Reverence (my fellow trickster), Oh My Goth, Ice Queen, aquorea, GothicRavenGoddess, Einishi, st masey, Reaper, and several others that I can't remember right now. I'm sorry if I forgot anyone; you might remember me as the short pig-tailed one with the huge pink DGN button. I also had on some very fluorescent pink fishnet tights.

My favorite part of the night was the dance orgy. :rofl:

Hopefully there will be many more memorable nights in the future!

We also had the "sexual" spin the wheel buttons. Those rocked. Overall it was an awesome night.

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  aequorea said:
well i have to say, that was a night to remember!

it was my first night meeting dgn folks, and i met...

angel of death


shade everdark

ice queen

rev reverence

oh my goth

death fears none

miss kitty

piggy mama

gothic raven goddess


... and i'm sure others also, whose names i can't remember at the moment!

thank you to everyone who took time to say hi! i look forward to seeing you next week!

it was nice to meet you.

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