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Nice guys finish last?


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more and more each year it seems like girls are going for looks and bad asses. then complaining that they are in a horrible relationship yet there best friend is there or just a friend saying i told you so. through most of my years i am the friend that warns the girl not to date the guy he will break your heart while having a crush on the girl and she dates the guy and then comes crying to me.

any one have any stories or is the statement nice guys finish last false?

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this has been a topic posted a few times... but probaby burried amongs the hundreds of dead threats that's just too much of a pain in the ass to dig up so... I'll give my two cents on this.

Girls never listen...

or learn from their mistakes...

end thread

heh no i just kid.

they're attracted to the bad ass rebel sort of guy because the flashy part about them is having alot of balls (boldness, toughness, ect) and they forget that though it might be appealing, they're not going to change for them.

Personally, white knights never get any action because they're the safe ones... like a freaking puppydog.. I aint no sell out lapdog. Girl cries about guy, i say dump him, if she doesn't and still cries, i simply tell her, look you shoulda taken my damn advice, but you didn't, so quit bitchin to me about your self caused drama. harsh? yes... true? yes.. i aint gonna deal with repeating drama.

If i'm trying to pull a girl, and i'm not a bad ass enough for her and she picks some other guy and tries to remain friends with me, i politely smile, flip her the bird, turn my back, and move on.

If you're tired of these bimbos crying to you about their asshole boyfriends, honestly, tell them to fuck off.. why are you letting yourself go through this shit if you want to date them instead of being friends with them?

Sure rumors will fly, bla bla, you're such a cold asshole, bla bla... and bam.. you got the reputation, and chicks will dig you. Know what you want out of life, and don't waste your time on the ones that aren't gonna give it to you. I don't give 2nd chances, because once you give 2nd chances, they see it as they can do the same shit over.. and over.. and over...

Once you acheived your status of asshole and start pulling in the chicks, you will realize that there's another side to the story than just theirs... all these guys they bitch about? that's THEIR side of the story... their just as twisted and psycho as the guys they describe, very self centered and demanding thinking they're some fucking special princess or some shit. Making rediculous demands that just don't make any practical sense, playing moronic head games to test you to see how much they love you instead of doing that whole talking and communicating thing they complain guys never do. You'll get fed up with their shit, dump em after a few lousy fucks (the ones that preen as if they're the best are usually the worst fucks i've ever had, the typical ones that brag about sleeping with dj's and any rockstar they get their hands on ect). Then they'll go to their new white knight friend, and dump all that you're such an asshole bullshit on them, with them naievely eating up every last word while clinging to the fairy tale hopes that they'll eventually fall in love (sound familiar?)

Eventually, you'll get tired of the crazy bitches, and decide to just settle and talk to them again becoming friends with them before you date them (to see if they're psycho or not before making any moves) however the bullshit you went through will have changed you enough to where they don't see you as that white knight they'll never get, you'll still be able to keep their interests. And eventually... you'll find that girl that's JUST right... (like i did) and then you can actually be that nice guy again, with her returning the love.

There, that's my 2 cents, enjoy.

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Well said KBK.. :) *hugs*

Yeah pretty much stop being a pussy, and start being a pussy monger.. (did hunhee just say that?) Yes, I did.

I always hear guys talking how they never get the chick they want. Umm.. have you ever TOLD the chick that you want them? because nine times out of ten, they're TALKING to you and CRYING to you because guess what (letting out a little secret) they find you attractive, and maybe WANT you? So they're like complaining about their beau, maybe to give you instructions on what they want, and how NOT to be.. you know, just in case.. something happens between you to.. but you're too chicken shit or pussy or polite to actually tell them.... *hears a hush over the crowd* (yeah, I realize I'm losing my "she's sweet/nice" points here).

All I'm saying is.. get over it.. man up, grow some fucking balls, and umm... get yourself your pussy.

(wow, I think I've been taking lessons from Chernobyl)... hehe

Disclaimer: I have nothing but respect and admiration for Chernobyl, I ;)

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more and more each year it seems like girls are going for looks and bad asses. then complaining that they are in a horrible relationship yet there best friend is there or just a friend saying i told you so. through most of my years i am the friend that warns the girl not to date the guy he will break your heart while having a crush on the girl and she dates the guy and then comes crying to me.

any one have any stories or is the statement nice guys finish last false?

My Love is not an asshole, not a bad ass, though his ass is Fierce! He's not a prick, mean, condescending, irrational, drug-using, nada. He's a great guy with many interests and none of them hurt people or isolate him from meeting others.

So no, nice guys do Not finish last. Jerks however, do in my book.

Love my guy!

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Well said KBK.. :) *hugs*

Yeah pretty much stop being a pussy, and start being a pussy monger.. (did hunhee just say that?) Yes, I did.

I always hear guys talking how they never get the chick they want. Umm.. have you ever TOLD the chick that you want them? because nine times out of ten, they're TALKING to you and CRYING to you because guess what (letting out a little secret) they find you attractive, and maybe WANT you? So they're like complaining about their beau, maybe to give you instructions on what they want, and how NOT to be.. you know, just in case.. something happens between you to.. but you're too chicken shit or pussy or polite to actually tell them.... *hears a hush over the crowd* (yeah, I realize I'm losing my "she's sweet/nice" points here).

All I'm saying is.. get over it.. man up, grow some fucking balls, and umm... get yourself your pussy.

(wow, I think I've been taking lessons from Chernobyl)... hehe

Disclaimer: I have nothing but respect and admiration for Chernobyl, I ;)

I actually tried that stuff when i was in white knight status... it didn't work.. that's what i think he's complaining about, it's not that he's too shy to.. it's just they politely reject him (as they did me) and continued on with their pointless dribble complaints about lessons they shoulda learned 100 fucking mistakes ago.

But you are right for the other type, the ones too shy to go out for it.

ASK THEM Get rejected, cry yourself to sleep on your pillow... let the wounds heal into scars..

go out and get hurt again.. over and over and over until rejection doesn't phase you..

once you don't give a shit if they say no.. then you'll have a different persona that keeps them interested.

Girls are weird.. not dumb, not smart... just confused humans just like the guys.

Oh another protip...

Stay away from the snotty bitches with all the crazy colored makeup trying to look like some glam goth model at the clubs... or on myspace...

without the makeup, they're fucking ugly. Nothing against ugly people here honestly, but there's no need to have a snot ass attitude no matter what you look like, and hard fact of life... ugly people can't afford to be snotty, even with all that makeup on because the only ones that give these "club/myspace divas" any attention, are clueless boys that don't know what the hell is going on anyway.

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Toss some confidence in yourself and your choices into who you are and how you approach them. Women like confidence, but not arrogance. (OK...some like that but they aren't worth dealing with). Considerate, polite (mostly) a good listener... these are good things, but don't be a door mat. Have your own tastes, have a personal style, BE a little badass.. They like to think you're not TOO tame. That's how I see it anyways.

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Stay away from the snotty bitches with all the crazy colored makeup trying to look like some glam goth model at the clubs... or on myspace...

without the makeup, they're fucking ugly. Nothing against ugly people here honestly, but there's no need to have a snot ass attitude no matter what you look like, and hard fact of life... ugly people can't afford to be snotty, even with all that makeup on because the only ones that give these "club/myspace divas" any attention, are clueless boys that don't know what the hell is going on anyway.

Oh yes. Women can look interesting and beautiful in the right makeup... but I prefer a woman that I'm attracted to first thing in the morning. There's something to be said for simple and unadorned.

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Oh yes. Women can look interesting and beautiful in the right makeup... but I prefer a woman that I'm attracted to first thing in the morning. There's something to be said for simple and unadorned.

ha that is so true i dated this girl and we broke up and looking back at pictures of her she kinda looked like the joker with her makeup and lipstick on haha

thanks everyone i was just curious to see what everyone thought i met a wonderful girl a few months back and we are just started talking about getting together as a couple

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Oh yes. Women can look interesting and beautiful in the right makeup... but I prefer a woman that I'm attracted to first thing in the morning. There's something to be said for simple and unadorned.

Preach on brudda! My baby never wears makeup... cept rarely, and it's kinda weird seeing it on her. She obviously doesn't even need makeup to begin with she looks so damn good...

I've always loved, respected, and admired a girl with enough genuine confidence (not snotty ego) to let the world see her in her real natural looks... it shows true colors, and not fake staged stuff.

Thanks for bringing that up marc.

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ha that is so true i dated this girl and we broke up and looking back at pictures of her she kinda looked like the joker with her makeup and lipstick on haha

thanks everyone i was just curious to see what everyone thought i met a wonderful girl a few months back and we are just started talking about getting together as a couple

good deal bro, happy for ya!

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Sometimes guys tend to fall for a girl who is out TOTALLY of their league, and suffer for it. Guys have this problem of putting a woman up on a pedestal because she is beautiful-- and setting themselves up for that inevitable fall.

They never seem to understand that if the girl is not on the same page mentally, or the least bit attracted to them (in "that" way)-- then nothing will EVER happen, no matter how much they fantasize about it coming true.

Do some soul searching, and try to figure out just WHAT it is that draws you to this person so recklessly. If it is something as immature as an obsession (say, you dream about fucking her all day long), then you are not ready for a relationship in the first place-- you are merely coveting after something you know is impossible to obtain, and lusting blindly. You will become nothing but MORE frustrated.

My advice is to start looking for someone more suited for yourself. Who likes YOU for YOU, and doesn't think of you as some "nice guy" to wipe her ASS with; chances are, she has an entire stable of "nice guys' already at her beck and call..

Any woman who would use a guy as a "nice guy" is a PIECE OF SHIT, and I have no pity for the drama they get themselves into. Every punch she gets from her asshole, bad boy boyfriend is a smite from karma, for using people who really care and want to help her. I feel NO pity, whatsoever, for a woman who gets beat up by a "Stanley Kowalski" type, and then keeps going back to him.

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Girls are weird.. not dumb, not smart... just confused humans just like the guys.

yes! hooray for that, it's so true.

do nice guys always finish last? no... but define "nice."

kindness, generosity, patience - these qualities make for a wonderful partner!

so what's the catch?

basically, when dating, you must always put yourself FIRST.

know and believe that you are just as good as anyone else.

it's ok to look after your own needs first.

it's ok to NOT be nice - you don't have to be rude, you can just be honest and blunt. (see KBK... umm, ALL of his posts LOL)

if someone makes you feel like you are less, in any way - less important, less attractive, less confident - then get them out of your life! you NEVER have to put up with that. you have the right and the responsibility to surround yourself with people who care about you, support you, and help you to be your best version of yourself. sometimes this means being lonely, sometimes it means being patient, but in the end it's worth the peace of mind.

once you know someone and you have built a relationship with them (friendly or romantic), that's when the other pieces come in. the kindness and generosity and patience are best when it's an equal exchange between people who know and care for each other.

DISCLAIMER: obviously, this is just my opinion! most of these are the same ideas that others have put forth, just phrased differently. i added this because these are the thoughts that i go back to, the things that i have to remind myself about. i have learned a lot of this the hard way. i used to be far too tolerant of other people's shit, and i still have to remind myself that it's ok to stick up for my own needs.

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Sometimes guys tend to fall for a girl who is out TOTALLY of their league, and suffer for it. Guys have this problem of putting a woman up on a pedestal because she is beautiful-- and setting themselves up for that inevitable fall.

They never seem to understand that if the girl is not on the same page mentally, or the least bit attracted to them (in "that" way)-- then nothing will EVER happen, no matter how much they fantasize about it coming true.

Do some soul searching, and try to figure out just WHAT it is that draws you to this person so recklessly. If it is something as immature as an obsession (say, you dream about fucking her all day long), then you are not ready for a relationship in the first place-- you are merely coveting after something you know is impossible to obtain, and lusting blindly. You will become nothing but MORE frustrated.

My advice is to start looking for someone more suited for yourself. Who likes YOU for YOU, and doesn't think of you as some "nice guy" to wipe her ASS with; chances are, she has an entire stable of "nice guys' already at her beck and call..

Any woman who would use a guy as a "nice guy" is a PIECE OF SHIT, and I have no pity for the drama they get themselves into. Every punch she gets from her asshole, bad boy boyfriend is a smite from karma, for using people who really care and want to help her. I feel NO pity, whatsoever, for a woman who gets beat up by a "Stanley Kowalski" type, and then keeps going back to him.

Well said.

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Personally I don't aprove of any guy hitting any girl, no matter how big of a fucking bitch she is. Yeah I'll agree they're asking for it by going back to the same douce bag but hey, if that's what they're like, it may sound cold, but they aren't there in the head and need that type of drama. If you manage to pull them and don't bring about that drama, they're create the drama and you'll find yourself in misery. Just drop them out of your life unless they're family or an honest to god close friend that you've been friends with for years.

I would say go and break a few ribs, grind his face off against a brick wall, and crush his kneecaps but honestly.. that would get you in trouble for something that's not your problem to begin with. You don't need that shit.

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I tend to usually treat them as an equal. I have noticed that nice guys tend to get walked over as I had that problem before I came to this scene. After dealing with a gf who I had known since I was a kid neighbor, I totally went to the darkside of things. I stopped caring and listening to people, then I phased out of that after a couple of years and started being more sarcastic and humorous. It seemed to help my situation and make me more confident on how I carry myself. I still get intimidated by some women that I would like to ask out, but most of the time I am not afraid of telling someone outright my take on things. I don't have a problem getting women even as I have gained weight, but there are times where I wonder if I am getting the quality of woman that I want. I don't think I have really ever been an asshole though. But I have shown more confidence and a bold attitude. Also doesn't hurt if you have a hearse in this scene dude ;)

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this has been a topic posted a few times... but probaby burried amongs the hundreds of dead threats that's just too much of a pain in the ass to dig up so... I'll give my two cents on this.

Girls never listen...

or learn from their mistakes...

end thread

heh no i just kid.

they're attracted to the bad ass rebel sort of guy because the flashy part about them is having alot of balls (boldness, toughness, ect) and they forget that though it might be appealing, they're not going to change for them.

Personally, white knights never get any action because they're the safe ones... like a freaking puppydog.. I aint no sell out lapdog. Girl cries about guy, i say dump him, if she doesn't and still cries, i simply tell her, look you shoulda taken my damn advice, but you didn't, so quit bitchin to me about your self caused drama. harsh? yes... true? yes.. i aint gonna deal with repeating drama.

If i'm trying to pull a girl, and i'm not a bad ass enough for her and she picks some other guy and tries to remain friends with me, i politely smile, flip her the bird, turn my back, and move on.

If you're tired of these bimbos crying to you about their asshole boyfriends, honestly, tell them to fuck off.. why are you letting yourself go through this shit if you want to date them instead of being friends with them?

Sure rumors will fly, bla bla, you're such a cold asshole, bla bla... and bam.. you got the reputation, and chicks will dig you. Know what you want out of life, and don't waste your time on the ones that aren't gonna give it to you. I don't give 2nd chances, because once you give 2nd chances, they see it as they can do the same shit over.. and over.. and over...

Once you acheived your status of asshole and start pulling in the chicks, you will realize that there's another side to the story than just theirs... all these guys they bitch about? that's THEIR side of the story... their just as twisted and psycho as the guys they describe, very self centered and demanding thinking they're some fucking special princess or some shit. Making rediculous demands that just don't make any practical sense, playing moronic head games to test you to see how much they love you instead of doing that whole talking and communicating thing they complain guys never do. You'll get fed up with their shit, dump em after a few lousy fucks (the ones that preen as if they're the best are usually the worst fucks i've ever had, the typical ones that brag about sleeping with dj's and any rockstar they get their hands on ect). Then they'll go to their new white knight friend, and dump all that you're such an asshole bullshit on them, with them naievely eating up every last word while clinging to the fairy tale hopes that they'll eventually fall in love (sound familiar?)

Eventually, you'll get tired of the crazy bitches, and decide to just settle and talk to them again becoming friends with them before you date them (to see if they're psycho or not before making any moves) however the bullshit you went through will have changed you enough to where they don't see you as that white knight they'll never get, you'll still be able to keep their interests. And eventually... you'll find that girl that's JUST right... (like i did) and then you can actually be that nice guy again, with her returning the love.

There, that's my 2 cents, enjoy.

Dear LORD...if there were any more truthiness to this post, you'd have get your name legally changed to Stephen Colbert.


I personally think girls do it because they ALWAYS just LOVE to play the victim. I don't want a guy that is OVERLY nice...I do like my guys a little rude (not controlling/bossy) but not afraid to come up and slug me like I'm one of the guys...'cause I always have been. But if a guy was downright crazy and controlling...yeah...no.

Since girls love attention they love getting it from A) their abusive boyfriends (negative reinforcement is attention none-the-less. Sort of like how a kid will cry and cry and even if you scold the kid you're doing the wrong thing...the key is to ignore them.) and then B) Those nice guy "friends" who provide them with a shoulder to cry on. So they get negative attention followed by positive comforting attention leaving men baffled and girls to be the winner in their own mind.

That's why I put myself in the guy category...I REALLY don't understand female psychology. I've just observed it my whole life.

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"but not afraid to come up and slug me like I'm one of the guys" thats the one thing i never understood about my own gender, lets slightly hit people as a symbol of friendship.... as if the common handshake these days (is this done anywhere but detroit) was enough. i never did that for some odd reason

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i was brought up with the old folk tales that have been handed down through centuries.

The Shepherd of Myddvai was a tale i still remember. and have never raised a hand to a woman, no matter how badly i wanted to (and now have a few split knuckles from the nearest wall).

there's assholes. those who treat others like shit

there's jerks, those that let themselves be treated like shit.

i used to be a jerk myself until i came to my senses. KBK's opinion is mine to a tea nowadays

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"but not afraid to come up and slug me like I'm one of the guys" thats the one thing i never understood about my own gender, lets slightly hit people as a symbol of friendship.... as if the common handshake these days (is this done anywhere but detroit) was enough. i never did that for some odd reason

It's because most guys I know, and myself, are extremely and horribly aggressive (note I said "most guys I know, I'm not making like some huge generalized statement toward men or anything) and ALSO notice that guys aren't encouraged to hug each other like girls are from a social standpoint. This is starting to not be the case, but it still exists frequently, expecially among younger men.

Hitting/slamming is a way to alleve aggression and well I PERSONALLY think, just out of my observation, that it's almost a pseudo-hug in guys' eyes...because they're not "supposed" to be hugging on each other affectionately like girls are encouraged to from childhood. Basically...it's their way of touchin' each other and giving/gettin' lovins...which I think is so totally awesome :whistle:.

That's just MY take on it, the conclusion I arrived at, really. Personally I'd rather hit and be hit than hug because it feels better...but that's just me.

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It's because most guys I know, and myself, are extremely and horribly aggressive (note I said "most guys I know, I'm not making like some huge generalized statement toward men or anything) and ALSO notice that guys aren't encouraged to hug each other like girls are from a social standpoint. This is starting to not be the case, but it still exists frequently, expecially among younger men.

Hitting/slamming is a way to alleve aggression and well I PERSONALLY think, just out of my observation, that it's almost a pseudo-hug in guys' eyes...because they're not "supposed" to be hugging on each other affectionately like girls are encouraged to from childhood. Basically...it's their way of touchin' each other and giving/gettin' lovins...which I think is so totally awesome :whistle:.

That's just MY take on it, the conclusion I arrived at, really. Personally I'd rather hit and be hit than hug because it feels better...but that's just me.

*Smacks Cher on the arm, leaving a large red welt*

Hi buddy! *Bats eyelashes*

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