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The A.D.D.thread.


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My friend is dating a guy with man boobs and I just hate it everytime I see him I see more things wrong with. I feel like I am picking away at him. I am just picking away each piece of fiber of his exsistance. I saw his feet uber gross and he has stick legs so he looks like a potato with toothpick for legs and carrots for arms eeeeeeewwwwwwwwww.

I hate moobies, zaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

and they are PERKY

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do you fondue? hmm thats nice...i like to play with dice - especially the 20 sided kind, mine is dark purple with gold numbers, its really cool looking, only sometimes I don't know what number I rolled and I get made fun of by the gamer guys. which really sucks because I am already socially akward. OooO pretty unicorn!

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*cries* Michiko Doesnt have her dreads now

throwout your comb!

I threw out a comb once...now...I look like a freik...I used to just look like a freak...once I hit my head and saw stars...stars are sparkly&shiney...I like timpani drums...& fiddles with accordions.....rhymes with Discordians...Discordians like to cause discord...in a fun way...like raccoons in the garbage...they make noise...I like listening to the sound of my self typing!

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My cat is laying on my desk and so I'm typing around her because I couldn't dare move her highness from her place because princess might get mad.

My fingers aren't working properly, or I've lost my faculties. I keep misspelling words and typing wrong, then I have to backspace and retype. Very annoying.

I bought a new dress for the wedding. Why? Apparently I like spending money. I did I because I'm in serious danger of not fitting in to the other dress because I'm a massive whale and I've not been good at working at losing weight like I was before. I'm not happy at my weight, but I missed eating like a normal person. I need to do the whole exercise/eat properly thing again. Moo. Also, I wanted to wear white. Yes, I said white, bitches. I wear black all the fucking time, so I'm gonna wear white on my wedding day, k? And I have a tan, and my hair isn't completely black. Sue me, take away my goth card. Did I even have a goth card? I don't remember being inducted into the goth club. What is the initiation? Was there an initiation? Is there a goth club? Of fuck I don't want to start another "what is goth" thing. I don't care, k? We are all people in different subcultures with different interests. I don't want to be crammed into a category. Categorize this: Fuck you.

Who am I anyway? I'm a Buddhist, Hindu, previous pagan, soon to be Jew, 3rd generation Italian-Romanian-Hungarian-Sicilian-American, born in raised in boring ass Michigan, never been on a plane, getting married soon, BBW, into S&M in a monogamous relationship without children not planning to breed any time soon, grad school student, Caucasian, 5'3" black hair w/ some fucking color of highlights, greenish bluish who the fuck knows colored eyes, they say I'm olive complected, tans easily, normally pale, loves reading and writing, democrat not that much into politics but I believe what I believe, smartass, quiet, sometimes funny, former drinker, forever alcoholic (the non drinking variety), ex-smoker, shit starter, lover of the eternal, only child, almost straight A student, except my lass class broke that because my professor was a dolt, rambling woman, poet, dreamer, part time thinker, full time cynic, hater of attention, craver of attention sometimes, love of affection from a distance, except for those that are close to me, lover of "the arts," hater of crap not worth bothering with, hater of the superficial, arrogant, annoying, easily annoyed, I'm a part time genius and a part time idiot.

I went to the grocery store and bought beets and feta cheese because I'm going to have a greek salad at work tomorrow. So who decided that beets in a salad make it greek? Beets are just weird. They make a sweet rinse to color your hair though. Rad purple color.

So I should really be going through all my crap here at home and getting rid of things instead of wasting my time on crap that no one reads anyway, but I do this, to clear my head.

I wish people used spaces between punctuation. Reading things crammed together makes me crazy. U S E S P A C E S.

People at work are dumb. The people that call mostly. Except for the one twit I work with. I can't wait until she leaves. She's an immature little hypocrite.

I'm marrying the most wonderful man in the world.

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My cat is laying on my desk and so I'm typing around her because I couldn't dare move her highness from her place because princess might get mad.

My fingers aren't working properly, or I've lost my faculties. I keep misspelling words and typing wrong, then I have to backspace and retype. Very annoying.

I bought a new dress for the wedding. Why? Apparently I like spending money. I did I because I'm in serious danger of not fitting in to the other dress because I'm a massive whale and I've not been good at working at losing weight like I was before. I'm not happy at my weight, but I missed eating like a normal person. I need to do the whole exercise/eat properly thing again. Moo. Also, I wanted to wear white. Yes, I said white, bitches. I wear black all the fucking time, so I'm gonna wear white on my wedding day, k? And I have a tan, and my hair isn't completely black. Sue me, take away my goth card. Did I even have a goth card? I don't remember being inducted into the goth club. What is the initiation? Was there an initiation? Is there a goth club? Of fuck I don't want to start another "what is goth" thing. I don't care, k? We are all people in different subcultures with different interests. I don't want to be crammed into a category. Categorize this: Fuck you.

Who am I anyway? I'm a Buddhist, Hindu, previous pagan, soon to be Jew, 3rd generation Italian-Romanian-Hungarian-Sicilian-American, born in raised in boring ass Michigan, never been on a plane, getting married soon, BBW, into S&M in a monogamous relationship without children not planning to breed any time soon, grad school student, Caucasian, 5'3" black hair w/ some fucking color of highlights, greenish bluish who the fuck knows colored eyes, they say I'm olive complected, tans easily, normally pale, loves reading and writing, democrat not that much into politics but I believe what I believe, smartass, quiet, sometimes funny, former drinker, forever alcoholic (the non drinking variety), ex-smoker, shit starter, lover of the eternal, only child, almost straight A student, except my lass class broke that because my professor was a dolt, rambling woman, poet, dreamer, part time thinker, full time cynic, hater of attention, craver of attention sometimes, love of affection from a distance, except for those that are close to me, lover of "the arts," hater of crap not worth bothering with, hater of the superficial, arrogant, annoying, easily annoyed, I'm a part time genius and a part time idiot.

I went to the grocery store and bought beets and feta cheese because I'm going to have a greek salad at work tomorrow. So who decided that beets in a salad make it greek? Beets are just weird. They make a sweet rinse to color your hair though. Rad purple color.

So I should really be going through all my crap here at home and getting rid of things instead of wasting my time on crap that no one reads anyway, but I do this, to clear my head.

I wish people used spaces between punctuation. Reading things crammed together makes me crazy. U S E S P A C E S.

People at work are dumb. The people that call mostly. Except for the one twit I work with. I can't wait until she leaves. She's an immature little hypocrite.

I'm marrying the most wonderful man in the world.

Eternal? :unsure:

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