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The A.D.D.thread.


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That's kinda sick. Why am I not surprised? Well.. You have Phee under your desk. So... what are you complaining about?


She said we ALL have special needs!

She proves her point.......................................................not that I was arguing with her.....

Oh...my shows back on...

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the new degrassi or the old degrassi? i watched the old one with my dad was i was younger. and we watched dr who. and we made a space ship on the bed. i'm not sure we did all that while watching any of this but we probably did. but i was on the space ship so i guess i was not watching the tv. no tv on the space ship.

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Wow, I think that Peter post kinda scares me..

The old Degrassi Jr. High, I didn't realize there was another one.. hmm..

I wonder what the point of those little tabs on the end of this.. oh no.. :sofa:

Tax information for hawaii is truly messed up.. I really think they shouldn't bother with..

Geesh, I really love reading the eternal's posts, I wonder where he went for that short period of time where..

I am so glad that people on DGN appreciate DGN and Troy, he really deserves all the credit for all the good stuff that's happened on here, and all the personal friends/connections that everyone's made.. I should post that in the Troy appreciation thread..

Damn this apple really tastes bad..figures, being seven months out of the apple season.. I really shouldn't,

I wonder what my friend is doing, I think he said he's playing magic today.. I would really like to play magic tonight, but I think i'm really tired.. I should be tired with all the running..

Damn it was good seeing my friend last night, her professor friend is so adorable..

I wonder how many calls my key-making friend has gotten today..

I really liked my lunch today, that bulgar wheat is SOO damn tasty I wonder how many cal..

Boy, really hate those olives they put in those greek salads.. I think they're called calamata or something like that, I can't believe they make olive oil which is so yummy out of something that could taste so...

Wow, my skin is dry.. I can't believe how dry it gets in the summer time..

This aveeno lotion is the bomb..

I should really go shopping for clothes that actually fit, although now that I'm losing more weight, all the clothes I didn't want to throw away 10 years ago, are starting to fit..

I really should be getting back to work, I hate when I waste big chunks of time on stupid.. Eek there's a smudge on my cellphone.. *gets out rubbing alcohol* ..

work work work work work..If I didn't do work in hawaii, why do I need to fill this shit out..

I think I'm going to have a salad for dinner tonight, but definitely not greek.. can't stand those olives..

I should really take this chili pepper plant home, so that I can grow some peppers for my..

I need to make an appointment for grooming for my boss' dog.. I wonder if there's such a thing as..Crap.. My calendar isn't up to date..

I really love all these pens in my pile.. I think legal documents should accept pink pen ink. There should be more colour coding with legal documents.. I wonder if that guy really did file suit..

I just took another lead at work today..w00t that's five for..

I think I may paint my walls a reddish colour.. I think It would bring out the white couch that I own..OR maybe a dark chocolate brown..

I really should hang pictures, I've lived here for like two and a half years and i refuse to nest..

Mmm.. water.. the nectar of the gods..

hehe that JaneDead.. Gawd her posts humour me.. fondue..mmm.. OH and Burrich and his Fondon't *giggles*

I wonder if anyone really cares to read this..

Damn, I need to finish firing this jackass before he gets too much...

I like how this water ripples in the glass.. so pretty..

I wonder if I should go to CC this weekend, or I should go camping.. I could also go to the baseball game.. or play magic.. so many decisions.. I'll probably just end up hanging out around my apt., doing nothing because i'm so damn lame..

I should take my recyclables to the recycling center this week sometime..

I wonder how it is Superman seems to be around trouble when it's about to strike.. maybe he orchestrates the evil villains..Maybe, he should think about it, and just stay home, the world may be in a much safer place..And what did the world do before superman showed up? I mean it can't be the first time the world was in danger.. I think something fishy is going on..I don't quite trust that Superman guy..

I wonder if I should change out my tideshaper mystic with those Aquitect's will, I don't see that damn tideshaper in any other mermaid decks.. That lords of atlantis really should have a higher casting cost to be that bad ass..oh if I take out tideshaper, I'm SO putting in Mirrorweave (even IF the picture creeps me out)...

I should be off work soon.. I really am not feeling work today.. I hate days like this.

I really should focus on this letter to this guy that I'm firing..

I really do feel bad for anyone who will attempt to read this drivel.. I mean, I feel bad just for typing them.. people will truly wonder if i'm not somewhat bat shit insane.. There's a difference between bat shit and ape shit insane.. I think I rather be bat shit.. I believe bat shit is smaller..

Why do people call me for the stupidest shit? NO! that is NOT in my job description!!!

I should really not blow my gf's off this Friday, cause I really just wanna play FNM.. that was SO much fun.. that Dave guy is cool.

I should become a DCI judge.. I wonder if drafting is really as hard as people say it is...

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I had a room once.. in an attic.. in a mansion.. out in the middle of nowhere.. I was kept there for years, didn't get many visitors.. when I did, they brought these wonderful cookies.. wonder if they make those cookies.. mmm

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