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I think it's kind of funny, but not terribly clever. I guess I can see where it would bother someone, but I think every semi-intelligent person viewing that sticker would understand that it's promoting being true to your beliefs, not ditching class to go get a manicure or something.

the anatomy classes at my school use the ADAM human anatomy software. This allows students to look at any biological system, see how the systems interact, learn the names of different parts - and for those difficult anatomy terms, you can even click on a body part to hear the name pronounced. since this is a high school, that means that we the faculty get to hear:

"nipple. nipple. clitoris. penis. penis. vagina. penis. penis. penis. penis. penis..."

This made me laugh out loud!

I don't have a problem with dissection, but I don't think it's for every student. I think it should actually be a voluntary, extra credit assignment at the middle school/high school level. From what I remember of 7th grade dissection half the class was running around going "Gross! I'm not touching that! That smells really bad!" and the other half was going "Hey Bob, I'm gonna punt this worm brain at you!" Not really what you want the students to be getting out of it.

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I think it's kind of funny, but not terribly clever. I guess I can see where it would bother someone, but I think every semi-intelligent person viewing that sticker would understand that it's promoting being true to your beliefs, not ditching class to go get a manicure or something.

This made me laugh out loud!

I don't have a problem with dissection, but I don't think it's for every student. I think it should actually be a voluntary, extra credit assignment at the middle school/high school level. From what I remember of 7th grade dissection half the class was running around going "Gross! I'm not touching that! That smells really bad!" and the other half was going "Hey Bob, I'm gonna punt this worm brain at you!" Not really what you want the students to be getting out of it.

The best is cow eyeballs. There's an art to doing it just right. They're filled with fluid, obviously, and if you scalpel into them wrong they SQUIRT right in your face. So I'd make all the squeemish preppy girls perform the dissection, knowing that they had no idea what they were doing :evil:. The payoff being the scream that followed afterwards after they got bukkaked in eyeball juice.

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Guy does mouse genetics and he says sometimes PETA people picket outside his lab. There will be like four of them on a random Tuesday afternoon, and he's like 'Don't you people have JOBS? Oh wait, you're college students, so, no. Damn' And seriously, what is PETA going to do? Release the mice? Great. Then you have to call the exterminator, and have them all killed anyway, cuz now they're eating your insulation.

And as a result, if some stranger asks anyone in the lab where the mouse room is, they are instructed to answer 'I don't know'. So, there's a bunch of mouse geneticists who don't know where the mouse room is. Which is a pain when the person is a visiting researcher, and no one will give them directions. Ha!

And those mice...man, to change ANYTHING, the amount of water they get, how much fluff is in the bottom of their cages, ANYTHING, he has to fill out paperwork with two different organizations which protect little mouse rights.


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Yes. I used to be PETA until I heard of them bombing labs that do research on animals to promote human life, regardless of if it hurts someone or not.

Thing 2 gets PETA members standing outside the glass of the pet motel where she works and if a dog poo's they start jumping up and down, pointing and screeching like, its abuse if she doesn't get to that turd in 15 seconds or less...

I used to be PETA a long time ago...when I was Vegan...but I stopped about 5 yrs before I started eating meat again...

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The best is cow eyeballs. There's an art to doing it just right. They're filled with fluid, obviously, and if you scalpel into them wrong they SQUIRT right in your face. So I'd make all the squeemish preppy girls perform the dissection, knowing that they had no idea what they were doing :evil:. The payoff being the scream that followed afterwards after they got bukkaked in eyeball juice.

hahaha +1 on LULZ for using the word bukkaked!!

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Actually, Puma have been spotted in southern Michigan.

AND, I have seen a coyote pack take down a yearling buck before.

But yes, the deer population is outrageous here, and needs to be culled to keep disease down, and to keep the deer from starving themselves out during our difficult winters.

One need only remember the great die off in 1979 to support hunting. It was horrbile... I wish I could wash the images from my mind... fields littered with dead and dieing deer... starving to death... Big burly men crying as they walked the fields and put the deer out of their mysery.

The next year the DNR started doing major revamping of hunting lic. laws. Now, the number of Lic. you can get is dependant on the deer population... We wont let another die off happen if we can help it.

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I immediately saw a vision of COLLEGE kids skipping anatomy class...How smart would that be!?!??

I will say that I did skip a day of my college Biology 2 class because they had us dissect rats. Since I'm a rat owner I just...I dunno it perturbed me, especially since it was after one of my rats JUST died. Really...dissection can be important but it's not ALWAYS necessary. I've been able to learn from fake models that are in class, it looks just like the real thing.

oh yeah...Cherny...your not studying to be a doctor or a nurse...NOW are you laughing like I am??

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I think it's kind of funny, but not terribly clever. I guess I can see where it would bother someone, but I think every semi-intelligent person viewing that sticker would understand that it's promoting being true to your beliefs, not ditching class to go get a manicure or something.

I don't have a problem with dissection, but I don't think it's for every student. I think it should actually be a voluntary, extra credit assignment at the middle school/high school level. From what I remember of 7th grade dissection half the class was running around going "Gross! I'm not touching that! That smells really bad!" and the other half was going "Hey Bob, I'm gonna punt this worm brain at you!" Not really what you want the students to be getting out of it.

Can I kick the funny up a notch?...yes I can.....the people to whom O_M_G is referring to....are not in College!

I totally agree...the average person does not need to dissect a frog...& it should be a choice...H.S. kids should be allowed to respectfully bow out of that week (or day?) in class...to do some research project in the library...not encouraged by a NON-PROFIT ORG. to skip class...THAT is tantamount to the Church telling kids to skip science class ALL TOGETHER!

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H.S. kids should be allowed to respectfully bow out of that week (or day?) in class...to do some research project in the library

I'm sure every school has a different policy, however...

At the school where I work, that is exactly what happens!

The AP psychology classes dissect sheep brains. The students in that class have the option of building a model brain using play doh color-coded to the different regions of the brain. They don't have to be in the classroom during dissection, either.

jynx - seriously, did you just use the four food groups as a rationale for the natural order of things? :shakes head:

On the other hand, I totally agree with what you're saying about hunting v. the meat industry. I think that (assuming we're talking about hunting for food) hunting is way more humane!

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