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I majored in biology, spent years studying genetics and such...

When scientists were first learning to put genes from one organism into another, they needed a gene that would be expressed in a visible way, something easy to identify. They chose the luciferase gene, isolated from the bioluminescent jellyfish Aequorea victoria. Sure enough, they were able to make strange glowing plants and animals!

My real name is Victoria, and I am a devoted science nerd. I've been using different variations of this screen name for a while now.


Ooooh I like this one. Only because A) I know how that process works entirely (genetics and nuclear physics are my specialties) and B) Last semester in Microbiology we made UV reactant E. Coli using the luciferase gene.

I was so dazzled by the glowing that I asked my teacher if they could do some genetic experiments on me so I could glow too. I was dicking around, if they were to do that to a mammal I'm sure they'd have to do it in-vitro, but still...I was distraught that they couldn't genetically manipulate me into glowing. Obviously my professor knew I was being a smart ass.

Oh well, I guess that's what radiation is for. :tongue:

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Reaper gave it to me. :) It stuck.

It's also a variation of my real middle name ... which is why I think it stuck so well to begin with. My middle name is Rae. Named after my dad, Ray. So yeah .... Rayne actually works very well for me.

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I was born with this name. It's the easiest to remember when I'm typing in the Login screen. I've had many other names, but changed all of them to this one. It's kind of a tribute to my brother. He and I have always shared some form of name. Mine was Lee, Hun Hee his was Lee, Chul Soo when we got adopted, my parents chose to make our middle names Lee.

Why we were often called Ug and Home, the Lee Clan.. ;)

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Look my name up. It's the coolest place in the world and also a reminder of how MUCH can get fucked up in under a minute just due simply to human error.

It's a good name, though I always saw you as more of a Penthesilea person myself. :innocent:

Ok, this thread has def. been done a couple times before.

But it's been awhile, so that's okay.

My response, as exemplary of my other posts, will be simple, short, and to the point :whistle:


the eternal has a few meanings

Primarily it is the name of an amazing song by Joy Division,

You listen to it, and feel like you're there at Ian Curtis's funeral

(Opening line "Procession moves on, the shouting is over. praise to the glory of loved ones now gone")

It was off JD's Closer, released a few months before his suicide.

It's sound is unlike much of JD's other work.

It sounds like it came off of The Cure's Disintegration (which came out about 10 years AFTER Closer).

I'm sure it, and much of JD's work influenced Robert Smith greatly.


It also is a more modern gender-neutral way of saying g-d.

Many Jewish prayerbooks have replaced the words "lord" or "g-d" with the eternal.

(I'm so flattered :wink )


It also is part of the name of a great movie (Eternal Sunshine...) which sums up my view on love.

Love is complicated, and it can bring about endless frustration and misery,

but in the end,

it is always worth pursuing.


To be eternal is also my greatest wish.

Death frightens me, and I hate that as we get older, we degenerate,

and then die.

I wish for eternal life,

and to always have the vitality and sex drive of an 18 yr old,

combined with the knowledge and life experience of an 80 year-old.


Besides all that (and likely other reasons I have since forgotten)

It's such a simple and unforgettable name.

I entered it on a lark.

I was positive that if "eatmybloodyfetus" was taken,

surely the eternal would be too.

To my surprise, it was available.


That is all for today, my children.


Next Sunday's assignment--

Buy Unknown Pleasures and Closer and write a thousand-word essay contrasting

the more aggressively post-punk rock leanings of the former with the more atmospheric and electronic sounds of the latter.

For extra credit, include your thoughts on:

Is New Order a natural progression for the remaining members of the band


An ill-minded left turn which,

after the hommage that was Movement, and the respectable if dance-y Power, Corruption, and Lies, descended into more pop-oriented blather that finally went beyond redemption

with 1989's club-influenced Technique.

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"Tanuki" (say "tah-NOO-kee") is the Japanese name for a raccoon dog, an adorable animal. I wanted a unique screen name that I have never used anywhere else, and I like tanukis, hence my screen name.

1985 is the year I was born.


I'm sure the abnormally large testicles had NOTHING to do with it. =P

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Look my name up. It's the coolest place in the world and also a reminder of how MUCH can get fucked up in under a minute just due simply to human error.

Xenon poisoning and prompt criticality accidents always make for very interesting reading. I personally like Windscale and SL-1. Windscale was a fire hazard to begin with due to hot graphite, the risk of Wigner energy initiating a flash fire, and the risky annealing process to handle Wigner energy buildup. Oh and, it was air cooled. SL-1 is particularly amusing to me between the mode of death for its operator (pinned to the roof by the very control rod he was removing after the reactor went prompt critical in 0.01 seconds) and the fact that properly ranged radiation meters were not available.

The name "Anametamystik" is derived from the Paratheo-Anametamystikhood of Eris Esoteric (which is derived from the Principia Discordia (which is derived from the pineal gland of Mal-2 (which is derived from Mal-2 (which is derived from Eris)))) and roughly translates to "reversing beyond mystik". When I was choosing my livejournal name, I was heavily into Discordianism (yes, I'm one of them) and I could grok and do anything I wanted. I use the name as a gimmick these days since it draws people in if only to hear the name pronounced and the name sort of maybe, quite possibly, almost certainly suggests fakir style acts without using the word fakir while simultaneously suggesting that I might be a bit greater than your ordinary mystic (nevermind that I don't have any psychic powers or abilities). I should bring some Pope cards with me to City next time I'm there.

In a way, anametamystik is more a title than a name: Krystine Kadaverous the Anametamystik is my full stage name as of 2008. "Kadaverous" because it sounds so goth and is alliterative with my first name.

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"Tanuki" (say "tah-NOO-kee") is the Japanese name for a raccoon dog, an adorable animal. I wanted a unique screen name that I have never used anywhere else, and I like tanukis, hence my screen name.


post-208-1216250241_thumb.jpgTanuki are also traditionally believed to be shapeshifter tricksters... and yes, they are often portrayed with giant testicles ("golden balls"). Japanese restaurants & bars will have a statue of a tanuki in front, dressed as a disreputable monk & carrying a jug of sake. Always funny to see how Viz & Tokyopop emasculate tanuki in manga rated T & below...

My original handle here was Japanese, too... "Kichijoten", a Buddhist deity so sensually lovely that monks fall in love with her and fantasize about her while praying, fondle statues of her, and other inappropriate stuff. If a monk is devoted enough to her, Kichijoten has been known to take human form and marry him. Anyway, when I first met people at City, no one could figure out how to pronounce Kichijoten, so I changed it. Pomba Gira is one of the orisha in the Brazilian Candomble belief system. She's a beautiful but dangerous-looking woman who is commonly seen in the doorway of roadhouses and taverns, wearing a tight red dress and carrying a black lace fan. Her facial expression could be either a smile or a snarl, and her gesture could be beckoning forward or warning away. Kind of a darkside version of Erzulie/Oshun, although interestingly Pomba Gira doesn't have an equivalent in any of the other Yoruba traditions like Vodoun or Santer'a. Anyway, I liked her style and ambiguity, so I used that as my handle when I first got online. Interestingly, I hadn't used it for a few years when I switched to it here... and soon thereafter, a friend from back in the early days found me by searching on Pomba Gira. If she'd done it a month or two earlier, she never would have found me. Wooooo, synchronicity!

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Guest GodfallenPromos

It's actually somewhat...odd....I've used the "name" Seraph Bastille (translates roughly into "prison for angels") for a while now. "Godfall" just happens to be my favorite Superman story arc...it was somewhat small, but the title just kinda hit me....Godfall....so it became Godfallen Promotions when I started my company, because it seemed to fit the name I have used for years when traveling....and it just has a nice ring to it..when your dealing with Rock n Metal....

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well it started way back about 20 years ago. I use to tell the city planner that I was doing a project for school about the sewer system, I ended up having most of the cities plans for sewers and me and my buddies would go from place to place underground, hence UGP ( under ground people) Ive used a few variations of this. WHen I got on here Troy though it would be a good idea for me to change the name so if I met people it would be easier to say my name. So I changed it to my real name.

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*Pulls up a chair*

it's kind of a long story - Rev this will explain my reason for Lurking on the board for a long time.

I have been on DGN since 2001. My original name was Raven (or auntie Raven when I was a mod). I was active on here for a few years, and then...had some major medical shit to deal with.

Hence...chEmo...I have been on and off iv chemo for a few years. In the thick of things, I did not feel like posting..but enjoyed reading. So I lurked. Now that I have a stronger immune system and can do things like work, ride and go out in public (can't do that when you have no immune system) I am back on, looking to reconnect, if I am still welcomed. So thats my story.

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I was a baby, my brother was 4 years old.... in his 4 year old vocabulary, he started calling me "Phee" my parents liked it and called me "Phee." My brother and I went to the same schools, so they knew me as "Phee" as well.... and the rest just stuck.

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*Pulls up a chair*

it's kind of a long story - Rev this will explain my reason for Lurking on the board for a long time.

I have been on DGN since 2001. My original name was Raven (or auntie Raven when I was a mod). I was active on here for a few years, and then...had some major medical shit to deal with.

Hence...chEmo...I have been on and off iv chemo for a few years. In the thick of things, I did not feel like posting..but enjoyed reading. So I lurked. Now that I have a stronger immune system and can do things like work, ride and go out in public (can't do that when you have no immune system) I am back on, looking to reconnect, if I am still welcomed. So thats my story.

I figured the chemo & all that; I did not know you were a mod...


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*Pulls up a chair*

it's kind of a long story - Rev this will explain my reason for Lurking on the board for a long time.

I have been on DGN since 2001. My original name was Raven (or auntie Raven when I was a mod). I was active on here for a few years, and then...had some major medical shit to deal with.

Hence...chEmo...I have been on and off iv chemo for a few years. In the thick of things, I did not feel like posting..but enjoyed reading. So I lurked. Now that I have a stronger immune system and can do things like work, ride and go out in public (can't do that when you have no immune system) I am back on, looking to reconnect, if I am still welcomed. So thats my story.

Here I was thinking it was pronounced Chee-mo...I'm dumb...

You and I have a bit in common, too many hospitals too many times :/

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I got mine from a character I did for D&D and I collected the dragon gaming minatures from D&D. Also I collect artwork and statues of Dragons. It just stuck with me. 1958 is the year I was born. Yeah I'm an old f***, but I don't mind. Sometimes this group needs someone to yell respect your elders or behave children. LOL

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For a long time I used the handle dragonblaze mainly as a gaming and email handle. I eventually changed dragonblaze to dragonrage, than when I came on here, I went with "Crimson_Scales." After I joined the street team and became a highly ranked god (jk) I decided I didn't want to write Crimson Scales on a ton of cards, so I shortened it to Scales.

Now I'm stuck with this weird handle and I don't know what to do, cause if I change it, then it will just be another weird handle, and if I get gutsy and change it to my name, people will be like. "Dude, your name is so fake." Then I'll be like, "Nope, that's my name, bitch."

Then a three Cubans in one of those Japanese dragon festival costumes are going to chase me when I walk to 7-11 to buy Gunbound.com G-Coins. =\

So that's my story and I'm sticking to it till I can get the glue off.

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