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resturaunt nightmares


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Everyone probably has a similar story pertaining to this topic: but what the hell Ill share a couple of my bad experiences at places I ate at. About 8 years ago we took my grandpa to one of his favorite places to eat at: and It sucked. We sat down me my brother and my sister and our grandpa ordered our food and when we got it it was good: but when we were ready to order desert my brother decided to move the plates out of the way and when he lifted his napkin from the table: there happen to be a pubic hair on the the table!! Ididnt know what was going on because he started to wisper to my sister and in a weird voice and I was wondering what all the gossip was about. All he said was not to make a laughing scene out of it . I said whats so gross and funny: he said take a look at the end of the table I looked and at first I couldnt see anything: then he pointed down and to my surprise there was a hair with an all too familar coil under his napkin!! We decided to pass on desert and pay the bill and leave. all I can say is some people are completely disgusting!The one other incident I had eating out was when I went to McDonalds and I ordered a big mac and I found a grasshopper leg under the pickle. So I went up to the cashier and told him that you must have a critter problem and ai showed the manager the problem with my food. I just took the burger and threw it the wall behind the counter and told them where to go: plus I didnt pay for it! and walked out. It goes to show you better check your food before you eat it because you dont need any surprises when you dine out!!

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Well, nothing really comes to mind except for one time it was my dad, my friend Miranda, her dad and I and we decided we wanted to go to ChiChi's for dinner. Mind you, it was a school night and Miranda and I were still too young to be up past 10 pm.

Anyway, it was busy. Okay, so we wait for a few minutes to get a table. Well, we get a table and it was right next to the bar, so we had to deal with cigarette smoke. No big deal, 'cept for the stinging eyes. Oh well. We wait a good 20 minutes or so until we are finally asked what we wanted to drink. We all gave our choices and then we ended up waiting another 20 minutes, give or take a few, to actually get served our drinks.

Then we wait a while to be asked what we wanted to eat. We wait a good loooonng time to get our food.... say nearly an hour or more?

So, we've been there over two hours almost and we're JUST NOW getting our food? Nice. Well, we're eating our food, yadda yadda and we finally decide to go. It's getting late, Miranda and I have school in the morning and we;d be lucky if we easily got out of bed. Miranda and i decided to pay a visit to the bathroom before we leave and we get in there and look around.......

..... The restaurant had some sanitary issues. Paper towels everywhere, overflowing trash bins. Nice.

We get back to the table and we told my dad what the bathrooms were like.

Obviously we had a little chat with the manager before we left. Lazy service, icky bathrooms.

Annoyed customers...... you get the gist.

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I had a bad one at a Thai place a couple months ago: this is an average place to begin with really (they have no liscence for spirits, they advertise IMITATION crab on the menu, etc, etc), but on this particular evening things were very hectic, and too hectic as it just so happened. -my Freind and I had ordered a tofu dish and a dish with squid; we like things fiery, so we ordered everything "hot". I can only assume that they were just so busy in the kitchen that they decided to let the tofu dish cook without stirring, thinking the currypaste would simply disolve on it's own, once they added the coconut milk, if they let it cook a bit longer. It didn't. -Not only was the tofu tough, but I ended up putting a chunk of solid currypaste the size of the face of a spoon into my mouth, thinking I had a bite of something else. -Well, I like things very "spicey", but this was something new...but you can't just spit it out, because you are in a restaurant, right? -So I started drinking water to try to disolve it, but it just sort of spread the heat around my mouth, more thouroughly. -And Currypaste is not very tastey to get a bite of by itself, either... -As further insult, I mentioned the mistake to our waitress and she acted casual about it...

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I have way to many specific experiences to reply with examples. Let's just say I spent over 5 years hanging out at the South Cedar Denny's in Lansing. They know about this Denny's being the "Ghetto Denny's" in Florida! I know I asked. There used to be a website dedicated to the Jerry Springerish qualities this place had/has. People use to travel from as far as California to make sure the stories were true. They all were. Let's just say, the craziest thing that happend, was the cook that was allowed to work there for another three months after he threatened a CUSTOMER with a butcher knife. Ahhh, good times at the dive. If you guys are around Lansing I suggest you stop there for a fri or sat night around 2:00 am. It's bar rush and always exciting. As long as the hostesses pedistal doesn't get thrown and broken again.

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My husband and I had a similar experience at a Chi-Chi's - super-long wait for everything, then cold/dry food, etc. We complained to the manager.

Same thing happened to me once when I was dining alone. Chi-Chi's needs serious help.

RE: Super-hot food emergencies: Water makes things worse. The secret is dairy - drink milk (or creamers from a restaurant table) or get some cheese into your mouth. That will help eliminate the capsaicin from the hot peppers.

My own stories:

I was a pre-teen, and eating at a Big Boy's restaurant with my family. I ended up finding a bug in my salad. When we told the waitress, she told the manager and the manager offered to give us the salad free. WHAT a deal!!!

My husband and I were eating at this mom&pop restaurant in Southgate. I ended up finding ashes floating in my Coke, and what looked like buckshot (tiny metal balls) in my salad. We complained to the manager, and got our meal free.

I was eating at a favorite Thai restaurant (theme here???) when I found a metal shaving coiled in my food. I told the manager, and he investigated. Turns out it was from the scrubbing pads used in washing the dishes. They gave me my dinner free. This place is usually beyond reproach, and I didn't hold it against them at all - I know this one was an isolated incident.

We went to a Kentucky Fried Chicken a month or so ago with a buffet. My husband found hair in his food, and immediately was turned off. On a trip up myself, I scooped out some mashed potatoes & corn - and found hair in BOTH. I took our plates up to the manager, and pointed out the hairs. She insisted it was scraps of plastic from the black plastic knifes & forks. I pointed out that no plastic cutlery had yet touched the food sitting on the buffet. She gave us our money back, and we vowed never to go there again.

This next doesn't involve uncleanliness, but really horrible service. We went through a Burger King drive-through. I ordered three hamburgers with extra ketchup, and a small fry. We get up to the window, are given our bag and we pay and drive off. Before we leave the parking lot, I look in the bag and see a medium fry and a chicken sandwich. So, now that the drive through is so busy, I park and go in.

I show the manager, and also point out that we ordered HAMburgers, not CHEESEburgers, which is what's on the receipt, as well as having ordered a small fry, not a medium. She tells me that they don't have small fries, just medium, large and King size - nice that the window person didn't tell me that. So the manager goes to get me the right food, and I notice she's getting cheeseburgers - I remind her I wanted hamburgers, not cheeseburgers. So she gives me the hamburgers and medium fry - and doesn't give me my .30 cents for the overcharge for the cheese. So I tell her, "how about my .30 cents for the overcharge?" and she tells the window person to give me .30 cents. The window person does so, huffily.

That's when I decide I can't keep my mouth shut. I say, pretty much directed at the manager, "that's it? No apologies? No, 'we'll do better next time?'" And she then finally says, "sorry" and the window person says, "I repeated the order back to you and you didnt' say anything." WRONG thing to say.

I don't expect a lot out of fast-food. But I sure as hell expect better than that.

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I went out with my friends, and we stopped at Old Country Buffet, just around the corner from the MSU campus in E. Lansing. We went into the bathroom, there was one stall all messed up...and a lady who worked there came in and fixed it. She then proceeded to blow her nose, flushed the tissue down the toilet, and walked out without washing her hands. We were amazed...then, we walk out of the bathroom, to find the same chick cutting prime rib.

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Ah National Coney Island, where the food is substandard and the wait staff are smartasses.  I don't know why I keep it as my regular hang out....  Wait yes I do thats where everyone on the east side goes lol.


Indeed, because where else can you go on the Eastside at 4 am?

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A year ago two friends and me went to the Denny's in Ann Arbor after a visit to the Necto...or somewhere, i cant remember what we did before then. Anyways, we get there in good spirits, me needing a ciggerette and them talking about Belegarth. The Waitress comes over and acts all nice and asks for our orders, we tell her a big plate of fries, chicken strips and pop. Along with pages to color. 15-30 minutes later she brings us the coloring pages with a handfull of blue and green only crayons. I was annoyed cuz how can a picture be drawn with only blue and green??

Anyways, we wait, talk and smoke a little longer and start getting REALY fucking annoyed at how our glasses were empty and we were starving.

Finally she comes with our food, sets the plates down, gets our refills and walks away, never to be seen again. The Fries were cold from sitting out. And the Chicken strips tasted a bit off.

So after a while of munching on cold fries and weird tasting chicken (when your hungry you'll eat anything) WE decided to fuck it and leave. We go tot he register and the lady asks us how our food was Kat puts down the check and says "Well let me tell you -insert her name here- the food was awful, the service was crappy and i will not be coming back here" All the lady said was "Oh, I'm sorry" tolds us our total and just basicly gave us the brush off.

We all left there feeling sick to our stomachs and shortly after i prayed that i would pass out from the stomach pains.

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Oh, yes. How could I forget.

I've had food poisoning twice now since moving down here. Bad enough to land me in the ER on IV's to get the nausea to stop and get fluids back in my dehydrated body.

I just know it's from restaurant workers wiping their ass and not washing their hands, then making my fucking salad.

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RE: Super-hot food emergencies: Water makes things worse. The secret is dairy - drink milk (or creamers from a restaurant table) or get some cheese into your mouth. That will help eliminate the capsaicin from the hot peppers.


Olive oil works, too... actually any kind of oil (It's the fat content in dairy that does it). Dip a piece of bread in it and kind of suck on it. The capsaicin is an oil, so a water-based liquid won't dissolve it off your tongue... takes another oil to do it.

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Indeed, because where else can you go on the Eastside at 4 am?


Depends on the night but usually on a Friday or Saturday the Delmar on 11 just West of I-75 is open.

I believe there to be a Denny's still in existance on Woodward and 15 (probably closed down like all the others).

There are other coneys of the national chain that are open 24 hour. Most of them suck even worse though. 12 and grosebeck wasn't bad after Star Bar back in the day though.

After anything in the Ramada (which I hate that building) on a Friday or Saturday there is Lucy & Ethyl's (City Bites) which is a good place to hang out and they usually have 1/2 way decent food.

Going to Mephisto's in Hamtramck you have The Clock. STAY AWAY, FAR AWAY, worst food and service ever. Hell 1/2 of the times I've gone they didn't even have heat in the winter (because the owner wants to save money).

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