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Now, a week later, I present to you the manliest thing in the world next to Chuck Norris raping He-Man:

These two are from the first night...the day before the retardness ensued (i.e. my birthday):



Since we were in the woods, Raven took the opportunity to butt rape me knowing he'd get away with it. Also, RAPING is for PIRATES and pirates are MANS so since we were at MANSFAST he felt it appropriate:


The other lots with Jynxxxed, Godfallen, his friend, and Constantin:





Here's pictures of some hot MOOBS. MOOBS are a necessary ingredient to any MANFAST, except usually they're PECS but since the only PECS that went on the trip were attached to Raven's chest and he was NOT showing off his hot MANCHEST no matter how much I tried to push him to...we had to make due with MOOBS:



Lastly, here's a picture of TIMATA but you CANNOT see him because he is INVISIBLEEEE (due to his INCREDIBLY GAY invisibility shirt...thus...we renamed him THE PHANTOM TORSOOOOOOOOOO):


There will be more later...so check back...if you think you can HANDLE THE MANFAST!!!!

Edited by Chernobyl
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Invisibility shirt?

If I recall it was never called an invisibility shirt, Nude camo was thrown around alot, but never invisibility.

WELL...I got confused. I mean, it's a shirt that makes you invisible plus gay when you put it on, so I mistakenly called it the invisibility shirt...when you're correct, it is indeed nude camo. Good for anyone that wants to sneak onto the set of a porno movie or into a swinger party without actually being naked.

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First day when we arrived, I don't believe that Jynxxxed was there yet


This was the car trip up. I took three shots and you'll figure out why when you look at them. Over three shots, which I tried to do GOOD, my face for whatever reason got progressively more retarded, so I just gave up. Let's watch:




Raven had the MANLY job of firestarting all weekend. He got a fire started the minute we got on the campsite. We amazingly brought enough wood to last us only an hour but with the divine power in him he was able to keep the fire going for two nights and on into Sunday. Miraculously he also BUILT a fire out of RAIN. Yes peoples, that is correct, built a fire out of water. I guess that technically makes my boyfriend Jesus. Sweet.

This was him standing in front of the fire he initially built:


Then he caused the campfire to spawn a stump with no help from Constantin at all, I swear:


Just tending to the fire:




Andddd...one of him looking smitten after keeping the fire going for so damn long:


NEXT on MAAAANFAST: What is the DARKEST thing you could EVER put in your MOUTH? Find out a little later when I post more pics.

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How AWESOME! Thanks for sharing your weekend with us online...

Oh you're damn welcome. Stay tuned, as I said, there's more and it only gets progressively more ridiculous from here on out.

Go to next year's MANFAST!

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Guest GodfallenPromos

Please, it's not a REAL "Manfest"...I wasn't there...Hahaha!! :p

lol..your gonna have to be there next year, dbk...we'll tie you to the top of the MANADOME...cus there would be nothing funnier then a dome made out of mannequins, that ppl have to fight in, topped with a LIVE CRIPPLE!!!!

you can scream at them as they fight to the death in their inibrehated states

ooohhh...and if CAN be a REAL Manfest without you...we all know your a ken doll, not a real man...BAM!!

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