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DGN Night Aftermath - July 19...

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Despite my wave of depression last night, the last 2 hours there I had some fun.

If you know me, then you know I'm horrible with names. Plus it didn't help that I was drinking alot, and kinda fast.

Also, I didn't have my lights in last night, so not alot of people could spot me. I had my 50's style hair falls in. Plus, I wasn't in vynal, or a mini skirt of any sort.... so that probably didn't help.

HunHee: Thanks, and you know why.

Tyger and Morbid, you two are so goddamn cute together. :) Glad to see you two had a great time. *hugs to both*

Marc: I did enjoy your half nakiedness. You are by far one of the better looking men that walk around with out a shirt on last night. *hugs*

Burrich: It's always a pleasure seeing you again. I still want your shirt.

Crank: I didn't get my hug, but thanks for refilling my glass. You're a great friend, thanks. :)

Saechalyn: I always love being an ass with you. If you ever want to break the mood of someone getting a blow job, just find me. Heh.

Oh I know there are more names, but I think I'm still trying to forget parts of last night.

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Uhg... I are teh tired. Danced most of the night in the obscene heat. Half-naked was the way to go. I should have worn shorts too.

I saw many many DGNers. Maybe when I get food in me and my brain returns to "normal" I'll try to remember who I saw and what happened.

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Good night,really cool finally getting a chance to talk to MS and a few others,unfortunately do not remember much because the heat in there was atrocious,let alone deadly left early,way too hot! also one of my friends had their drink possibly spiked.

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I think someone may have spiked my drink, too..I didn't drink enough to become as torn up as I was. All I drank was one Killian's, and two and a half pitchers (if anyone saw a blonde drinking directly from a pitcher, that was me).

I did one of my famous accidental Chevy Chase impersonations last night, while coming down the stairs leading to the stage. I'm now sporting a huge, eggplant-like kneecap. :rofl: Hopefully, everyone saw, and thought it was pretty fucking funny. That way, it will have been worthwhile-- my sacrifice of dignity for your temporary amusement. *bows deeply*

A lot of people showed up, too many to name. It was nice to finally be able to put faces to the people I see posting. Jane Dazzle, Enishi, Tygerlili and Morbid Suicide, the list goes on.

One of the highlights of the evening was Tanuki's jive talk. She had me absolutely rollin'! Funniest thing I've heard in a long time. :hrhr:

They really need to get some big fans to put in the hallways at CC. It was ungodly hot in there, too hot to even breathe at times. Surprisingly, no one passed out from heat stroke. The combination of heat and the full moon made quite an effect. To my recollection, there was quite a bit of random snogging going on, myself being one of the guilty parties! ;)

P.S. Thanks to the nice chickie babe who helped me to lace in the ladies' room. :) Also, thanks to Fin for holding my pitcher. *muah*

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I was there I arrived wasted and it was too fucking hot. I couldnt stay long in the heat because I was on the verge of passing out on the DANCEFLOOR/OVEN. I saw very few people I arrived at like 12 and saw:





I was at City for like an hour and then I had to leave. I was like topless but the heat was killing me.

I dont know If I will come to City next weekend because it might be too fucking hot for me.

Sorry I didnt stay long enough. I hope to everyone when it like finally cools down.

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Arrived late, late, late, so I missed a lot of people. Brought Johnny B the noob with me and some of you got to meet him. I think he'll be back. Thanks for making him feel welcome! Especially you, Jynxie. :p The heat was completely outta hand, but we still had a most triumphant time. I'd like to especially thank Marc for sharing his sweat with me.

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I think someone may have spiked my drink, too..I didn't drink enough to become as torn up as I was. All I drank was one Killian's, and two and a half pitchers (if anyone saw a blonde drinking directly from a pitcher, that was me).

I did one of my famous accidental Chevy Chase impersonations last night, while coming down the stairs leading to the stage. I'm now sporting a huge, eggplant-like kneecap. :rofl: Hopefully, everyone saw, and thought it was pretty fucking funny. That way, it will have been worthwhile-- my sacrifice of dignity for your temporary amusement. *bows deeply*

A lot of people showed up, too many to name. It was nice to finally be able to put faces to the people I see posting. Jane Dazzle, Enishi, Tygerlili and Morbid Suicide, the list goes on.

One of the highlights of the evening was Tanuki's jive talk. She had me absolutely rollin'! Funniest thing I've heard in a long time. :hrhr:

They really need to get some big fans to put in the hallways at CC. It was ungodly hot in there, too hot to even breathe at times. Surprisingly, no one passed out from heat stroke. The combination of heat and the full moon made quite an effect. To my recollection, there was quite a bit of random snogging going on, myself being one of the guilty parties! ;)

P.S. Thanks to the nice chickie babe who helped me to lace in the ladies' room. :) Also, thanks to Fin for holding my pitcher. *muah*

Did see you fall but I couldn't get there in time to catch you, gomen.

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I saw:

Marc- you always give me the best hugs, when you greet me. great seing you again.

Fin- touched your arm when you walked by, but judging by your lack of shirt, i assumed that you were drunk, cuz i know that no matter how hot you get, that's usually when the clothes start to dissapear lol

Morbid- great seing you again, man. its been way too long.

Tygerlili- :swoon Oh man. why you gotta be so beautiful!?

JinxxxedAngle (though I'm not sure she recognized me)

Jane Dazzel and man (WTF IS YOUR S/N ON HERE?!?!?-- and when ya tell me, im gonna hit myself lmao)

Envious Poppet.- oh thank you so much for the cigs!

Neina (i know i butchered the spelling of your s/n) i had a wonderful night, and you know what i am talking about. ;) )

Nightgaunt-- great seing you again! :)

~Tszura~-- gawd woman, you are beautiful!!!

Tanuki (again, i know i spelled that wrong)-- bumped into you briefly! so busty :)

SAW Punk princess-- cute dress, hun.

Crank- you meowed at me as I was leaving.

Dark chyld, you remembered my name! lmao good seing you again!

There were a few other's that i remember seing, but I don't remember your names. For that, I am sorry. I am getting better at this (see my list?!?!?!?)

(you know, i was busy sucking face w/ a beautiful man, all night, its a wonder that i had time to talk to you people!! I am a happy kitty!)

I came with:

The Lord Of Sins- OMG. you are an amazing person! :rolleyes:

Slogo-- hope that everything is alright, with you. You seemed really down.

I sat in the DGN corner, since walking or stading for any length of time is uncomfortable. I know more DGN ppls had to have been there, but I missed out, cuz of my bum foot. Its alright. i got out of the house, had some fun, and met an amazing person. Thanks everyone, who sat w/ me and talked for a bit. Means alot to me. :grouphug

Edit: "lise" and "list" are NOT the same word, :rofl:

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I recognized you, but I didn't want to interrupt your obvious groove session with that young feller. ;)

It felt like I was being pulled a million different directions last night. Sorry if I didn't get a chance to chat longer with some of those I did meet. Next time, I won't get so hammered. :p

P.S. Hey Marc--

BAR SMELL. :rofl:

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I am so glad I found myself wide awake and bored after work on Saturday. Made a last minute call to go around 10:30pm and ended up having an awesome time. Maybe it was the full moon, or maybe something was done to the drinks, because I only had 2, and I was a little more messed up than when I usually have 4 or 5. I can’t blame more alcohol either, because they were fairly conservatively poured and it's the same straight "well" gin I always have. Took me a long time and a fair amount of dancing to sober up.

I will try to make a list in the order of when I saw you, but I was introduced to a fair number of new people and older regulars I never met. My issues with the alcohol are making a lot of the names fuzzy.

Msterbeau -- Good seeing you again sir! Oh, and thanks for hopping on my lap. It was special. =P

EnViOuSPoPpEt -- Thanks for the hug.

Alaska Sunrise -- Good seeing you again also.

Morbid Suicide -- Excellent meeting you. Even better meeting you between Tigerlili and Candy's boobs. Um... What was your name again? :whistle:

Tigerlili -- Great seeing you. I do try to look at your eyes, and almost always succeed.

Candy -- Nice. Stealth mode with the outfit. And I will always remember the first time I ever saw a girl put an ENTIRE PITCHER OF BEER between her boobs and drink from it. That was epic! :unworthy:

Hunhee -- Thanks for all the conversation, the much needed water, and all the awesome dancing. That was a lot of fun, and I had a great time. :happy:

Tszura -- Nice seeing you again. Looking great as always.

Damaged Angel -- I think we ran into each other. At least I didn't trip you this time.

Shade -- When I first got to the club, I admired your moves from the stage. You so owned the dance floor. Glad I eventually ran into you on it. :pimp

DarkRacer -- I think we were introduced. It's a little fuzzy.

Raev -- Same with you, I vaguely remember meeting you too.

Odims -- Thanks for grabbing my hand on the way out, even if it was in confusion. That was also special. :hrhr:

I know I am forgetting at least five or six people, and that's not evening mentioning all the people who were pointed out to me, but were otherwise occupied or busy dancing, so I never got the chance to meet, like nienna, GRG, Fin, TheOsakaKoneko, Jinxxxedangel, Saga, and many others.

Good times.

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I was pretty bummed and pissed off about the heat at first, but it ended up being a good night after all. :) I got to meet and talk with JinxxxedAngle , nienna, hunhee, tanuki, punk princess, and several others whose names escape me (please don't be pissed, I'm bad with connecting faces to names!). Great night guys. :thumbup:

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I had a great time! Met tons of you - that was great! I wish I could hear better in that place, so we could actually have a conversation! But I had a good time dancing, although I was pretty disappointed with the music last night. I hear the main regular DJ is out, and there's a temp replacement? Not bad but I think it was better last month when I went the first time.

I loved seeing everyone, meeting Shane and seeing Marc again and seeing Jason and meeting Tacha (So glad to meet you!!) and seeing EnviousPoppet and Alaska Sunrise (even though I forgot your names at first...and now can only remember your dgn names!) and ...gosh several others!! I guess Enishi was there too but I didn't meet him there, but I did today, which is cool! :D

Gotta say the guy wearing the Victorian style suit was awesome, and I saw him hanging with Shane and Marc a lot - is he on here as well? Or the guy in the renaissance tunic that I thought was a gothic samurai outfit but apparently was not?

I ended up hanging out with my friend Mariana again and a bunch of her friends, and Keith and such, more than the DGNers (although if any of you guys are on here, let me know! haha), but I hope to still talk to you guys more in the future! I'd love to become friends with some of you guys, rather than just a face you recognize at the club! :D

Next week I've promised different people to come both Friday and Saturday (I hear Friday's DJ is often better?), so I will do my best!! Does anyone here usually go on Fridays? I hope so!!!

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P.S. Hey Marc--

BAR SMELL. :rofl:

I have no idea what you're talking about. Some people take a shower before they go to bed after the club... :p

Sooo... I slept till 12:30PM. Got up, ate and took home one of the Van of Doom passengers since SHE LIVES IN BFE and there was no way I was going that far after the club. Silly person wanted White Castle too. :ralph Then I watched an episode of BSG before falling asleep until 10:45PM... Hehe.

Let's see what I can remember:

So I danced my ass (and legs) off. I must have left 10lbs lighter then when I got there.

Nienna - Becoming a regular rider in the Van of Doom! Good times dancing, talking and of course, the intro to your lovely friend. ;)

jynxxxedangel - New to the Van of Doom ridership. I think I saw you for about five seconds at the club. You were busy with your entourage... :rofl:

Fin - Always a pleasure to hang out sir!

Morbid Suicide - Yay!!!!! Was great to see you back. Hopefully you won't be gone to that evil place out west for too much longer.

Tygerlilly - Holy shite you looked fantastic!! Didn't get to talk to you much, though. :-(

headlessgoth and jane dazzle - You guys look great!! Glad to see you again. Maybe next time we can talk more....

Shade - Ha.. We got some time for talking and plenty of snarky dance floor commenting. Woot!!

OsakaKoneko - Great outfit!!! Glad to see you again and share the dance floor here and there.

GRG - You looked all snuggly in the corner there.. ;-)

Crank - Good to see you bro!

DC - Same as above.

Burrich - Not much time to talk but good to see you there.

Hunhee - Great to see you! You should consider a couple nights of dancing at CC with the heat: There go the 20lbs you want to make go away... ;)

Odims and Candy - You guys were in stealth mode. Didn't even know you were there till late. Hopfully Candy's feeling better today.

saechelin and luluvox - More late night stealth DGNers. Great to see you both on the dance floor!!

Constantine - Ran into you for a few at the bar. I hear you had a good time. ;-)

damagedangel - You really must leave your end of the bar post once in a while. Good to see you early in the evening, anyways.

Tszura and Nightgaunt - Better late then never, right? You guys looked fantastic!! NG - I had plenty of mansweat to go around. :rofl:

I saw and met a bunch of others. How did I miss Alaska Sunrise and Envious Poppet????

Good times... Now if they could just add a few more fans and little fresh air. The men's bathroom was a fucking sauna!!! Good thing I sweated away most of the liquids I was consuming.

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Outstanding night! Had a total blast even though I didn't get to move much, went with Slogo and GothicRavenGoddess and her poor broken toe left us immobile, but that didn't stop alot of people coming and see us! Met alot of DGN people for the first time, very cool!

Mild drama was settled, there was a first time meeting there for me and it was outstanding! lol Yeah, the world is a better place because of last night.

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Gotta say the guy wearing the Victorian style suit was awesome, and I saw him hanging with Shane and Marc a lot - is he on here as well? Or the guy in the renaissance tunic that I thought was a gothic samurai outfit but apparently was not?

The Victorian suit guy was most likely me. Fairybites and I put in a rare appearance and had a great time, despite the heat!

I need more outfits like that one, I think. I am not too fashion oriented, and it takes me a few years at a time before I find something that works. :-)

The gothic samurai used to post here on DGN as "meansalley".

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I spontaneously combusted due to the hell's-heat toward the end of the evening--just now taking back solid form from the ash I was.

Will write more later, but for now, I throw respects to the other three points of the continuous DGN dancefloor compass (if I represent the West):




Shine on, crazy diamonds.


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Outstanding night! Had a total blast even though I didn't get to move much, went with Slogo and GothicRavenGoddess and her poor broken toe left us immobile, but that didn't stop alot of people coming and see us! Met alot of DGN people for the first time, very cool!

Mild drama was settled, there was a first time meeting there for me and it was outstanding! lol Yeah, the world is a better place because of last night.


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I will say only this:

In that heat, for four hours, nonstop. Yeah, last night, that dance floor belonged to me.

Haha yeah there were a few moments here and there when you weren't around, but very few. Nice.

It was cool to walk in the club and immediately Tones was playing, so I got to dance right away! Very few songs could get me out there dancing when there was only one other already there. But you sir? You were the first. Guts, man. Awesome. I can be one of two, but I have a hard time being one of one. Props.

But damn was I distressed just now when I noticed I missed Sisters and Siouxsie right before I showed up...I really messed up not getting out of the house 15 min earlier! D: Were you on the floor for those too?

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