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Bugs that you are afraid of


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Most insects don't bother me except a swarm of yellow jackets/hornets, and wasps(allergic reactions)others like spiders centepedes scare the hell out of some of my family members and friendswhich ones bother you?

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Many bugs may startle me... and I do not want any to ever touch me if I can help it... but one type of insect brings about fear and that is Ants.

The deadliest venom in the world comes from an ant.

The most painfull sting in the world comes from an ant.

Ants have all my respect and my full attention when I am near a nest.

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Anything that comes flying and dive bombs my head startles me, even if it's harmless or not, I will squeal like a girl at first, then I gain composure, and I KILL

I have had dates like that

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Centipedes really freak me out. Something about that sinuous rippling motion. Daddy long-legs too. And I really dislike wolf spiders 'cos they're so aggressive & have that bad habit of hiding under doorknobs & whatnot, then leaping out at you. Flies really disgust me but I can't say I'm actually "afraid" of them... flies and mosquitoes are the only critters I'll kill in the house, anything else I scoop up on a piece of paper and take outside (my students think I'm crazy 'cos I won't let them kill bugs in the classroom).

I used to be TERRIFIED of spiders. Then in my mid-30s I decided I was too old to be ruled by irrational fears. Plus I wanted to set a better example for my nieces because the oldest (then about 7 or 8) was getting into this girly afraid-of-everything-that-moved stage. So I decided to "cure" myself of my fear... whenever I saw a spider I would just stay still and watch it for a while. And I started to gain an appreciation for what fascinating creatures they are. Now I have two that live in my house year-round (right by the back door) and earn their keep by eating mosquitoes & flies. So, it IS possible to get over these things!

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I have an obsessed hatred to flies due to them harassing you 24/7 in iraq.. i never got over it.. there would be swarms of them trying to fly in your eyes or up your nose.. i never understood it but it annoyed the livid fucking piss out of me..

also ants are cool... like especially fire ants.. (jesus ya'll are about to see my redneck side!!!)

Like if there's 2 different nests near one another.. grab a buddy and each of ya get a shovel.. scoop up the tops of each nest and swap em.. then watch the epic war begin! It's more entertaining with beer and weed and not a bloody thing else to do.

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Here's the list of the very few things that creep me out:

Crickets of all sorts (except for katydids and wetas), cockroaches, Japanese beetles, palmetto bugs, carpenter ants, Tabanidae (horse-flies), earwigs, and yellowjacket waspers.

Anything else is fair game to be caught and studied. :)

I just found a bunch of juvenile Narceus americanus (North American Millipede) last night under my flowerpot. I also found two juvenile spiders from Arwen's first brood, as well. They are all in my custody.

P.S. If anyone finds any mantids, stickbugs, luna moths, large jumping spiders, or orb-weavers, PLEASE PM me!!! I'm always looking to buy live specimens. I will pay ten bucks per large living specimen!

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Centipedes really freak me out. Something about that sinuous rippling motion. Daddy long-legs too. And I really dislike wolf spiders 'cos they're so aggressive & have that bad habit of hiding under doorknobs & whatnot, then leaping out at you. Flies really disgust me but I can't say I'm actually "afraid" of them... flies and mosquitoes are the only critters I'll kill in the house, anything else I scoop up on a piece of paper and take outside (my students think I'm crazy 'cos I won't let them kill bugs in the classroom).

I used to be TERRIFIED of spiders. Then in my mid-30s I decided I was too old to be ruled by irrational fears. Plus I wanted to set a better example for my nieces because the oldest (then about 7 or 8) was getting into this girly afraid-of-everything-that-moved stage. So I decided to "cure" myself of my fear... whenever I saw a spider I would just stay still and watch it for a while. And I started to gain an appreciation for what fascinating creatures they are. Now I have two that live in my house year-round (right by the back door) and earn their keep by eating mosquitoes & flies. So, it IS possible to get over these things!


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I have an obsessed hatred to flies due to them harassing you 24/7 in iraq.. i never got over it.. there would be swarms of them trying to fly in your eyes or up your nose.. i never understood it but it annoyed the livid fucking piss out of me..

also ants are cool... like especially fire ants.. (jesus ya'll are about to see my redneck side!!!)

Like if there's 2 different nests near one another.. grab a buddy and each of ya get a shovel.. scoop up the tops of each nest and swap em.. then watch the epic war begin! It's more entertaining with beer and weed and not a bloody thing else to do.

I've done that!!! It is fun to watch and more effective than most pesticides at killing them.

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I have an obsessed hatred to flies due to them harassing you 24/7 in iraq.. i never got over it.. there would be swarms of them trying to fly in your eyes or up your nose.. i never understood it but it annoyed the livid fucking piss out of me..

also ants are cool... like especially fire ants.. (jesus ya'll are about to see my redneck side!!!)

Like if there's 2 different nests near one another.. grab a buddy and each of ya get a shovel.. scoop up the tops of each nest and swap em.. then watch the epic war begin! It's more entertaining with beer and weed and not a bloody thing else to do.

I watched a guy I was dating and his room mate do this. You're right on how its more entertaining with beer and weed.

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See, a big one like that probably wouldn't bother me... I don't have any problem with giant millipedes. Anything big enough to eat a mouse would likely just seem snake-like to me.

Now, what's really creepy is the vast number of "related videos" featuring different species battling and/or devouring each other. People seem to have an unhealthy fascination with this sort of thing!

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Afraid of? Probably just wasps and hornets, or bees if they seem aggressive. If bees just go about their business and leave me alone, they're ok. I grew up in the country, and I'm not afraid to kill my own bugs. I actually used to kill them for my ex boyfriend. I guess I'm a little afraid of tics, too, but how often do you encounter them unless you are out in the woods?

Don't like, on the other hand: mosquitos, flies, earwigs, junebugs, anything that flies and makes a buzzing sound, cockraoches, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few.

Oh yeah, and I FREAKING HATE BEDBUGS! They tore up my skin, gave me insomnia and ruined half my furniture, and they are damn near impossible to get rid of. I am terrified of moving to another apartment with the problems Detroit has been having with them.

Spiders and such, on the other hand, have never bothered me, and I could never figure out who they scare some people so. I won't even kill spiders unless they are on me and catch me by surpirse. Otherwise I just catch them and throw them outside.

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There is only one insect that truly creeps me out. It is Dermatobia hominis, which is the species of botfly that lays its eggs under primates, including humans, skin. Nothing in the world skeeves me out more than the thought of a maggot moving around under my skin, eating, and waiting until it matures into a fly. :no:

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There is only one insect that truly creeps me out. It is Dermatobia hominis, which is the species of botfly that lays its eggs under primates, including humans, skin. Nothing in the world skeeves me out more than the thought of a maggot moving around under my skin, eating, and waiting until it matures into a fly. :no: <shudders>

Botflies are quite grody. One of my dad's barn cats got one under the skin of its neck, once. He had to carefully pull out the larva--it was something I won't soon forget. :ralph

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  • 1 month later...

couple of bugs I *really* don't like:

Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)

Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus (VRE)

Multi-drug Resistant Tuberculosis

Aside from that, give me a second to overcome some startling, and I will acclimate to most insects (roaches excluded)

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