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Guest GodfallenPromos

What is it?

Do you know?

Are you an addict of anything?

Will you admit it if you are?

Discuss the concepts involved :)

watch "intervention" on A&E...thats Addiction

Do I know?....yes...I been addicted to a few things in my life....pot, music....

Currently?...yes...music...I can talk about music for HOURS....ppl start talking music and my head snaps in that direction

Admit it?...just did..probably always will

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when i was living in detroit.. not having to worry about military stuff.. i just had 4 simple vices in life..





now that i'm in the military.. you can minus the weed..

and since i'm in a LD FAITHFUL relationship... must go without sex too...

and since i'll be in iraq.. yeah.. scratch beer off that list too...

just cigarettes... wich i want to quit anyway..

this is going to be an absolutely miserable and long year for me...

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Guest Megalicious

What is it?

Do you know?

Are you an addict of anything?

Will you admit it if you are?

Discuss the concepts involved :)

I know what it is to me, I can not speak for anyone else.

At the moment, shoes. I have this irrational need to buy shoes. Though I am a recovering addict of certain things I wish to forget, I have been clean just short of 6 years, and proud.

That depends on what Meg your asking, The meg of meg-past ( LOL) wasn't willing to admit to it, because that would mean I would have to face it, bare down, get clean, and face ALOT of shit that I had burried deep down and covered up with the means of my addiction.

The Meg of present/I is willing to admit anything and everything that is a source of negative production in my life. It's the only way I can learn and better myself.

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Addiction by Skinny Puppy

desperate deranged talking in my sleep again eyes twitch

retain a sentimental something looked lorn and we burned and burned

I was a cinder body soul in my dreams breakdown amidst the mixtures

avoid addictive plea responding disillusion encrusted cruelty decribe

why nails enclose me eating so evenly there exists a lot of reasons

to support fatality abstience possessed hardly what you think it is

hearts beat positive provided there's progress ignorance does insist of

the right coffin took some food offered me can't see myself drank the

wine wished the feverish burst of terror breakdown amidst the

mixtures avoid addictive plea insist that nothing happened chilled

bloodless fatigue recharge with bitterness fanatics beckoning mistook

a look impassioned absorbed with clarity consciousness drifts away

discarded memory packaged shelf life bad display breakdown amidst

the mixtures avoid addictive plea excessive near romances comfort

is treachery so pound the nails in tight eyes screaming out of sight

against a grain like curtain unbearably alive

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I try to avoid things I find to be addictive.....

I do smoke.....Not even half as much as I used to.....

I drink.....Not half as much as I used to.....

I partake in other things on occasion, but not in any kind of excess.....

I know addiction all too well from seeing family & friends go through it.....

It is very sad.....

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i never was addicted to weed. i seem to smoke it if people offer a few hits for free. and if i know its not fucked with. cigs still am, sex maby a few years back, beer i go off and on. not much of a constant

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well then, dammit Betty Paige....share

Did I also mention I slept whilst writing most essays? lol

Ok you asked for a lecture so here it is ............ lol just kidding!

Addiction- two types- biochemical/physical addiction and psychological addiction. Most forms of addiction are a combination of the two.

Briefly, you are addicted to something when you pretty much can't go long without it, you get withdrawal symptoms when you dont have it, you find yourself thinking about it a lot, and begin to 'need' it in order to perform certain actions, i.e. you begin to depend on it for something or other.

We all probably know which substances are known to be biologically addictive, and we all know that supposedly substances such as weed are not. However, weed is a prime example of a psychologically addictive drug - and hence is also HIGHLY addictive! I have loads of friends who 'need' to have weed to fall asleep at night, to relieve stress after a hard day at work, to relax in general, etc etc

Another good example is alcohol - most of you on here will drink alcohol. Some of you will drink something alcoholic possibly every day? Some of you will wait until the weekend to get completely off your face lol A good question is - Why?? Alcohol is both biologically and psychologically addictive, and even those of you who do not class yourselves as heavy drinkers probably feel that you 'need' alcohol for something or other. But alcohol (and cigarettes for that matter) are addictive drugs just like all the other illegal stuff. In fact in my opinion they should either make those two illegal as well, or make everything else legal too!

And then you have 'positive' addictions - exercising, shopping (positive addiction in my case haha), sex of course lol. But even positive addictions can bring about negative effects if done in excess.

So my addictions - shopping, probably exercising, and eating junk food lol. But all in moderation :thumbsup:

I don't drink (maybe one or two if I go clubbing, but never to get drunk), I dont smoke, and have never done drugs.

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As a sub-point to addiction: Psychological problems are physical problems. Brain matter is physical that is, it is real. We tend to separate "mental" problems from "physical" ones which is unfortunate, since it tends to downplay the severity of mental problems as "just being in your head" but they are physical/biological in a fundamental sense.

Neurons and such are physical for instance. Its just the longstanding separation of psychology from the rest of medicine that has caused this confusion, even in the minds of many psychologists. Psychological problems are "real" problems not "just in your head" (meaning just some sort of easily waved-away problem) and have a fully physical or maybe better stated, molecular, basis.

Once we start viewing psychological issues more seriously on the same par as any other kind of disease it makes it easier to understand. I know at least in my family "mental" issues are considered to be completely bullshit "just made up" problems, and any hint of a mental issue is quickly either ignored or hidden due to this (uninformed) interpretation of what a mental problem actually is.

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never been addicted to anything, and as far as i've found so far, i don't have an addictive personality. in my personal opinion (please don't blast me for this - i know most everyone will disagree with me, and will think i'm a giant ass for saying this) i feel that even the "physical" addictions are "mental" at their base. if one is addicted, it's due to a lack of mental control in their lives, and likely due to the suppression of psychological issues that were in place when the addiction took hold of them. i feel that through personal introspection, and with counselling if desired/needed/warranted, anyone can "beat" anything, they just have to understand from where the "addiction" stems.

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Addiction is a touchy thing with me.

I have a history with hardcore drug addiction, to the point of ruining that period of my life. Homeless and strung out ruining of life.

That was 9 years ago that I cleaned up..and I still get the urges.









and more.

I don't even take tylenol these days if I have a headache (I went from one extreme to the other) but I still count myself a drug addict and alchoholic. I lost 6 years of my life due to excessive consumption of booze and narcotics.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

never been addicted to anything, and as far as i've found so far, i don't have an addictive personality. in my personal opinion (please don't blast me for this - i know most everyone will disagree with me, and will think i'm a giant ass for saying this) i feel that even the "physical" addictions are "mental" at their base. if one is addicted, it's due to a lack of mental control in their lives, and likely due to the suppression of psychological issues that were in place when the addiction took hold of them. i feel that through personal introspection, and with counselling if desired/needed/warranted, anyone can "beat" anything, they just have to understand from where the "addiction" stems.

actually...your pretty close on the money...almost all, if not all, addictions are psychological at their base, even if they have physical benefits/ consequences.

and Raev...hate to ask...but as a FORMER addict (because, even with urges...if your not doing it, your on the right path...congrats), what...to you...are the signs of addiction??

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Guest Megalicious

That was 9 years ago that I cleaned up..and I still get the urges.

Congrads on the 9 years clean.

That is all.

Continue with the addiction talk≥. :whistle:

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As a sub-point to addiction: Psychological problems are physical problems. Brain matter is physical that is, it is real. We tend to separate "mental" problems from "physical" ones which is unfortunate, since it tends to downplay the severity of mental problems as "just being in your head" but they are physical/biological in a fundamental sense.

Neurons and such are physical for instance. Its just the longstanding separation of psychology from the rest of medicine that has caused this confusion, even in the minds of many psychologists. Psychological problems are "real" problems not "just in your head" (meaning just some sort of easily waved-away problem) and have a fully physical or maybe better stated, molecular, basis.

Once we start viewing psychological issues more seriously on the same par as any other kind of disease it makes it easier to understand. I know at least in my family "mental" issues are considered to be completely bullshit "just made up" problems, and any hint of a mental issue is quickly either ignored or hidden due to this (uninformed) interpretation of what a mental problem actually is.

Troy...Thank you for the eloquent words!

Thank you from US (all of the scitzos that I can and do speak for& out Bi-Polar cousins) to you.{we are a greater # than you think}

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