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Cosmetic Surgery

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-laser hair removal

-teeth whitening

-have my bottom teeth straightened


-scar removal

-hire a personal trainer, and once I got to my goal weight and was able to maintain it:

-tummy tuck (though my guess is I would need a body lift because I would have so much excess skin)

-lipo on my thighs

-breast lift

-lipo on the face (if they can do that) because even when I was thin, my cheeks were fatter than I liked

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  • 4 weeks later...

That nearly made me sick.

I know that I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Good point... why in the world do they even make implants that big?

Hefty Yard Bags.

As for me....

I've been told by 3 different surgeons that I have herniated fat pockets under my eyes, which are aggravated by my allergies. Those will go in a couple of years. Saggy lids are inherited in my family. I will have those done if need be. YES, I will get implants. Not huge, like festival titties, but they will be bigger. Botox. And the eventual tummy tuck.

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Laser hair removal from the neck down..

Tummy tuck once I lost all the weight I need to lose..

MAYBE lypo for some of the soft spots I won't be able to exercise off that I don't know about yet.

Breast lift.. because well, I'm going to do it anyway when I reach 45-50 (I do not want saggy boobs, they're bad enough as they are now *sighs*)

I've been told that I CANNOT do anything to my face, but.... :unsure: we'll see.. MuahAHHAHA

Edited by hunhee
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  • 3 weeks later...

Only the most minor of surgeries: mole removal, teeth whitening, palate widening (perhaps). Yeah, I have a good deal of imperfections and I wish I could look more like I did when I was 18 and too full of self-loathing to know just how cute I was.

But I have gotten used to this body. I kind of like it now, flaws and all. (but not enough to pose naked.) It's served me well, though.

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i thought i answered this one but guess not.

i don't actually want anything done because the thought of "plastic" surgery grosses me out.

but i guess if i was all about getting it i'd do that "mommy make over" they always talk about ;) you know the one where people who have had 3 kids can have their "old" body back. ha.

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  • 2 years later...

I'm sure there's some sort of fancy blemish/acne clearing surgery/expensive procedures out there...so that. As well as to make my breasts perkier. That's all I could really think of.

Perkier!? What you want them up to your chin girl! You have lovely boobies. And your young! Your boobies are the perfect way they should be!

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I'm sure there's some sort of fancy blemish/acne clearing surgery/expensive procedures out there...so that. As well as to make my breasts perkier. That's all I could really think of.

You are way too young to be worried about sagging boobs. If you hike those puppies any higher, you will be able to blink your nipples!

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Not a damn thing, I am already in braces to fix my teeth and had surgery to fix the cross bite and open bite. The roof of my mouth is still freaking numb from that surgery, and that occurred end of February (it is possible that it will always be numb :dry:). So if you don't need the jaw surgery, you probably should avoid it. IF not for the pain and the numbness then just the 2-6 weeks of having your jaws banded (or worse, wired) shut. Although, the liquid diet will result in some pretty rapid weight loss :p

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I've lost over 100 lbs and I fully plan to have a tummy tuck and breast lift with implants (maybe on the implants). I have a lot of extra skin on my abdomen and I'm severely self-conscious about it. As far as my boobs go, everyone says I have nice boobs but I wear a good bra so it makes them look better. They look like deflated bags of skin.

Edited by KatRN05
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I've lost over 100 lbs and I fully plan to have a tummy tuck and breast lift with implants (maybe on the implants). I have a lot of extra skin on my abdomen and I'm severely self-conscious about it. As far as my boobs go, everyone says I have nice boobs but I wear a good bra so it makes them look better. They look like deflated bags of skin.

Sweetie, I totally get you on this one. I've been wanting a tummy tuck since I had a baby in '97. I totally had the pouch 'til I made like a pig and filled it all back out. Now, I'm back up to my peak weight when pregnant, but if I ever get back down, it may be on my list. But everyone's boobs go saggy. It doesn't stop mine from getting the love. Promise.

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