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Definitely a breast enlargement!! Not by much, but just so my breasts are proportionate with my hips - right now I feel I have a huge arse - purely because I haven't got much on top to balance it out :(


If you didn't live all the way the hell over in Britain, I'd slap you GOOD. :p

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Women with real breasts are becoming rare birds. Most of the girls I've worked with who have small or average real breasts make a LOT of money, more than I do!

If you don't NEED to get them done, don't do it!!! Unless you've had a mastectomy, or you have "beaver tail monkey sock titties" after having had a child, I see no use for a woman to look like she has over-inflated water balloons on her chest. Most women go TOO LARGE. Any doctor who would perform such a mutilation is a HACK.

I had a colleague who had size ZZZ breast implants put in. It was absolutely DISGUSTING. She had to use about a tube of Dermablend each time she performed, because the stretch marks were SO bad. She couldn't go without a bra, EVER. Her mother even took her on the Jerry Springer show, BEGGING her to have them removed.

I had experimental soy-oil breast implants put in about 12 years ago, after losing my left breast to the big C. The other breast was fine, but I wanted them to match. There are many drawbacks to having implants. It is very uncomfortable for me to sleep on my back without a brassiere, as the implants tend to tug on the pectoral muscles. They are quite heavy, and eventually sag. Trust me. As the implants age, they tend to develop ripples, which you can really see when you are upside down or leaning forward. So many drawbacks..

Ladies, just keep your REAL bewbs, if there is nothing wrong with them in the first place. Do not let popular culture dictate what your figure should look like, just because many guys think all women should look like an overstuffed bimbo (because they are raised from a child looking at their dad's stash of nudie mags)!

Breast implants are highly over-rated.

Didn't mean to threadjack! :) Sorryz!

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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If it weren't for the fact that i KNOW i need it, i wouldn't even think about it...i mean, i loved my old body...but i had a baby and i know for a fact that i'm going to need a tummy tuck to get rid of my "deflated balloon" lol...oh...and a little bit of a lift, the ladies look a little sad to me :-P. Nothing extensive and don't get me wrong, i understand they're "battle scars" and something to be fine with, but, unfortunately, i am not...but not SO displeased to go as far as making drastic cuts all over and change my entire appearance

Edited by DressedLikeMe
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Women with real breasts are becoming rare birds. Most of the girls I've worked with who have small or average real breasts make a LOT of money, more than I do!

If you don't NEED to get them done, don't do it!!! Unless you've had a mastectomy, or you have "beaver tail monkey sock titties" after having had a child, I see no use for a woman to look like she has over-inflated water balloons on her chest. Most women go TOO LARGE. Any doctor who would perform such a mutilation is a HACK.

Ladies, just keep your REAL bewbs, if there is nothing wrong with them in the first place. Do not let popular culture dictate what your figure should look like, just because many guys think all women should look like an overstuffed bimbo (because they are raised from a child looking at their dad's stash of nudie mags)!

Breast implants are highly over-rated.

Didn't mean to threadjack! :) Sorryz!

I have to agree. Personally I think the fake-boob look is really unattractive. It totally creeps me out to see the porn actresses with those bizarre cantaloupe-half breasts... and half the time they have really major scarring (you know you're watching cheap porn when they couldn't even afford some fucking DermaBlend on the set)... yuk. And they feel sooo weird, too.

IMHO any "doctor" who would even contemplate doing the grotesquely large implants you described should lose their license. That's just wrong.

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*scratches head in puzzlement*

Now what could you possibly mean?


I think he means that in Michigan winters you lose all sensation in your entire body except for a vague tingling sensation.

And in your case, each one of us would volunteer to be that tingling sensation. :p

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If you read past posts you'll find I am a bit against breast implants and will know why...don't want to re-hash old topics...

But this is a funny story.

This lady I know went to Canada to get them back when the Canadian dollar was worse than the US dollar, meaning she got a big discount (bad idea)

Anyway...she is like a size 2 or 0

They are double D's and he put them practically under her arm pits...the nipples point in different directions...

So I went to a party she was throwing with my sis and her husband...he got rather plastered and on the way home said...

'Personally I think _______ got rather carried away with those sillycones...don't you?'

He ment to say sillicone, but yah it was hellarious I am still laughing.

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I had a colleague who had size ZZZ breast implants put in. It was absolutely DISGUSTING. She had to use about a tube of Dermablend each time she performed, because the stretch marks were SO bad. She couldn't go without a bra, EVER. Her mother even took her on the Jerry Springer show, BEGGING her to have them removed.

I didn't even know they came that big. How can she move?

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I want boobs. Badly.

I really wish I didn't have to get fake boobs though. I would pay 10 times as much as for fake boobs if there was any feasible way of altering my genetic code or something so that I could have slightly larger, rounder breasts.

I have A-Cups and I don't always wear bras--I like a lot of tops that dictate not wearing one. I'm only 21 and the combination of not always consistent support and some major weight loss when I was 18 have left me hating going topless (which is quite a feat for fetish models). I'm not saying they sag or anything, but they're not as perky as I guess they could be, and it's quite the anomaly to have rounded A cups.

I just don't like how I look. I hate being self conscious--I have worked my ass off and even made myself sick so that I look good, because when I look good, I feel good.

I know that when I have kids I'll end up just like my mom did, completely deflated and feeling even worse about myself. I really wish I could have a better looking chest.

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I am tired of fighting the onset of ol age and have given up the battle.

Now if someone had a stretching rack...sick of being short with things falling on my head...

Really want just a few inches....then I wouldn't be 10 lbs over weight either!

Just want to reach things like light switches...ya know?

That playhouse at the ford mansion is just my size...

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