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Unexplainable Things On Film

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It can be photos you took yourself or from the web. These pictures were taken at an abandon home where my Father's best friend owns 300 acres in South Texas. He claims the house is definitely haunted and that he has been confronted by the apparitions of a man and child near the home while he has been walking the fields near dusk, they disappeared before his eyes apparently. But not before his tractor completely lost power when they appeared to him and he was almost in pitch dark almost leaving him in darkness.

My brother found a Fuld Ouija board in one of the rooms and mailed it to me. I tried to have it reworked, it was too damaged for any restoration but I still have it. Being involved in the Paranormal for over 24 years, I have experienced much. One picture is of an orb, though, I don't put much stock in orbs because they can honestly be anything. The experiences I have had have been audio, and visual.

Though I completely and thoroughly respect an individual's beliefs. Also, when the individual is there, they get a feeling for what is going on around them if they are sensitive. I am not the authority or one to say anything about what is real or not. In many cases, you see what you want to see. Many a skeptic will tell you the same but it is a bit different when you hear something or see something with your own eyes.

I suggest you make these photos a bit bigger with something such as Compupic Pro so you can really see what is there, if anything. That is when you can really see definition with the window images especially.


There is nothing in front of this house except flat acreage. Again, this could be anything but I see 2 figures of what seem male.


What seems to be an orb in the day time and something to the left of it in the window. This is taken from the side of the home.


Bizarre shaped orb from kitchen of home.

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I'm always sceptical about things of a supernatural nature being caught on film and I am a believer in supernatural things.

With photo's I don't put much stock in most (sorry) but I will agree with you that there are things out there.

I comend you for stepping into such a stink hole of a dwelling (that place looks nasty as hell).

BTW: most of my experiences have been of the sight/sound/moving object/and getting that hair standing up on the back of your neck variety.

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I took a photo while in a cemetery in England. Someone pointed it out to me because there wasn't any fog or mist at all around the whole cemetery except in front of this tree. The top of it resembles an angel if you look closely. And part of the angels head can resemble a baby laying on its side curled up. I also don't have a dirty or foggy lense because I took many other photos with the same camera. The original photo is on my Merridale series in the gravedweller website of mine.

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I don't have any pictures to prove it and I still have no ideal what the hell it was...but I think I saw and heard a lesser demon a few years ago.

I went to my family's hay barn to get straw for the dog, yes it is a hay barn full of straw lol, and my younger brother brought a flashlight because his night vision is not as good as mine. So he walked behind me with the flashlight which I took from him since I couldn't see a damn thing with it being behind me. We were talking about something and all of a sudden i got all quiet and stopped, starring at something.

I stopped the flashlight on something about 5 feet from me in the dark, something on all fours, a black blurr of sorts it looked like a raccon or something wich my mind later tried to rationalize it as, it had stopped starred with red eyes and in an instant let out a loud screetching growl and dodged off into the night toward a dead end in the barn.

My brother aksed what was wrong, what I was looking at...I looked at him like he was crazy and asked him if he had seen that...saying he had to have heard it at least...and he hadn't seen or heard anything. At first I thought he was joking trying to worry me and then later came to realize if he had seen or heard something he would have ran off back to the house lol

In the morning I had checked for a way it could be an animal and where it could have ran to...like a hole in the floor or a hole in the door that would have been blocking it's way...but couldn't find any reason it should have been able to go out of sight that quick.

So I was wondering since quite a few people seem to believe in the paranormal here if any of you believe this could have been something paranormal...

was just curiouse.


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Judging by the angle of the camera, that "orb" could very well be the flash. I don't know, it just seems to me that that's where the camera would be, when taking the picture... who knows.. its just a suggestion... try debunking it, before trying to prove it, ya know?

As I previously stated, I've never put much stock in orbs, period. An "orb" can be too many things, there are too many possibilities and variables to consider. I was merely calling it that because that is what phenomena on film of that nature is referred to in the Paranormal scene. Even what "I" see in the windows could be dirt or dust for all I know. I usually go by what I have personally visually and or experienced from an audio perspective where the Paranormal is concerned.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

All kinds of orbs in this shot...some of the orbs, under magnification have "faces" in them. I took two almost identical shots (one before, one after) to this one...nada, nil, zip for orbs. :ohmy:

This is a shot of "The Orb" and I can see his face too.... :shock:


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I visited Halifax and went on one of those fun touristy ghost tours.

There was a huge explosion there where a shipping boat laden with explosives caught fire in the early 1900s, lots of deaths. Apparently a man's head was severed by the explosion and blown through a window in a building. The window has been replaced many times but an outline of a head appears within weeks, every time.

I saw the outline and took a photo of it, but that was the only photo from my trip that did not come out when developed. It sort of looked like the rainbow streaks that are left when you clean a window with Windex and it hasn't dried all the way.

Why is it that things like this seem never to be caught clearly on film?

I want to go back there - very beautiful and interesting place. The tombstones from that era are still black from the explosion and it's so embedded in the stone it can't be removed without damaging the engravings.

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