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Top 20 Most Annoying Things at the Grocery Store


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I try my hardest not to do any of these annoying things.


None of that really bothers me nearly as much as the fact that when I'm shopping by myself (and don't have someone to help me refocus every 30 seconds) I end up wandering aimlessly through the store under some kind of evil trance induced by the bright colored packaging and the fluorescent lights only to emerge from the damn store some two hours later with the wrong items.

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None of that really bothers me nearly as much as the fact that when I'm shopping by myself (and don't have someone to help me refocus every 30 seconds) I end up wandering aimlessly through the store under some kind of evil trance induced by the bright colored packaging and the fluorescent lights only to emerge from the damn store some two hours later with the wrong items.

MENTAL NOTE TO SELF: Don't goto food store with taystee... 'cause we will get lost in the super market!

*hums The Clash*

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How about those assholes that purposely ram a shopping cart into you car or someone elses.

yeah the clue less moron that all of a sudden stops in the middle of the aisle

Funniest shit to see is when someone grabs a product from a store display and it avalanches on them,seen that a few times working at Kroger.

When I shop I do it very quick and not during busy hours.

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How about those idiots that don't have their checks written out before hand,but wait to do it after everything is rung up,or better yet some one who pays for cheese Doodles with a credit card,"Don't you know you are paying 18% interest on that crap,LOL!!Carlin quote.

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How about those idiots that don't have their checks written out before hand,but wait to do it after everything is rung up,or better yet some one who pays for cheese Doodles with a credit card,"Don't you know you are paying 18% interest on that crap,LOL!!Carlin quote.

7. Payment Procrastinator

Don't be the shopper who waits until the very last minute to find her checkbook and begin filling out her personal check. If you are paying by check, which already takes longer than most other methods of payment, here's a hint: Have your checkbook out and your check pre-filled, so that when you get the final total that's all you need to pop in! (Same goes for debit cards, credit cards, cash or any other type of payment -- you shouldn't be digging through your purse for it at the last minute!)

Or how about when someone has to bring there whining screaming brats into the grocery store and starts throwing a huge-scene tantrum just because there not getting there candy? However once the parent gets out the belt thats when it becomes kind of funny.

3. Prolonged Temper Tantrums

No one wants to hear your child scream and carry on for 30 minutes because they can't get Oreos. If your child's screams can be heard four aisles over and the tantrum is lasting longer than five minutes, it's time to leave the store. But sadly, tantrums are not just for kids. One AOL Money & Finance editor witnessed a seemingly "normal" woman go on a verbal rampage (expletives included) because the produce section was out of basil.

...Those both WERE there...

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Hmmn, I work for a vendor company that does business inside a grocery store, how appropo!

Annoying stuff eh?

#1 thing, when people get in my way when I'm trying to do my job. Doesn't matter who, and I don't care who it is, you stay the fuck otta my way, I'll stay out of yours.

#2 When people pick up pieces of my company's product off the shelf, or of someone else's product, and then decide they don't want to buy it, and then they just dump it off on my shelf whereever they fuckin feel like it, because they are too LAZY to put it back where it BELONGS and walk away.

#3 Parents who let their 3-5yr old walk on their own in the store, the cart has a goddamn childseat for a REASON!!!

#4 People who try to pay for their groceries at the Dunkin Donuts booth(yes we have them in grocery stores out here), just because their too damn LAZY to walk to the front end.

#5 People who are at the front of the line @ the Dunkin Donuts booth, who wait until the clerk has finished ringing up their order, and THEN they ask for a toasted bagel sliced w/cream cheese, when the line behind them is 10 miles long.

#6 Old Geezers who insist on walking down the middle of an aisle, SLOWLY, then stop and stand there for 17 years for no reason.

I could probably think of more, but I try to leave my work At work as much as possible. However I did spot this thread and I decided to chime in.

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I actually was hit (me not my cart) by am elderly woman in a Kmart. I can forgive the occasional bump, but then she backed her cart up and proceeded to hit me again!! wtf

Geez I've dealt with the same fucking shit before! I tell you man those old bitch's can be mean!!

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There is a rather special species of Little Ole Lady®. These particular Little Ole Ladies® have a way of sauntering such that even in a triple wide lane there simply is no way to get past them. Try to go to the left around them and thats when they start drifting to the left. Try to slip past on the right and sure enough they veer to the right. Even standing still they can present a formidable obstruction. Fear the Little Ole Lady®.

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Grocery shopping can be such a horrible thing that I actually prefer to do it at 3 am.

However, this can also be a bad time to shop, as this is when most aisles are blocked by overnight stockers...

Damn, too bad grocery shopping is a necessity, because it can really suck at times.

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When I got here from Poland in 88, I was firstly surprised by the abundance of 'neon' wow tactics

to sell puffy snacks -americans are always on vacation, I thought, they eat nothing but pre prepared

snacks, where are all the slaves that make this?'

then came Meijers...... 'wow, mom, dad, look at that ASS, I can not see the cart, how, is that a human?'

we did not have this ass situation in Poland'

'where does milk come from' -the correct answer being cow

the american child answers

'MEIJERS!!' since americans have never seen a cow.

-too early in the morning for flashbacks to the horrors of the grocery store-

the horrors of poverty do not compare to the horrors of luxury

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"dear america, your slaves are malfunctioning and not up to standards"

not only is every thing already done for you in american grocery stores,

but you guys complain about

a. the slaves

b. the fellow slave share holder owners

cook your own god damn food

fresh food vegetables, have a bad attitude, smile and leave.

buy a knife.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

"7. Payment Procrastinator

Don't be the shopper who waits until the very last minute to find her checkbook and begin filling out her personal check. If you are paying by check, which already takes longer than most other methods of payment, here's a hint: Have your checkbook out and your check pre-filled, so that when you get the final total that's all you need to pop in! (Same goes for debit cards, credit cards, cash or any other type of payment -- you shouldn't be digging through your purse for it at the last minute!)"

Thats the worst fucking Idea I've ever heard.....do you know that a large majority of stolen Purses are done at the grocery store...because crooks know that the average woman is more intent on checking her groceries then keeping an eye on her purse...which will be IN the cart...while she is like 5-10 feet away looking at something....

so...if you have a filled out check....with a blank amount on it....well yippee skippee....lemme go cash that for ya....cuz your a moron.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

I agree that it would be pretty dumb to pre-fill a check before going to the store. I hope the website is actually saying to fill out the check while waiting in line at the store, because yes, that would be a safer way to save time.

no....it basically reads "have it filled out BEFORE you go shopping...just leave the amount off"

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Another thing I hate bearing witness to in the grocery store is the "Big Ghetto Momma," who insists on screaming loudly enough to be heard through the entire store, while she's whuppin' the shit out of her kid in the aisle. How absolutely vulgar! Sure, it has the effect of embarrassing the child into behaving properly, but guess what? This looks SOOOO ghetto to rationally-thinking people, that most of the public's judgment is passed onto the parent!

Please don't beat your kids in public! This is not what I want to hear or see while I am out shopping. Kthanxbai.

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Another thing I hate bearing witness to in the grocery store is the "Big Ghetto Momma," who insists on screaming loudly enough to be heard through the entire store, while she's whuppin' the shit out of her kid in the aisle. How absolutely vulgar! Sure, it has the effect of embarrassing the child into behaving properly, but guess what? This looks SOOOO ghetto to rationally-thinking people, that most of the public's judgment is passed onto the parent!

Please don't beat your kids in public! This is not what I want to hear or see while I am out shopping. Kthanxbai.

Or just please don't beat your kids. Look, if it is that hard every minute of every day with your kids, maybe you are DOING IT WRONG. I mean, every kid is annoying some of the time (it's their job), but swearing at an 18 month old neither gets the behavior you desire nor aids in his/her development.

I totally agree with Jynxx, only it's not just the big mamas and it isn't limited to the ghetto.

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People who go through the "free samples" lines more than once, and sometimes take cuts in front of others to do it. Also the people who take more than one sample at a time (usually the last ones on the tray) when there are other people waiting in line behind them. How greedy, gauche, and absolutely unacceptable!!!

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