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Some people should't be allowed to reproduce

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I wish I could say this is the first instance of such abuse, but there are others. Throughout the 60's there were case studies available of such level of neglect. There are reports of girls being tied up in attics with no contact aside from bathroom and food.

There is also the story (got me tearing,) called "Joey, the mechanical boy." The story goes that this boy's parents forced such a strict regimen of time tables (fed at this time, changed at this time,) and in the interim the parents ignore him, even when crying. The result was a boy who thought he was nothing more than a complex machine. The boy made complex machinery-like things out of whatever was around him to do simple things like go to the bathroom or eat. He refused to believe he had any emotion. Any distruption of the machinery or deviance from the schedule brought about the worse tantrums. Fortunately, intervention came early (5-7 years, I think,) and through aggressive therapy, he went from being a machine to someone who embraced emotion. The end of the case report is what got me. He wrote (and drew about,) the joy of being a feeling, real human.

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it's hard to understand what it's like to be feral. feral children have a completely diffrent looking brain. centers of the brain develope disspraportionatley. parts of the brain that develope speech and concious thought are the size of a penut instead of the size of an apple like a normal person. this leads to a lot of speculation as to how important social contact is for humman developement. why apes and other animals go crazy seperated and in captivity. leads to speculation about incarceration being cruel and unusual punishmeant. imagine not having the capacity to reason. you know you can sit and think things through in your head, when you do you use language. you here words in your mind as you rationalize things. imaging never being exposed to language how different your world would be. imagine having to face the world around you all the sudden. other things that look like you doing strange things making strange noises at you. the heart to learn things is something your born with but you can loose it. a ferral child is not like you or me. their brain is so different from our own we couldn't know what it's like.

that kid will allways be who she is. she can make a little progress here and there but is stuck with who she is. it would feel comfortable for her to find a cramped closet filled with roaches even ten years from now and sneak into it for a couple weeks here and there to finally feel safe and relax in a world she knows.

not this bizare fake world, our real world.

any one i met that had lived like her had been abused like her was allways looking for someone just like them to relate too. so they would be normal and everyone else would be weird by there social standard.

posative social interaction is the only response i have for them. show em love even when they are doing something seemingly weird, because you know it as weird don't allways alianate them, encurage them.

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