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Your completely unreasonable dating requirements...

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oh and someone who is genuine, yeah that should not be unreasonable but it seems it is these days.

I find that the most important things in life are honesty and integrity.... if you can fake those you've got it made.

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Height: must be taller then me I am 5'3 so that is not hard but I like at least 5'10 or higher

Weight/Body type: someone kind of in the middle not to big but not to skinny

Eyes: I seem to go for guys with blue eyes for some reason

Hair: I like bald or some kind of cool haircut. Normal hair is ok to as long as its brushed and taken care of

Skin: tattooed and pierced is good but not a must

Clothing: has some style can rock some hot goth wear but be just as comfortable in jeans and tshirts


someone who is confident is romantic is crazy but in a good way likes to have fun but knows bills still need to be paid. Is a gentlemen that will open doors for me but not be offended when I return the favor. Must be way over any ex relationships (that is a big one) NO liars that is number one


likes to have fun is not jealous likes to go out with his friends but also go out with me


can accept that I have many questions about religion and I dont believe in most of it


Must be able to keep up with me. Must be adventures willing to have sex in fun places. Kinky is awesome but not all the time. willing to make sure I receive as much pleasure as I give


computer knowledge is good has interest in something is a must other then that dont care


must have a job


gets along with family but is not a mammas boy.

Edited by jcheeka
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oh and someone who is genuine

Like this guy?



I find that the most important things in life are honesty and integrity.... if you can fake those you've got it made.

Crap, I know that quote (or something like it) but for the life of my can't remember who said that. :confused:

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The ability to calculate Pi to at least the 23rd decimal place :biggrin:

(kidding, or am I?) Being smart isn't enough...One needs to wield such with articulation...to look beyond the base definition of a concept and be able to appreciate the process that was before it was stanchion-ed into the commonwealth of knowledge

Edited by Iris
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  • 2 weeks later...

*evil laugh* hehehe...

My so called "unreasonable" dating requirements is someone who can communicate, speak what they feel, be CLEAR with their intentions, as well as be able to live up to their OWN expectations of the person they are interested in.

This all "naturally" applies to myself.

And I've found if one of my requirements fall short, I am out of their league.

Edited by asphyxian_doll
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*evil laugh* hehehe...

My so called "unreasonable" dating requirements is someone who can communicate, speak what they feel, be CLEAR with their intentions, as well as be able to live up to their OWN expectations of the person they are interested in.

This all "naturally" applies to myself.

And I've found if one of my requirements fall short, the person is pretty much OUT OF MY LEAGUE.


Grammar breakage...'outa' my league' is taken to mean, that they are 'to good for you'...I think, you meant:

And I've found if one of my requirements fall short, then I am pretty much OUT OF THEIR LEAGUE.


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  • 1 month later...

I've come to realize that, although I am pretty much open to finding a person of any hair style, personality, stereotype, etc. as attractive enough to date...I not only have a higher preference for those with darker hair and darker eyes, but also for those that look similar to Chester Bennington.



I think it's a thing I developed in middle school when I had my major Linkin Park phase.

I realized it on Saturday. I was at an art show and saw a kid that had a similar look to him (the body type, hair, and facial structure). And it also made me notice that my most recent ex...has an odd resemblance to Chester. :X

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