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Your completely unreasonable dating requirements...

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I thought you said "a guy that will make you a sandwich" (am I hungry or what? :rolleyes: )

And I would have to say...a guy who can cook or make me food, would be a very nice requirement indeed. :laugh:

I was re-reading this thread a bit and realized I did mention this already, haha! Oh well

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay I need advice, am I abnormal or what? This dude wants me to stay at his house, hang with him all the time (like he gets frustrated if I am not around or if I am running late), he wants me to go to all his rehearsals with him, I have met his friends, family, etc....., (his mother loves me), he wants to do everything you would do if in a relationship except show affection, none. What the hell, dude? He says "well because I am an up and coming frontman for whatever band he is working with, there are several, he says' that he cannot act like he is in any kind of intimate relationship because he has an image to "sell". I am like dude, you are delusional. We were out last night and some guy comes up by us staring at me and then pulls a douchebag move by pulling out his money and counting it literally like in front of me, well the douchebag money counter asks the guy I am with if we were a couple, he states "no", so douchebag money counter pulls out his guitar and starts playing a song, which had some lyrics regarding sex and I will do this to you and that to you type shit, well the guy I was with sat there with an attitude like he was going to punch the douchebag money counter, then after we leave he starts saying things like "that guy was singing those things to you" and shit, like he was pissed about it or something. Can someone please help me figure this one out? I am not gonna tolerate someone who cannot be affectionate and who walks around like he's a fucking rockstar, I am not cake.

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... because I am an up and coming frontman for whatever band he is working with, there are several, he says' that he cannot act like he is in any kind of intimate relationship because he has an image to "sell".

Redlight right there. Thought that whole stereotypical, bar-rocker frontman mentality was only in the movies! He's really putting too much effort in maintaining image and status?

Please say you broke off contact with him after that. Doesn't sound like the kind of cat any self-respecting, self-empowered woman would be caught dead with. Sounds like dating him would set the woman's movement back several decades; him and guys like him and the $$ douchebag as well.

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Redlight right there. Thought that whole stereotypical, bar-rocker frontman mentality was only in the movies! He's really putting too much effort in maintaining image and status?

Please say you broke off contact with him after that. Doesn't sound like the kind of cat any self-respecting, self-empowered woman would be caught dead with. Sounds like dating him would set the woman's movement back several decades; him and guys like him and the $$ douchebag as well.

I know, right? I feel that the whole I am a front man shit is a copeout anyway, noone can still be stuck in that mindset? Can they? His attitude is really odd.

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Please say you broke off contact with him after that. Doesn't sound like the kind of cat any self-respecting, self-empowered woman would be caught dead with. Sounds like dating him would set the woman's movement back several decades; him and guys like him and the $$ douchebag as well.


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I am not gonna tolerate someone who cannot be affectionate and who walks around like he's a fucking rockstar, I am not cake.

You said it right here - don't tolerate it. You're wasting your time with this affection-less dolt, and you deserve better.

I imagine all the signs of him wanting you there/wanting to spend time with you would make it harder to break it off, but you have to keep your happiness in mind. So many people stay in situations which generally suck, but are either comfortable, or there's this hope that the other person is going to change or "wake up"... which rarely happens. This applies for wannabe rockstars and others.

Sounds like a self-involved loser. Drop his ass!

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You said it right here - don't tolerate it. You're wasting your time with this affection-less dolt, and you deserve better.

I imagine all the signs of him wanting you there/wanting to spend time with you would make it harder to break it off, but you have to keep your happiness in mind. So many people stay in situations which generally suck, but are either comfortable, or there's this hope that the other person is going to change or "wake up"... which rarely happens. This applies for wannabe rockstars and others.

Sounds like a self-involved loser. Drop his ass!

This gets an outright "WIN"

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Well, I suppose that not making me sick to my stomach just by your presence is number 1. Now I have to start taking my ulcer meds again.

Also, don't ask me questions to see if a jealous reaction on my behalf is to follow, for example, and this is perhaps psychotic even, Asking "What would you do if you seen me with another girl?" and then telling me "you would flip out, huh?" is really weird. No, douche-bag I would not flip out I would simply tell the lady you are with to run away from you very fast.

Also, I don't like having to explain how the world works to you. Figure it out.

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  • 1 month later...


Height - I'm short as it is, at like 5'5, so i'd like them to be shorter than me. I love tiny girls.

Weight/body type - I like women with curves as well as slender ones. Not really picky though as look as you carry yourself well.

Eyes - I don't really care.

Hair - I love girls who have cute hair, lots of layer. No straight, unlayered, one length, long boring mess. Short/medium length preferred.

Skin - I'd prefer pale, not really into tans. Light skinned.

Character - Outgoing, open minded, free spirited, passionate, enthusiastic, spontaneous, considerate, understanding, lovable, sweet, charming, and very adventurous and driven. Liberal or very leftist. I'm a big Demo-Socialist and into anarcho-philosophies and love speaking about human rights and philosophy and political ideologies so it'd be nice to share that with someone. I also would like them to be against gender roles.

Clothing: Sense of style is a must. I love fashionable girls. Cute, wears lots of skirts/dresses, bows/hair accessories make my heart melt. I love cardigans and sweaters. Cute shoes or boots. Girls who are fixy without being too 'fashionista' win my heart.


Sensible and stable. Has stories to tell and lessons they have learned and open about. Someone who I can learn from, and vice versa.


Uh, see "Character" really.


Not very important. I'm open minded. No Evangelical or Fundies, please.


Straight. Bisexual girls typically really rub me the wrong way. Sexuality is very important to me in a relationship. I'm a very sexual person and very open about it - and its important to be with someone who is also very sexually driven and into getting off as much as I am. :3


MUSIC! I am a huge music snob and collector and I love meeting likeminded people in sharing that passion. A girl with a record collection is the sexiest thing ever. You show me yours, i'll show you mine. :) Also nature, urban exploring, animals, pointless drives and adventures, film buff, collector of weird or kitschy things, into helping others, and being part of something. :)


As someone said before me. If you have one in Michigan, I'm impressed.


I like someone without daddy or mommy issues, please. I will not deal, I'm far too laid back and chill.

Edited by DJDeadbeat
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Height - I'm short as it is, at like 5'5, so i'd like them to be shorter than me. I love tiny girls.

Weight/body type - I like women with curves as well as slender ones. Not really picky though as look as you carry yourself well.

Eyes - I don't really care.

Hair - I love girls who have cute hair, lots of layer. No straight, unlayered, one length, long boring mess. Short/medium length preferred.

Skin - I'd prefer pale, not really into tans. Light skinned.

Character - Outgoing, open minded, free spirited, passionate, enthusiastic, spontaneous, considerate, understanding, lovable, sweet, charming, and very adventurous and driven. Liberal or very leftist. I'm a big Demo-Socialist and into anarcho-philosophies and love speaking about human rights and philosophy and political ideologies so it'd be nice to share that with someone. I also would like them to be against gender roles.

Clothing: Sense of style is a must. I love fashionable girls. Cute, wears lots of skirts/dresses, bows/hair accessories make my heart melt. I love cardigans and sweaters. Cute shoes or boots. Girls who are fixy without being too 'fashionista' win my heart.


Sensible and stable. Has stories to tell and lessons they have learned and open about. Someone who I can learn from, and vice versa.


Uh, see "Character" really.


Not very important. I'm open minded. No Evangelical or Fundies, please.


Straight. Bisexual girls typically really rub me the wrong way. Sexuality is very important to me in a relationship. I'm a very sexual person and very open about it - and its important to be with someone who is also very sexually driven and into getting off as much as I am. :3


MUSIC! I am a huge music snob and collector and I love meeting likeminded people in sharing that passion. A girl with a record collection is the sexiest thing ever. You show me yours, i'll show you mine. :) Also nature, urban exploring, animals, pointless drives and adventures, film buff, collector of weird or kitschy things, into helping others, and being part of something. :)


As someone said before me. If you have one in Michigan, I'm impressed.


I like someone without daddy or mommy issues, please. I will not deal, I'm far too laid back and chill.


BTW, doesn't she already meet those criteria anyway...?

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Somebody who actually wants to be with me. Not somebody who takes all his issues and blames me for them. Somebody who when I finally decide to let him met my kid doesn't pull a silent disappearing act on me. Just a guy that knows things are not always going to be easy but is willing to stand at my side threw thick and thin.

Edited by jcheeka
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  • 1 month later...

Must be at least my age, have a job, a car, a license, drive an american vehicle, and be grammatically correct at least 85% of the time (or compensate for it in some sort of way.) Also, I am swearing off any man that plays World of Warcraft. Oh, and must not be married. That's another good one I have found. They also have to be my height or taller. Taller is preferred. Unfortunately, I attract the shorties; it doesn't help that I'm 5'10'' and I wear heels often. ._.

Edited by victoriavengeance
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drive an american vehicle

That's becoming a very grey area these days. For example, there are some Hondas that are designed in America by American engineers, and built in America by American workers. Yet since it's a Honda, is that a foreign car? There are some Fords that are designed in Japan, by Japanese engineers, and built in Japan by Japanese workers. But since it's a Ford, is that an American car?

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I don't count Ford; most Fords are made in either Mexico or Japan, now. Unless it's a truck, whereas their trucks are mostly made in Tennessee. All of my friends laugh, because I'm the crazy alternative conservative musician. I'm a walking oxymoron; performed and studied in liberal arts all of my life, yet I'm the only anti-left friend they have.

I've only dated one guy who's ever driven a foreign vehicle. It broke down, and he bought a Ford Ranger while dating me hahaha.

And then after we broke up, he ended up getting a Kia Rio. Suuuurprise.

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I am swearing off any man that plays World of Warcraft.

Yeah you gotta watch out for this guy.


We're not all like that though. But so very many are. I still play about once a week but that is just to play with my girlfriend. She plays all the time... :stuart: How weirdly awesome is that?

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Also, I am swearing off any man that plays World of Warcraft.

Yeah you gotta watch out for this guy.


We're not all like that though. But so very many are. I still play about once a week but that is just to play with my girlfriend. She plays all the time... :stuart: How weirdly awesome is that?

I am so glad I never got into those games. :X Give me games that i face a real, living, dice-rolling person opposite me, downing pizza, popcorn, cheese sticks, and soda. :)

*looks at game book library*


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XD I played WoW for, like, four minutes. I got to level six. I was a blood elf rogue. I looked at my [ex] boyfriend, sighed, and stood up, and said, "You can play. I'm bored."


it was not my game.

but put a well put together deck of magic cards together in front of me and I'll go wild... :p but I'm not an addict. I have a life. and the guys that I know that play WoW ALL turn out to be duds [romantically].

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I don't know, maybe, um spend time with me, don't tell me dumb lies that you didn't plot out carefully enough and now as a result I have picked them apart so bad that you have to lie more and more to the point where you make yourself out to be insane. (seriously, if I catch you in a lie don't sit there and say it must be cause your crazyish, no dude the real reason is you sat online for 12 hours playing some damn game and as a result you have lost track of time and all touch with reality. The reason you forgot you told me on thing and are now contradicting it is because you mixed up your game with what really happened and now you feel silly so you lie your way out of it and I am at the point where I cannot even question it anymore because, well frankly, you kinda scare me.

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I don't know, maybe, um spend time with me, don't tell me dumb lies that you didn't plot out carefully enough and now as a result I have picked them apart so bad that you have to lie more and more to the point where you make yourself out to be insane. (seriously, if I catch you in a lie don't sit there and say it must be cause your crazyish, no dude the real reason is you sat online for 12 hours playing some damn game and as a result you have lost track of time and all touch with reality. The reason you forgot you told me on thing and are now contradicting it is because you mixed up your game with what really happened and now you feel silly so you lie your way out of it and I am at the point where I cannot even question it anymore because, well frankly, you kinda scare me.

Wow.... is that unreasonable of you kat? I think it is very reasonable to feel the way you feel.

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