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Your completely unreasonable dating requirements...

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XD I played WoW for, like, four minutes. I got to level six. I was a blood elf rogue. I looked at my [ex] boyfriend, sighed, and stood up, and said, "You can play. I'm bored."


it was not my game.

but put a well put together deck of magic cards together in front of me and I'll go wild... :p but I'm not an addict. I have a life. and the guys that I know that play WoW ALL turn out to be duds [romantically].

You think WOW player's are bad, try an EVE online player. (no offense to anyone that play's EVE)

Now, I know, I did not just get kicked out of my "bed" for being to fidgety, Oh, hell no!!!!!!! You sir, are banned from here, BANNED!!!!!!!!! Also, you talk to much about nothing, and that's bad coming from me. Hand me the duct tape someone, please........Damn, normally I would be the one that needs to have their mouth gagged, or taped shut. Less talky, more fu...., oh nevermind. LOL!!!!!!!!

Oh, also, damn, where is your fire, your passion, grab me like you actually want me, throw me, I don't know against the wall, down on the "bed", and kiss me, and stuff, and things, like ya mean it!!!

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You think WOW player's are bad, try an EVE online player. (no offense to anyone that play's EVE)

I've never played it, but I have a friend who is a developer for that game. He works for CCP in Atlanta and flies to Iceland a couple times a year.

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Must be tiny and have red hair.

Bottled is ok.

Is it okay if it's dyed? =P

Is it wrong to want a guy who knows how to handle his alcohol and knows when to stop? Or at least take heed when someone says "Hey, you've had enough." That would be nice.

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I have picked up a thing for scrawny jewish boys. As a shebrew i feel like i can have a future with one. They just seem to keep breaking my heart. I am also picky about healthy eating habits. My first boyfriend gained a lot of weight and was so unhealthy. I was worried cause he had a cousin found dead at 32 and hes had uncles pass away from similar issues. I want to to know i can have a happy healthy future with some one. I need to not get so upset when i get rejected too....that i dont take well.

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Do not pop up at my house uninvited so quick into getting together, do not come over high as hell, do not act possessive, and if I meet your mother and she passes me a joint and when I refuse ask me, as if I am abnormal, "well, what do you get high on, than?"!!!!!!!!!

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Do not pop up at my house uninvited so quick into getting together, do not come over high as hell, do not act possessive, and if I meet your mother and she passes me a joint and when I refuse ask me, as if I am abnormal, "well, what do you get high on, than?"!!!!!!!!!

I would consider those reasonable not unreasonable.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Megalicious

Hmmm. Lets see.

He has to be on the same, if not higher, intellectual level. You don't have to know the Periodic Table from memory (though that would be a huge plus), but do have to know what an event horizon is (and NO, I don't mean the movie).

You must not have a car that has a fucktardish name that you don't know the meaning of.

Must have a love of all things vintage.

Must be on the same paraphiliaic page.

Must love BSG- most of my life seems revolve around improvised BGS puns- you can't get an inside dork joke if you have NO idea what I'm talking about.

Must love outdoors, must love TO CAMP. It was a constant issue with past SO's. My desire to go get out, hike, camp, sleep under the stars, and enjoy nature was confusing to them- never again *nods*

Must have an intact sense of self- I do NOT complete you- but we can compliment each others strange neuroticisiums (sp?).

Must have light eyes, there is no bending the rule on this- it is the ONLY thing all men I seem to be attracted to have in common.

Must be able to except and deal with "fuck you " attitude. Don't get me wrong, most of you that know me on a personal level know I am extremely sweet, for the most part, but I do have that very aggressive side to me that is a little hard to control and handle at times. My nature and instinct is aggressive, even from childhood, though I have made extreme progress in better way to cope and deal with things, it still pops its ugly little head in when I feel I am under extreme pressure. I realize it takes a certain kind of person to balance me out.

MUST LOVE MUSIC- I cannot emphasize this ENOUGH. We must have, somewhat similar taste, as I can only take so much crap pop. I like many different things, and I'm pretty flexible. But you must love opera (particularly german in origin) and romantic period composers (german/russian/french), this makes up A HUGE section of my record/music collection and it's important. Only thing I can't stand is Lincoln Park ( I suggest you listen to something with more substance, but the same sound- early Filter and Robert Patrick projects is an EXCELLENT example), anything that is post 75 ish country (DOES NOT WANT!), and The Libertines - for some reason I JUST can't stand them- anything else is fine, and I will give something at least 5 listens before I decided if I like it or not.

Must have an imagination- I want someone who is not afraid to play dress up. Not only will me and the kids with adventures in the forest, but in the bedroom... thehehhe.

Must be creative on some level- you paint, you sketch, you write, you photograph, ect. I go thorough extreme period of creative energy- I need someone who can connect with that.

Has to have a sense of humor- the stranger, the better.

Has to have a love of Anatomy- It would be awesome if your anatomical knowledge exceeds mine, but that is rare.

Must be able to embrace and sometimes put A CAP on my impulsiveness- it is not uncommon that I will, at very short notice, hop on a plane, jump in the car, go for a walk in town I don't know, walk on a ledge of a 60 story building (lol)- it is my inter-Rimbaud, if you will, that is screaming internally, that I am not living. Some would say HIGH risk, but it's high pay off too. Again, I need someone that allow me autonomy, but also will tell me " WTF are you doing?" when its just a little too much.

Must love kids and furries- if you have to ask why, then you aren't meant for me anyway.

Someone who understands that how much shit you acquire does not reflect your status - I have been richer homeless then I am now, in the sense of freedom - not a lot of people get that.

Must love gameplay, all kinds. If you can't share the controller then get the fuck out (or go home, log in to your account and play co-op with me).

Must not be that sort of dominate/controlling type outside of the bedroom. I don't need you, I'm fine on my own, I CHOOSE to have you in my life- I don't need your money, or stupid material bullshit you buy because you THINK I want. If I wanted it, I would buy it for myself. I want your opinion, not your demand. I owe you nothing, as you owe me NOTHING. It's an understanding of mutual love and respect, not doing things in a relationship because you feel you will get something in return. I'm not into material shit- period. Just because you buy me a nice ring (and NO I don't like jewelry really beyond plastic hello kitty rings) doesn't mean I'm going to fuck your brains out. I'll fuck your brains out because I WANT to. :thumbsup:

Must have uberdork status.

Must love boardgames- mostly rio grande based but all games are awesome.

Must not have a justice/law based major/profession. Sorry, we are just not compatible.

Has to be able to be silly with me at 3am!

Must have night picnics (NO MATTER THE WEATHER!!!) with me at least one a week :welcome:

A movie lover- the more surrealism the better.

Nice hands- oh my. Hands... hands ... hands.... *drools*

ummm I can't think of anything else at the moment!

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Guest Megalicious



Oh, and I love a grammar nazi because mine is so horrible (can you say run on sentence).

I think TWB is sexy, but the fact that she is a grammar nazi makes her 100X sexier to me!

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don't all cars have fucktardish names?

Yes, but I know the meaning of mine. Mine means "one from the base of the fields" and "of or relating to a citizen, city, citizenship, or community affairs." Maybe that's why it works so hard and dependably, like an ox, and obeys all traffic signals.

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Here's one..... someone who doesnt fit into my clothes.

I'd prefer the guy have more meat on his bones than I do. That way he gives off the impression that he'd "protect" me. Same reason behind them being preferably taller than me.

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