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Your completely unreasonable dating requirements...

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Assuming you are single, or in a position to date, describe your PERFECT mate/partner. Reasonableness and reality have no business here. I'm curious to know what you would want if you could have it all.

To make it easier, I've made up a form with my preferences first Feel free to add categories, etc:

Your turn.

I CHANGED THE ORDER...According to order of import...

SEXUALITY: It is an actual requirement that a female is "Bi" to even lay next tome naked...I don't completely trust anyone who does not admit to enjoy giving cunnilingus...& oddly enough, I don't want to be with a Lady that won't touch my Wife.

EMOTIONAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL: I have a big hook to this... "KNOW THYSELF"... but I do have an affinity for people like me...BATSHIT INSANE...


PERSONALITY: Since I have a small collection of these...She should at least have 1 maybe 2 or 3...

FAMILY: Would prefer a person whom is very close to their unit...though, I am an unwanted bastard child & no hypocrite...

I would like to breed again, so the urge towards a familial way is a pretty big +...

HOBBIES: People should have hobbies...mates need not have all the same hobbies but should cross-participate occasionally.

Character: Should remind me of me at times (just at times, not at specific times).

INTERESTS: Mates should share a great deal of common interests. I mean that across the board. Like, in the kitchen (food), in the bed...in the bathroom...you know, on conservation, conversation & of course stuff & things...

JOB: Jobs are good, Careers ROCK.....one of these is also required.

PHYSICAL:These things have never really mattered, but I will answer them in a manner befitting.

Height: I prefer tall...as tall as possible.

Weight/body type: Proportional...but a bit extra is not gonna' have me bitchin'...but for heath type reasons in the old agedness times...HEALTH IS GOOD.

Eyes: DEEP & WISE...I am non-color specific...but eyes should be able to smile even when the lips can not...

Hair:DREADLOCKS...but if not...she should at least let us style it...

Skin:I require skin on people I hang out with...so it is a defacto requiem.

Clothing: ? I would prefer she wears it...it should flatter her figure, so I can complement her often.

I'm not that picky...but I do find my "type" to be a rare and beauteous creature...

Though we are very taken I thought I'ld post in favor of empirical study & group sharing. :lick:kiss:wink:bunny:

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Height - 6'0" or taller, or I'll tower over you in half of my shoes.

Weight/body type - On the slender to average side, though a few extra pounds is fine. Not super muscular :yucky: . Generally healthy, but not a health nut. Oh, and I prefer a guy who can physically pick me up.

Eyes - No real preference, though I tend to be attracted to guys with bluish or greenish eyes.

Hair - Medium length, somewhere between the top of the ears and the top of the shoulders. Straight or slightly wavy. Neat and clean. Color doesn't matter, though I am not usually attracted to guys with red hair.

Skin - Pale to very slightly tanned.

Clothing: If we're going out together I prefer the classic to slightly corporate look. Not too preppy or too trendy. For just hanging out, I don't care as long as it suits him and he doesn't have any faux pax going on. Not overly metrosexual. I do not want to wait an hour for you to get ready!

EMOTIONAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL: Sensitive, but in a masculine way. Has made at least some progress in self-discovery. Honest. Open to new experiences. Reasonable amount of self-esteem, but no overinflated egos. Shares personal experiences and feelings with me without making me feel like I'm prying. Nice most of the time, but with an edge.

PERSONALITY:Intelligent and curious. Good sense of humor/smart-ass. Moderately outgoing. Responsible and stable. Caring. Not afraid to stand up for himself to me or others. Will defend me on the rare occasions I need defending. Loves animals. Loves children but doesn't want his own. Not insecure. Not overly jealous(a little turns me on).

SPIRITUALITY: Agnostic, slightly religious but doesn't try to push it on others, slightly atheist but doesn't try to push it on others.

SEXUALITY: Straight. Monogamous. Somewhat experienced, but not a manwhore. Has not slept with any of my friends nor anyone that I don't particularly like (hey, you said unreasonable). Likes to experiment sometimes, but doesn't feel the need to do so all the time. Not overly kinky.

HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Watching movies, going to the theatre, visiting museums, exhibits, parks, zoos. Eating out. Cooking. Reading. Swimming. Taking walks. Debating with me. Likes going to clubs once in a while, but not every week. Does not smoke. Drinks socially/rarely gets drunk. Has his own hobbies that he can turn me on to. I can deal with a small amount of geekery, but anything classified as geeky that takes up more than 2 hours per day of your time more than a couple times a year will not go over well with me. Does not do any illegal subastance/does not abuse legal drugs.

JOB:I don't care much as long as he makes enough to suppost himself and doesn't constantly complain about his job. If I'm being picky, making enough to treat me from time to time is a huge plus. I generally avoid artists, actors and musicians. Too flaky and egotistical.

FAMILY: Gets along with his parents. Does not have insane parents, step parents and distant relatives who alternate between being extremely controlling, extremely needy and just plain distant, unhelpful, and abusive. Does not have or want kids.

Edited by TygerLili
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let's see. A woman that has green eyes, committed atrocities, is a cannibal, a backstabber, is violent, psychotic

and loyal. that last part.... whooaaa it's a doooozzzeayy.

she should like getting her feet licked, have some slaves, both male and female that obey her unconditonally

and follow through with orders without question irrelevant of danger to life and limb.

She should be as tall or taller than me, or shorter. skinnier fatter or as built as me would be great too.

she could be alive, dead, or both if so was her fashion at the time.

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Height - 5'0" - 5'9"

Weight/body type - Slender, willowy. Toned but not ripped. Flat belly and perky breasts are a must.

Eyes - Blue, green, or hazel; intense, deep color.

Hair - (mild to moderate fetish) Natural and long are mandatory. Wavy or curly. Natural color. Well kept, no flyaways. Undyed. Did I mention NATURAL?

Skin - Lightly tanned and paler. Freckles are a bonus.

Character - Irish and/or Scandanavian features. Flexible.

Clothing: Obscenely versatile. Mechanic's jumpsuit to ball gown to clubwear to mountain climbing gear and everything in between. Must enjoy wearing long, flowy skirts. Must look feminine in all outfits/styles.


Self aware, self-explored. I do not have the time, energy, or desire to hold your hand on a soul-searching adventure. Must be capable of sensitivity, but able to express it at appropriate times/places. Must be capable of killing with no remorse, while not desiring to do so often. In other words, morally flexible.


Intelligent, not egotistical. Must be able to laugh at crude humor. Must have enough ettiquette to pull off said crude humor in a board room. Must enjoy adventure as well as a steady routine. Soft inside, hard outside.


Highly personal, yet open minded. No fanatics/zealots.


Heterosexual and monogamous. Willingness to experiment on occasion is a plus. No virgins; must be experienced and have no STDs.


Wide variety of interests. Working knowledge of wines, music, guns, cars, games, medicine, psychology, literature, history, chemical engineering, computers, sewing, and camping is a plus. Must have at least one creative hobby. Must be able to speak/willing to learn multiple languages.


Must have a steady career they enjoy.


Good relationship with family. Family should ideally be spread over the world in a wide variety of locations.

When I think of more, I'll add it.

Edited by peelingchrome
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I'm posting one even though I'm not single. The reason being that my dream man...definately does not exist anyways so I figured I would have some fun with this. I must warn everyone that if you are offended, then don't read it. I mean hey...it is "completely unreasonable requirements" and so if I had my way, yeah...this would pretty much be true:


Height - I am 5'9" so my man must be a tall and lanky beast.

Body - CANNOT HAVE ANY EXTRA WEIGHT WHAT-SO-EVER. I <3 thin boys and boys that are cut/toned but not BUILT.

Eyes - Doesn't matter, I spend too much time staring at the goods to know frivolous shit like what color a man's eyes are. There are more important things to stare at on a guy...and it's not located on or anywhere near his face.

Hair - Anything except blonde, red, or brown. I guess that leaves black and DAY GLO CRAZY AWESOME COLORS W00T! :peanutbutterjellytime:

Skin - Casper, unless latino.

Character - Uhmm...honest enough to not give me an STD. That's the only requirement, I don't even care if you lie to me, just don't give me AIDS kthnx.

Clothing: None/Cyber-Industrial. No exceptions.


Needs to be more of a chick than me so as to make me look better in front of my male friends. Cannot be too much of a girl because then I might-as-well be a lesbian...and on top of that being too much of a girl is considered emo and I am ANTI-EMO.


Psssht...don't care. So the appropriate answer would be N/A.


Not big on people who are either Satanic or Athiest. I mean I have athiest friends but wouldn't like to date one, seems too dismal for me.


Has to find other men more attractive than he finds me. I'd rather watch my boyfriend get it on with another dude than have him get it on with me - true stuff. I like to watch I DO NOT LIKE BEING TOUCHED HARDLY EVER, even when friends hug me it pisses me off sometimes depending on how irate I am atm and I just don't say anything because I come from an anti-affectionate family and we all severely hate each other. It's hard to be raised (not my mom, my extended fam) by hate, jealousy, pride, and deviance then turn around as an adult and want a hug.

OHH...and must be over 9"...I cannot stress this enough.


Your hobbies must not interfere with mine. Period. Get your own damn hobbies and stay away from my shit, unless it involves me pwning you at DDR. That just makes me look cooler.


If you can make me get off in under 20 seconds, keep my house immaculate, make my dinner, kiss my ass, and rub my feet you get an all exclusive pass to be my personal golddigger. All other boys must work - no exceptions! Preferably not making as much money as myself, either.


I don't like boys who have family at all or are close to family. Furthermore I don't want a guy who wants kids.

The end...I'm horrible, I know.

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Oh and to add, I forgot:

Cannot be an uptight, I'm-better-than-you-because-I'm-high-on-my-shitty-life straight edge mother fucker. The world is shit...smoke weed. Stop trying to fool yourself.

I also don't like closed-minded and old-fashioned dudes who won't hit women. That's such total bullshit. If you aren't man enough to look me in the eyes and knock me in the face...you're a whimp and you're probably afraid of getting your ass beat. As a part of any healthy relationship we MUST beat the shit out of each other. I don't like to work out problems with words so physically fighting is my only alternative method. If I'm with you and you won't fight me, you can see where this would be a problem. That and from the start I would think you're a sexist prick anyhow, not a good beginning imo.

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Must have a job.

Must not live with parents.

Must be able to hold a conversation. I'm not interested in kicking someone out after sex, because I have no use for them after.

Must not smoke cigs.

Must not smoke weed.

Must be able to keep up with me physically. I like to challenge myself from time to time and am getting back into MMA.

and most importantly - MUST understand that my daughter comes first. Always. The end. Time with her > time with anyone else. I've had a few women I've broke contact off with because they didn't go for that. The way I see it...there are millions of women in Michigan alone, but I only have one daughter.

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I'm so glad to hear how devoted you are to your daughter. We need more parents out there who think like you do. :)

Yes. How could I have forgotten that in mine? Perhaps because for me that's a default behavior. Any woman who thinks a man should choose her over his children is in need of a heavy dose of therapy.

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Yes. How could I have forgotten that in mine? Perhaps because for me that's a default behavior. Any woman who thinks a man should choose her over his children is in need of a heavy dose of therapy.

There's exceptions to that. Even then, though, you would choose to accept those exceptions.

I was basicly quarentined for two weeks after my surgery. I have severe immune system issues. I couldn't even be around my own kids ... nor exposed to any illnesses even secondhand.

But again, it's still a choice that would have to be made. My illnesses are no secret.

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Guest greyhalo

So, my newest dating request is that he should work in a pet store so I can hook up and get his discount. See, I have 12 pets, and that would rock if I could tap into someone's employee discount.

So, do any single men here work at Petsmart or Pet Supplies Plus?

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I CHANGED THE ORDER...According to order of import...

SEXUALITY: It is an actual requirement that a female is "Bi" to even lay next tome naked...I don't completely trust anyone who does not admit to enjoy giving cunnilingus...& oddly enough, I don't want to be with a Lady that won't touch my Wife.

EMOTIONAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL: I have a big hook to this... "KNOW THYSELF"... but I do have an affinity for people like me...BATSHIT INSANE...


PERSONALITY: Since I have a small collection of these...She should at least have 1 maybe 2 or 3...

FAMILY: Would prefer a person whom is very close to their unit...though, I am an unwanted bastard child & no hypocrite...

I would like to breed again, so the urge towards a familial way is a pretty big +...

HOBBIES: People should have hobbies...mates need not have all the same hobbies but should cross-participate occasionally.

Character: Should remind me of me at times (just at times, not at specific times).

INTERESTS: Mates should share a great deal of common interests. I mean that across the board. Like, in the kitchen (food), in the bed...in the bathroom...you know, on conservation, conversation & of course stuff & things...

JOB: Jobs are good, Careers ROCK.....one of these is also required.

PHYSICAL:These things have never really mattered, but I will answer them in a manner befitting.

Height: I prefer tall...as tall as possible.

Weight/body type: Proportional...but a bit extra is not gonna' have me bitchin'...but for heath type reasons in the old agedness times...HEALTH IS GOOD.

Eyes: DEEP & WISE...I am non-color specific...but eyes should be able to smile even when the lips can not...

Hair:DREADLOCKS...but if not...she should at least let us style it...

Skin:I require skin on people I hang out with...so it is a defacto requiem.

Clothing: ? I would prefer she wears it...it should flatter her figure, so I can complement her often.

I'm not that picky...but I do find my "type" to be a rare and beauteous creature...

Though we are very taken I thought I'ld post in favor of empirical study & group sharing. :lick:kiss:wink:bunny:

I forgot...I've got ONE MORE:

I do not ever wear deodorant...I use oils that mix with my smell to make it smell nice...SHE...should like my scent.

Somebody who can deal with Me ever changing weirdnesses.....

{I am reaaly nutz}

:blushing::devil::innocent::):rolleyes: :rolleyes: :yucky::verymad::starwars::mage::mad::dry::confused::bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny::biggrin::peanutbutterjellytime::sad::laugh::ball::geek::p:question::coffee: :coffee: ;):hrhr::robo::censored: :censored: :rambo::gathering::smoke::cheers::harhar::up::left::right::fun::mellow:

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Um. Wow, this is going to take a while.

Well, see....I've known I was bi since I was 19. And though sex is very (let me reiterate, VERY) important to me, I don't like having sex with people that I don't feel emotionally connected to. Is icky. And I've tried enough times to know, most certainly, that it doesn't work for me. So, being bi has always been problematic. I tried resolving it in the past by having an open relationship--didn't like it. Then by connecting to one, a male or female for whom I deeply cared and then trying to work in a third, and it has always blown up in my face. Generally it goes like this: either I am with a girl who is lesbian and is disgusted by the prospect of having a man join us and the men who are available to us are typically chauvinistic boobs who believe that it will be all about them and the pre-teen fantasies they've been harboring since the first time they jacked off to their neighbor's father's stolen copy of Hustler. Ick. Or I'm with a guy whom I dig very much, but believes that I will be satisfied with any dumb as fuck pussy carrier with the body of a toothpick and personality to match (thin, void of nutrients, prone to splintering) and insists on trying to get it on with this wooden stick much to my total revulsion and resentment of them both. I'm picky. And for good reason.

I am not single. Happily, I've been adopted by a couple. And if I am ever single again, I think I will only date couples in the future b/c this is just so awesome.

My requirements:

1) Real caring. That means being emotionally available and forthright. Come on out and say what you want and need. Don't make me guess. And when I say I need your support, extend yourself. I like men and women who are honest, daring, and sensitive. Be vulnerable. It's a kind of strength in itself. And little gestures mean a lot. I make them often, don't expect any return other than in kind. Things like hugs, kisses, little love notes, foot rubs, cleaning up after oneself, checking in with "how are you doing?" and "how was your day?", complements (especially when conquering past bad habits), encouragement. Basically, I think that we are all like children all of our lives; it's just that when we become adults, we develop this ability to parent each other in the ways that perhaps our own were lacking. We never get too old for unconditional love, tough love, and just being there.

2) Intelligence. I don't mean just per the Stanford-Binet scale. I mean having a real lust for learning and the application of your newly acquired knowledge. The world is too intricate and amazing to be content with the little corner of it that you were born to. Explore, experience, adapt, adopt, and share.

3) Sex and sensuality. I am really big on touch, and smell, and taste, and the way you sound when I make you feel good. I like sex and plenty of it. Really, like everyday (even several times a day, or all day) if possible. It should be gooey, dangerous, and creative. I like pain, but not humiliation. Shame should be banished. Otherwise, let's see what we can make, shall we? I don't like girls that only pretend to like girls for the sake of getting the guys hot. I don't like fake orgasms. Really, why are you wasting my time? If you want something, ask me. I'm probably game. Oh, and anal is a must.

4) Some ability to cope with the real world. And a desire to do good in it. By this, I refer to a desire for community and an ability to negotiate the needs of the many with the desires of the one, an appreciation for others, a sense of responsibility and spirituality, however you want to define it, and a moral compass.

And now, I will conclude because I'm visiting my dad in Denver and it's time to see the Botanical Gardens. I could add more, but I'm really here to visit him, not type on-line. Bye!

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Um. Wow, this is going to take a while.

Well, see....I've known I was bi since I was 19. And though sex is very (let me reiterate, VERY) important to me, I don't like having sex with people that I don't feel emotionally connected to. Is icky. And I've tried enough times to know, most certainly, that it doesn't work for me. So, being bi has always been problematic. I tried resolving it in the past by having an open relationship--didn't like it. Then by connecting to one, a male or female for whom I deeply cared and then trying to work in a third, and it has always blown up in my face. Generally it goes like this: either I am with a girl who is lesbian and is disgusted by the prospect of having a man join us and the men who are available to us are typically chauvinistic boobs who believe that it will be all about them and the pre-teen fantasies they've been harboring since the first time they jacked off to their neighbor's father's stolen copy of Hustler. Ick. Or I'm with a guy whom I dig very much, but believes that I will be satisfied with any dumb as fuck pussy carrier with the body of a toothpick and personality to match (thin, void of nutrients, prone to splintering) and insists on trying to get it on with this wooden stick much to my total revulsion and resentment of them both. I'm picky. And for good reason.

I am not single. Happily, I've been adopted by a couple. And if I am ever single again, I think I will only date couples in the future b/c this is just so awesome.

My requirements:

1) Real caring. That means being emotionally available and forthright. Come on out and say what you want and need. Don't make me guess. And when I say I need your support, extend yourself. I like men and women who are honest, daring, and sensitive. Be vulnerable. It's a kind of strength in itself. And little gestures mean a lot. I make them often, don't expect any return other than in kind. Things like hugs, kisses, little love notes, foot rubs, cleaning up after oneself, checking in with "how are you doing?" and "how was your day?", complements (especially when conquering past bad habits), encouragement. Basically, I think that we are all like children all of our lives; it's just that when we become adults, we develop this ability to parent each other in the ways that perhaps our own were lacking. We never get too old for unconditional love, tough love, and just being there.

2) Intelligence. I don't mean just per the Stanford-Binet scale. I mean having a real lust for learning and the application of your newly acquired knowledge. The world is too intricate and amazing to be content with the little corner of it that you were born to. Explore, experience, adapt, adopt, and share.

3) Sex and sensuality. I am really big on touch, and smell, and taste, and the way you sound when I make you feel good. I like sex and plenty of it. Really, like everyday (even several times a day, or all day) if possible. It should be gooey, dangerous, and creative. I like pain, but not humiliation. Shame should be banished. Otherwise, let's see what we can make, shall we? I don't like girls that only pretend to like girls for the sake of getting the guys hot. I don't like fake orgasms. Really, why are you wasting my time? If you want something, ask me. I'm probably game. Oh, and anal is a must.

4) Some ability to cope with the real world. And a desire to do good in it. By this, I refer to a desire for community and an ability to negotiate the needs of the many with the desires of the one, an appreciation for others, a sense of responsibility and spirituality, however you want to define it, and a moral compass.

And now, I will conclude because I'm visiting my dad in Denver and it's time to see the Botanical Gardens. I could add more, but I'm really here to visit him, not type on-line. Bye!

I think I like this Chica..... :bunny:

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Height - 5"10 or taller!!!!!!!! I wear HUGE mega platforms........

Weight/body type - Thin to medium. I do like a partner who can eat.

Eyes - Green would be my FIRST choice, but any will do. (can not be that picky)

Hair - *** LOVER of longer hair*** or just plain different, shaved on sides, longer bangs, blue hair,

mohawk, just something different.

Skin - PALE like death, blue even..lol

Character - Caucasian (my preference)

Clothing: Cyber , Cyborg, Old School goth, jeans and boots, leather jacket, all black. You get the idea.


HIGH emotional and sensitive...But no cry babies.


Outgoing but not too social at the same time. Artistic and sensitive. Quirky works for me too. What the heck I am not that picky. Just not someone mean or who hates animals.


None really. Astrology, Psychics, and stuff like that fine..>>NO ORGANIZED RELIGION PLEASE.


Straight or Bi.....and must enjoy and be sexual!


Well mine are ebay, reading, astrology, wii, World of Warcraft, dancing, second hand stores, traveling, trying new foods, car shows, monster trucks, and more...would like someone fairly compatable.


Has one would be a start....LOL


Good relationship, does not come from a heavily dysfunctional one....

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