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Your completely unreasonable dating requirements...

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Assuming you are single, or in a position to date, describe your PERFECT mate/partner. Reasonableness and reality have no business here. I'm curious to know what you would want if you could have it all.

To make it easier, I've made up a form with my preferences first Feel free to add categories, etc:


Height - 4' 9" - 5' 2"

Weight/body type - Thin but not bony. Well-toned (Not overtly muscular, though) feminine curves (curvy hips and decent sized breasts compared to body size.) Longish legs, proportionally.

Eyes - Green/hazel

Hair - Anywhere from bald to short/pixie-ish OR VERY long. (Well below the butt.) Shades of red preferred, but black is very acceptable as are bright, unnatural colors.

Skin - Either very pale or dark/exotic. (Not deeply tanned)

Character - Exotic/mixed race or pale European traits are most attractive.

Clothing: Eclectic mix of goth/punk, vintage 50's and 20's, Victorian and other interesting era's but done in a contemporary manner.


Medium to high emotional sensitivity but not a complainer or "emo". Has done both self-analysis and seen a therapist to resolve issues. Open, vulnerable, affectionate and non-judging. Mental toughness under pressure and stress. Values health and fitness. Considerate. Creative beyond words.


Playful and happy most of the time. Great sense of humor. (Able to be corny one minute and dry/smart the next - mischievous as hell!!) Gentle and warm, especially with children. Confident in abilities, yet inquisitive and humble about the unknown. Intelligence is also very important.


Open and personal. An organized religion like UU would be OK too.


Bisexual - Generally monogamous but open to a variety of possible relationship scenarios. Not necessarily an ongoing lifestyle, though. Enjoys sex (duh) and flirting - but not overtly kinky. May have memorized the Kama Sutra but doesn't feel compelled to use it all the time.


Compatible and complimentary stuff. Someone that will be into some of the same things I am but can also learn from and teach me about interests we don't share. (yet) Art/design/photography. Likes to cook and is good at it. Hiking, biking, yoga. Reads books on many topics. Compatible musical tastes. Mechanical ability. Automotive interests. Ecology and respect for the earth.


In the arts or runs an artistic business.


Good relationship with parents/siblings. They should live somewhere cool to visit.. Heh. Either no children or 1, at most.

I may add more or modify later.

Your turn.

Edited by Msterbeau
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Im Single and Looking but I do agree creatureofthenyte

I like men:

Age- 18 to 29

Complexion Pale or "light skinned"

Height 5'10 or taller

Weight 150 to 220 lbs

Hobbies anything creative that involves him using his BRAIN

Personal Style Goth Punk Emo any scence doesnt really matter as long as he has style

Mental Capacity Must be smart enough to do my homework (Im incollege and an honor student)

Family Matters I dont really care for mine but you must love your own and no kids

I like women:

Age- 18 to 25

Complexion Pale to "light skinned" (I like asian women the most)

Height 5'0 to 5'7

Weight 135 to 165lbs

Hobbies anything creative that involves her using her BRAIN

Personal Style Goth Punk Emo any scence as long as she is stylin and SEXY

Mental Capacity Must be able to do my homework (^^^^^^^^)

Family Matters Must love her family and no kids

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Im Single and Looking but I do agree creatureofthenyte

I like men:

Age- 18 to 29

Complexion Pale or "light skinned"

Height 5'10 or taller

Weight 150 to 220 lbs

Hobbies anything creative that involves him using his BRAIN

Personal Style Goth Punk Emo any scence doesnt really matter as long as he has style

Mental Capacity Must be smart enough to do my homework (Im incollege and an honor student)

Family Matters I dont really care for mine but you must love your own and no kids

I like women:

Age- 18 to 25

Complexion Pale to "light skinned" (I like asian women the most)

Height 5'0 to 5'7

Weight 135 to 165lbs

Hobbies anything creative that involves her using her BRAIN

Personal Style Goth Punk Emo any scence as long as she is stylin and SEXY

Mental Capacity Must be able to do my homework (^^^^^^^^)

Family Matters Must love her family and no kids

That sounds too reasonable.

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Guest greyhalo

I'm going to wait another 5 minutes before I close the auction . I wouldn't want to be too unfair to him...

And make it $10. He's a high class thespian.

Did I mention that I had lunch at Qdoba?

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Assuming you are single, or in a position to date, describe your PERFECT mate/partner. Reasonableness and reality have no business here. I'm curious to know what you would want if you could have it all.


My height, but preferably taller so I can wear my heels. :) I have a weakness for muscular bods, especially arms/shoulders/butt/nice legs. I like Irish/Scottish/German/European looks the best. A guy who has his own sense of style that is not necessarily preppy. A guy who knows how to make Doc Martens (or New Rocks) function in an office environment.


Preferably someone emotionally stable who gets along great with his parents/siblings/etc. I don't like negative guys & generally this guy must be able to make me laugh & be able to laugh at himself. Someone who can roll with life, even when things come along that suck & handle life gracefully. Someone who really likes animals & can (at least) get along with kids. I am ok with a guy who wants no kids. If a guy has kids already: a guy who understands that good discipline makes for well-behaved kids & kicks their butts when they need it, LOL.


Sense of humor & intelligent, with a dash of geeky-ness.


Someone who doesn't spend their entire time trying to convince me that their religion is best. Someone who can accept that there are different religions out there and that we are all doing the best we can. :)


Someone who can get freaky at a moment's notice & can really plow. ;) Someone fairly uninhibited who isn't going to get freaked out when they see me dressed up for Exotica or Hellbound events. :)


MUST be an alternative guy of some kind. Seriously. Preppy boys always "pretend" to like the alternative side of me, but then they run away at the first sign of PVC/leather. A guy who understands that latex isn't just for condoms.... Smart guy who is BOTH left & right-brained. Someone I can take to an art gallery or nice restaurant once in a while without complaints. Someone who has a life with his own friends/interests, and doesn't make me the center of his life. His interests do not need to match mine. Someone who can carry on an intelligent conversation with my dad without me having to worry about either of them.


Something steady that makes him happy. Because if his job is happy, he will be happy, and again that is a bonus. :)

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These are the main prerequisites.

Here are the fine-print details:


Hair: Naturally dark, blond, or red (fashion colors are OK), preferably either very short and neatly-cut (punk haircuts are OK), or long and natural, neatly-kept

Eyes: Blue-hazel, blue, or green (unless he is Asian, Native American, Polynesian, or latino, then cognac brown is OK) Must contain a mischievous sparkle, and portray extreme intelligence!

Skin tone: Either ghostly pale or sun-kissed

Build: Preferably between 5'8 and 7', weight proportionate to height (though I tend to like guys who are NOT skinny!)

Ethnicity: I tend to go for Celtic (Black Irish), Northern European, and Asian men. I am generally not physically attracted to swarthy or dark-complected men. Some Mediterranean men are very attractive, especially light-eyed Sicilianos.

Style of garb: Must be a chameleon, to mirror my fashion sense.


He is a warrior spirit; someone who has been to bad places, but his eyes strive to see the better. He is aloof with strangers, but very tender in closed quarters. He is a sensuous animal, yet civilized. He is not afraid to lament his sorrows to the moon with the wolves, yet he would rarely show his weakness to those outside the pack. He is a self-made man, who has struggled with great adversity to have what he wants. He is a half-souled creature, who has searched long and hard for the other half to complete himself. He is a man who could gently cradle a child or small helpless creature gently in one arm, while fighting off legions of undead with the other. He is everything and anything he needs to be, when the need arises. His intelligence is fathomless, as his soul is very ancient. He is a legendary hero, who can melt the leading from around the box I keep my heart in.

SPIRITUALITY: He is acutely spiritual, and is not swayed from his beliefs, whatever they may be. Preferably, he has heard the voices of elementals and angels; and those of his ancestors speaking to him, through his memories.

HOBBIES/INTERESTS: He is as polymathic as "herself"; his interests are all-encompassing, and unlimited. The world is his oyster, and its mysteries, the pearl.

SEXUALITY: He is sex incarnate, period. The hearts of mere mortals break when he passes by. He could easily take them all, but he only chooses the strong to spar with.

JOB: He is multi-talented and multifaceted, in the way that he can always come up with some way to pay his bills and debts. Whether he be a street hustler, a doctor, a dope dealer, a mercenary, a CEO, a vegetable huckster at a roadside stand, a side-show barker, a powerful leader of people, a pirate captain, a bartender, a farmer, a self-reliant hermit, a gypsy king, or WHATEVER-- he is good at what he does, and lives comfortably doing it-- and he can look in the mirror each day and be PROUD of himself.

FAMILY: His blood is his life, whether they are on speaking terms, or not.

..and so, THESE are my unrealistic requirements.

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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Industrial Girl 2000 has more requirments than me

Edit-- JynxxxedAngel has more requirements that Industrial Girl 2000 and me put together

I'm kidding.


The point was not to do a list of what would be vaguely ok, but all the things you would really like to have that are probably not likely - all together, anyways.

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Ooo a quiz! OK I'll play :D


Height - 6' up, cos I don't like being shorter than the guy when I wear big shoes!

Weight/body type - Fit, firm and toned, not overly muscly like a bodybuilder but not all skin and bones either

Eyes - Not fussed (black hair and blue eyes always hot though)

Hair - Anything goes if it looks good on that person - but preferrably done in some alternative style from punky to just gothic long black hair

Skin - not fussed as long as its natural - no fake tanned bods for me :p

Clothing: Anything alternative again with a dark edge - but it needs to look good on that person! Some guys just can't pull off the emancipated goth look lmao


Someone confident and without low self esteem issues!! Someone who is not the jealous, possesive type, non clingy and dependant personality. Someone who can exist without me being there 24/7 lol


Spontaneous and adventurous, yet knows the limits of stupidity and silliness. Someone who can be weird and cooky but knows when to be serious and is capable of having an intellectual conversation.


Open minded and accepting of other's spiritual preferences. Couldnt be with someone who was fanatical though lol Someone who likes to discuss and philosophise spiritual issues with me, in an open and non judgemental way.


Straight, although I don't mind if they are Bi, as long as they are not totally camp with it lol


Travelling! Someone who likes to read books as much as I do and then talk about them :) Someone who likes to take care of themselves and takes an interest in some gym, workout type activity - although if they are naturally toned then who cares lol Someone into the similar music that I'm into so that we can go to gigs and festivals together! Someone who likes dancing and stomping to loud stompy music! Someone who loves to have fun, and can enjoy life without the aid of drugs and alcohol!

Actually that's a biggy for me - I really don't like being with someone who drinks a lot or takes drugs. I particularly hate getting into bed with them and they reek of alcohol UUURRRRGHHH lol


Any, I don't care as long as they are happy doing it


Whatever goes!

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i cant choose one. some people are amazing, and others dont fit, but there looks and personalities differ from person to person. so really i cant be picky...iv been turned on bye to many different types of girls so even sexually its all on the person

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Height - 5'9 and up - the taller the better

Weight/body type - Healthy / average to alittle extra. He must have a build that either makes him a similar physical size to myself or is larger than me (could overpower me..... heh)

Eyes - Light eyes preferred

Hair - Anything but blonde, in a well kept style that is not 'buzzed" and not "preppy" or long and natural but very well cared for.

Skin - Pale. Pale. Pale. Unless he's black and then VERY dark.

Character - Scary in all the right ways, but overall a "nice guy"

Clothing: Stylish and contemporary with a hint of goth or punk in everyday, club would be goth, industrial, or punk.


Resilient and level headed. Not a worrier. VERY loyal and honest, open about issues and accepting. Must have no addictions, and have worked through any emotional issues. Must be willing to commit and not cheat.


Funny and easy going but can be serious when needed. Can be snarky but not cruel. Very intelligent and curious. Creativity a plus. Willing to be crazy sometimes.


Open and accepting though a belief in "Paganish" theory preferred. Definately not Christian in the traditional sense.


Straight and kinky. Must be dominant and strong but not selfish. Very skilled and giving as a lover with experience but not a "manwhore". High sex drive and varying interests.


Must love travel, history, reading, and Geekiness. Must be willing to join the SCA and go to reinactments with me as well as attend and enjoy Sci-Fi conventions. A craft skill would be nice, especially woodworking, or some other sexy and useful thing. Must want to leave the US as soon as possible.


It doesn't matter as long as he likes it, it is very stable and steady, and he makes enough $$ to support me in the manner in which I'd like to become accustomed.


must want 1-2 children but be able to accept it if I find I am unable to have them. Must have easygoing and "normal" family.

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