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Okay so how many of you know the term Juggalo? To most people we are a hated group but we live a certain lifestyle, believe a certain belif and band together in times of needs. There is nothing wrong with being a juggalo. I'm sorry we follow magic, voodoo and etc, however, many are christains. What this church is doing si fucked up!

So this was posted on "www. juggalonews. com" This people have no clue what is going on, No clue what a juggalo is, and yet the feel they have the right to judge......please leave a comment I wanna know what yall think

Much Love,

joey b.


R.I.P Tim McLean, much love to his family.

'Hated' church group to protest Tim McLean funeral

Updated Thu. Aug.

7 2008 11:30 AM ET

CTV. ca News Staff

A church group described in a British documentary as "the most hated family in America" says it will head to Canada this weekend to protest Tim McLean's funeral.

The daughter of the founder of the Westboro Baptist Church, based in Topeka, Ka.

, told CTV. ca she and several other church members will go to Winnipeg on Saturday to demonstrate against what she described as McLean's "filthy way of life." Shirley Phelps-Roper said his life was emblematic of Canada's moral decay.

"God handed us a gift," Phelps-Roper said in a phone interview on Thursday.

She said McLean deserved his death by beheading on a Greyhound Bus last week.

"(His death was) supremely unemotional. You got God shaking in rage. There is no emotional component ... He was a rebel against God. He was taught to be a rebel by his parents. He came from a rebel country ... They brought this wrath upon his head. And it sucks to be him and it sucks to be them," Phelps-Roper said.

She said his brutal murder was a sign from God.

"You gotta connect the dots, people ... from your idols to your filthy way of life," she said.

"Here's what I know. He is dead and God does not do that to people that serve in his truth.


Phelps-Roper described McLean -- who she had never met -- in an insulting, insensitive and graphic manner. Her crudest descriptions of the 22-year-old are not printed.

"I haven't met him personally, but he has nothing going on," she said dismissively.

"(His life) was all about him. Blah, blah, blah ... He was a rebel ... I don't need to know anything else ... I don't need to know the minutia. Everything you need to know is right there.


The Westboro Baptist church has gained notoriety in recent years for setting up protest pickets at the funerals of U.S. soldiers who died in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Church members claim the deaths are part of God's wrath against Americans for turning their back on his teachings. They have repeatedly called the U.S. a "fag" nation, a phrase Phelps-Roper used repeatedly to describe Canada.

Phelps-Roper said she does not mind that her family is reviled by the majority of Americans. She claimed she rejoices when people say they despise and hate her family.

"I say, 'cha ching.' That goes in our bank. God gives us tokens of his love," she said.

Phelps-Roper said members of the Westboro Baptist Church, which numbers about "70 souls," is comprised mainly of a single extended family.

McLean was killed on July 30 after being stabbed repeatedly on a Greyhound bus by a complete stranger. He was then beheaded.

Vince Li, 40, has been charged with second-degree murder. A psychiatric evaluation has been ordered for Li.

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Guest Megalicious

She said his brutal murder was a sign from God.

"You gotta connect the dots, people ... from your idols to your filthy way of life," she said.

"Here's what I know. He is dead and God does not do that to people that serve in his truth.


Yeah, what a fucking cunt.

I read that article about that poor carnie and NO ONE DESERVES TO DIE LIKE THAT. It was fucked up, brutal and savage.

I really don't dig the juggalo way of life. But thats just me personally, I know quite a few, a couple on this board even. You can believe what ever you want, live how you want, I'm not here to judge. As long as you are not yelling in my ear all day and try to preach to me, I really could care less.

The pure fact that you would be as disrespectful as going to PROTEST at some ones funeral, that shows that cunts (and all the rest of those crazy religious nuts) true colors, let the man rest in peace for fucks sake.

I hate people like that.

Live and let live.

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Yeah, what a fucking cunt.

The pure fact that you would be as disrespectful as going to PROTEST at some ones funeral, that shows that cunts (and all the rest of those crazy religious nuts) true colors, let the man rest in peace for fucks sake.

I hate people like that.

Live and let live.

That word is so one of my all time favorite cuss words.....CUNT!

Thanx for saying that, that way. Really THANX...I've forgotten to use it as of late...

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I've been a Juggalo for the past 11yrs and will always be till I die. But like you said I'm not going to sit there and preach in your ear about it.

And what these people are doing is extremely disrespectful and wrong.

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It still amazes me that these people are so fucked up with their FUCKED UP beleifs, that they feel justified that someone died. I don't get it.

I know what being down means, I've got the ink on my left arm but I will be god damned to have some redneck POS discriminating against me because of the music I listen to.. fuck that!

It's fucking entertainment people and that's all it is.

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The real evils of the world are typically carried out by those who believe they are justified. Nothing separates people like a dogmatic sense that you are absolutely correct. Nothing isolates like being absolutely sure that everyone else is absolutely wrong.

Show me a person with doubt in their heart and I will show you a person with compassion in their heart. Show me a person with absolute conviction in their heart and I will show you a person with no room left for compassion.

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This is fucking disgusting.

If they knew about what Juggalos stood for, they'd be eating their own feet, by now... stupid fucking idiots! good gawd!

people like that sicken me...

To Tim McLean: dude, hope your trip to Shangri la is a good one., and i hope that what you see transpiring here on earth, in reguards to your death doesn't ruin your week... :) Rest in peace. :)

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I must confess. Its shit like this is the reason why I been fading out from the juggalo scene from the past 5 years. I remember back in the ol days the old school juggalos were fucking awesome to hang out with. Shit if some wouldve seen how the juggalo scene has become now there jaws be hitting the ground.

Im still one of the old school lo's from back then. But however I can defintely assure that I have absolutely nothing to do with these bible thumping peices of shits.

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The real evils of the world are typically carried out by those who believe they are justified. Nothing separates people like a dogmatic sense that you are absolutely correct. Nothing isolates like being absolutely sure that everyone else is absolutely wrong.

Show me a person with doubt in their heart and I will show you a person with compassion in their heart. Show me a person with absolute conviction in their heart and I will show you a person with no room left for compassion.

So, so, true. People who are sure they're right and everyone else is wrong will commit any atrocity in the name of their "beliefs". It's totally repulsive to hear this person speak of "god's love"... it is obvious love is entirely alien to this group. It always amazes me how these people can read the teachings of Christ and twist them around to "God hates everyone who doesn't live like I do"

I didn't know McLean was juggalo family... I'm so out of the loop over the past year or so.

R.I.P. Tim McLean... I know you're lovin' Shangri La, where assholes like this can't touch you anymore.

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The people of Westboro Baptist just need to die, plain and simple. They are a complete waste of space on this planet and spew nothing but hate, the majority of the time at people who have served and died for their country. I generally don't wish bad things on people, but I wouldn't care one bit of they died a very violent death.

As for the poor man who got beheaded, no matter what lifestyle he had in life, he deserves to have peace in his death. No one deserves to die the way he did, and I hope someday his family will be able to find peace.

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I read the first few lines of the articles, and I KNEW it was Westboro Baptist.

They're always saying nonsense.

I wish news outlets would stop giving them press.

What does anyone care what 70 random people think, y'know?

Exactly. If they weren't given all the press people would forget about them. Granted the only reason they get the press coverage is because of their protesting of military funerals. Personally, I think the Patriot Guard Riders should get more press coverage than the wackjobs at Westboro Baptist, because the guard riders are at least doing some good.

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I've never been able to understand on Earth what gives these self-righteous morons the idea that it's permissible to protest a funeral. I don't care if the deceased in question was a murderer/rapist/child molester/terrorist. His or her family members and friends still deserve to be able to throw a funeral and express their grief without having to deal with holier-than-thou-asshats, giving their religion a bad name.

She said his brutal murder was a sign from God.

"You gotta connect the dots, people ... from your idols to your filthy way of life," she said.

"Here's what I know. He is dead and God does not do that to people that serve in his truth."

I guess she's planning to live for ever then. If this cunt is a messenger of God then I'm the Virgin Mary.

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I've never been able to understand on Earth what gives these self-righteous morons the idea that it's permissible to protest a funeral. I don't care if the deceased in question was a murderer/rapist/child molester/terrorist. His or her family members and friends still deserve to be able to throw a funeral and express their grief without having to deal with holier-than-thou-asshats, giving their religion a bad name.

I guess she's planning to live for ever then. If this cunt is a messenger of God then I'm the Virgin Mary.


Nice cussing Ladies Keep it up!

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I don't like juggalos.....most of them who are from flint are worse than the fucks you posted about.

I don't see the point, the music itself is retarded, and sends out messages that exacerbate and take pride in this very behavior....i don't see how anyone can get anything else out of the music other than stupidity, violence and ignorance.

I'm sorry, but the band members are all fucked in the head....i met them, at the local 432, and there is NO way i would ever associate with anyone who thinks the lyrics, or music is even decent enough to have a fan base...but of course...it does, and its become this belief and even a fucking religion..........wtf....if you want to be in a gang, join a fucking real one.

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I don't like juggalos.....most of them who are from flint are worse than the fucks you posted about.

I don't see the point, the music itself is retarded, and sends out messages that exacerbate and take pride in this very behavior....i don't see how anyone can get anything else out of the music other than stupidity, violence and ignorance.

I'm sorry, but the band members are all fucked in the head....i met them, at the local 432, and there is NO way i would ever associate with anyone who thinks the lyrics, or music is even decent enough to have a fan base...but of course...it does, and its become this belief and even a fucking religion..........wtf....if you want to be in a gang, join a fucking real one.

Actually the core message of ICP music is extremely positive- be true to and have faith in yourself, and be good to other people. All the "wicked shit" is just an attention-getting tactic. Of course I can't speak for all juggalos, and there are assholes in any milieu... but I deeply value the acceptance and friendship I've always found in the juggalo family. So I guess you should remember not to associate with me if you ever see me at City or wherever.

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