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They actually EAT THAT?

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...wtf...people eat that?

Hehehehe..and it's right expensive, too-- as the men who collect the nests have to do so on some precarious precipices! The nests are HIGH up on cliffs and in caves. The saliva they are held together with is very gelatinous and gooey, like wallpaper paste, once it's been dissolved in hot water.

You don't even want to see what the nests look like before they are cleaned for packaging, either. There are bits of twig and feathers, and god-knows-what in them!

The soup goes for about 40 bucks a bowl, I believe. :) Bon appetit!

How about a trip to Norway, for a plate of sheep's head ("smalahove")? :)


Here is a clip showing its preparation and how it is eaten. Watch at your own risk!!! I, for one, DO NOT like eyeballs. I dislike the feeling of the vitreous humor gushing out into my mouth. I don't care for the flavor of it, either. The rest of the head (especially the tongue and jowls), is alright with me.

Ready to get grossed out?? :p


I warned you! :rofl:

P.S. May I suggest the "bizarre Foods" series to those of you who like this subject? Most of the episodes are posted on YouTube: Search "Bizarre Foods" on Youtube

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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I'll try most stuff, but eyeballs aren't one of them. :p

Haha, this one friend of mine would have pucked his guts out if he could see this thread, he can't handle lobster. Says the knowledge that its a crustacean which creeps and crawls along the ocean floor just grosses him out.

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Bee Polen is Bee barf. (considered a 'super food')

The queen eats it.

Hey if its good enough for THE QUEEN!

Frulattai at Macomb Mall this lady makes pumpkin spice smoothie and if ya add bee polen its xtra special.

Just about everything bees produce has amazing health benefits. They're wondrous creatures and we'll be truly fucked if they really do all die off.

Hehehehe..and it's right expensive, too-- as the men who collect the nests have to do so on some precarious precipices! The nests are HIGH up on cliffs and in caves. The saliva they are held together with is very gelatinous and gooey, like wallpaper paste, once it's been dissolved in hot water.

You don't even want to see what the nests look like before they are cleaned for packaging, either. There are bits of twig and feathers, and god-knows-what in them!

The soup goes for about 40 bucks a bowl, I believe. :) Bon appetit!

How about a trip to Norway, for a plate of sheep's head ("smalahove")? :)

The one thing I wonder about bird's nest soup is, who the HELL first decided it would be a good idea to make soup out of dried swallow saliva? Maybe they saw an animal like a pig eating one... but then again pigs don't usually hang out on steep cliffsides too much.

Never had sheep's head but my aunt served a cow's head once. I'm told it's a Mexican Christmas dish; auntie was working with some migrant worker's education project at the time (she was on the state board of education and also worked for MEA for many years) and one of the organizers made it for her. It was actually quite tasty... very sweet tasting, tender meat... much more flavorful than I usually find beef. We didn't eat the eyeballs, though.

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Oh god we were talking about this in class today. Pickled pig lips and head cheese oh god this thread is making me nauseous. And I'm never eating shrimp again...I keep getting reminded that its a horrible sludge eating thing. Oh god :( I normally have a strong stomach for things but weird foods that involve odd parts of animals or unborn animals are really grossing me out. Although this thread is good to stop hunger cravings lol

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Oh god we were talking about this in class today. Pickled pig lips and head cheese oh god this thread is making me nauseous. And I'm never eating shrimp again...I keep getting reminded that its a horrible sludge eating thing. Oh god :( I normally have a strong stomach for things but weird foods that involve odd parts of animals or unborn animals are really grossing me out. Although this thread is good to stop hunger cravings lol

I'd just like to point out that in most head cheese, it's just the jowels and meety parts. Not the eyeballs or anything like that.

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I'd just like to point out that in most head cheese, it's just the jowels and meety parts. Not the eyeballs or anything like that.

The way I was told is that its scrap meat and then its soaked basically in fat to become a sort of cold cut (the soaking in fat grossed me out actually there's more to the process that I'm forgetting that also grossed me out.

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look at this, I saw this fly cheese the other day...


maggots yup they said when you squish the thing on your mouth (they are alive and wiggle!) it enhances the flavor and that you want to eat the cheese the maggot SHITS OUT as it has more um flavor. Yah.

Lots of penis of other species being eaten by folks...what does that say about a person...fuckin sick and gross all at the same time.

then I saw people eating live tiny octopus and one person has died because he didn't chew it enough and choked to death. It gives stamina and strength.

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look at this, I saw this fly cheese the other day...


maggots yup they said when you squish the thing on your mouth (they are alive and wiggle!) it enhances the flavor and that you want to eat the cheese the maggot SHITS OUT as it has more um flavor. Yah.

Lots of penis of other species being eaten by folks...what does that say about a person...fuckin sick and gross all at the same time.

then I saw people eating live tiny octopus and one person has died because he didn't chew it enough and choked to death. It gives stamina and strength.

"Casu Marzu"~Holy Cow crap!!! (Of which I'd rather eat by the way ;-> )

So it said:

"Casu Marzu causes some hazardous risks, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and bloody diarrhea."


Doesn't THAT tell us we're not supposed to eat it!?!?! lol!!


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General Information

ARMADILLO: Information

Baked or Barbecued Armadillo

Armadillo in Mustard Sauce

Armadillo 'n Rice

BEAR: Information

Braised Bear Steak

Simply Elegant Bear Steak and Rice

County Style Bear

Bear Meat Balls

Bear Roast #1

Bear Roast #2

Braised Bear with Sweet Potatoes

BEAVER: Information

Fried Beaver

(Beaver) Atlanta Special

Beaver or Raccoon Roast with Barbecue Sauce

Beaver Tail

Beaver with Sour Cream

Deep Fried Beaver

Beaver Stew

Country Style Beaver

Barbecued Beaver

Roasted Beaver

BLACK BIRD: Information

Black Bird Pie

DOVE: Information

Dove or Quail with Sweet and Sour Sauce

Woodcock, Snipe, Dove, or Quail Almandine

Quail or Dove Casserole

Baked Quail or Dove

Dove Roast

Dove Casserole

Sauteed Dove or Quail

Dove or Quail Breasts

Baked Doves in Wild Rice

Doves with Piquant Sauce

Dove Tetrazzini

Delicious Quail, Pheasant, or Dove Breasts

Dove Shish-K-Bob

Rattlesnake (or quail, dove, chicken, rabbit, pork) And Beans

DUCK: Information

Baked Duck (Basic Recipe)

Pineapple Duck

Orange Duck

Duck with Orange

Charcoal Teal a la Orange Efird

Parmesan Duck Breast

Fillet of Duck

Oriental Gingered Duck

Barbecued Duck

Duck'N Dressing

Stuffed Wild Duck

Roasted Wild Duck

Wild Duck with Mushrooms

Stewed Wild Goose or Duck

Duck Wild Rice Casserole

Duck Stew

Duck with Sauerkraut

Roasted Duck or Goose

Duck Fingers

Duck Bavarian

Quick-Roasted Wild Duck

Baked Wild Duck in Brown-In-Bag

Duck Italian

Wild Waterfowl (Duck or Goose) Orange

Duck Pilau

Baked Duck with Barbecue Sauce

Baked Duck with Wine

Apricot-Glazed Duck

Broiled Teal


Venison, Moose, or Elk Roasts Baked In Foil

Venison, Moose, or Elk Steaks and Chops

Venison, Moose, or Elk Roasts in Brown-in-Bag


Crispy Frog Legs

Fried Frog Legs

Frog Legs

GOOSE: Information

Stewed Wild Goose or Duck

Goose Barbecue

Baked Wild Goose

Stuffed Wild Goose

Roasted Duck or Goose

Quick-Roasted Wild Goose

Wild Waterfowl (Duck or Goose) Orange

Fried Goose Breasts

Goose Giblet Spaghetti Sauce

GROUSE: Information

Grouse with Orange Slices

Grouse Breasts with Ham Sauce

Oriental Grouse

Grouse in Sour Cream

Creamed Grouse

Sauteed Grouse Breasts

Savory Grouse


Chesapeake Bay Barbecue Sauce

Marinade for Venison, Mutton, or Rabbit

Bear Marinade

Spiedie Dressing

Venison Steak Marinade

Lemon Butter or Herb Butter

Hot Cumberland Sauce

Duck Marinade Sauce

Duck Basting Sauce

Apricot Duck Sauce

Marinade No. 1 (a popular "standard" for all game)

Marinade No. 2 (with brandy and vermouth)

Roast or Steak Marinade


Tick Stew


Mooseburgers or Venisonburgers

Venison, Moose, or Elk Roasts Baked In Foil

Venison, Moose, or Elk Steaks and Chops

Venison or Moose Casserole

Venison or Moose Meatloaf #2

Venison, Moose, or Elk Roasts in Brown-in-Bag

MUSKRAT: Information

Smothered Muskrat and Onions

Fried Muskrat

Muskrat Meatloaf

Baked Stuffed Muskrat with Carrots

OPOSSUM: Information

Opossum Roast #1

Roasted Opossum #2

Woodchuck, Raccoon or Opossum Patties

Opossum Roast #3

#1 Stuffed Opossum

Barbecued Opossum

Opossum and Sweet Potatoes

Opossum Roast with Liver #4

#2 Stuffed Opossum

Stewed Opossum

PHEASANT: Information

Roasted Pheasant #1

Delicious Quail, Pheasant, or Dove Breasts

Roasted Pheasant #2

Baked Pheasant

Braised Pheasant

Chinese Pheasant with Onions

Brandy and Cream Pheasant

Lemon Pheasant

Roast Pheasant in Orange Gravy

Pheasant Nuggets

Pheasant and Wine Sauce

Pheasant in Sour Cream

Fruited Pheasant

Baked Pheasant in Brown-in Bag

Baked Pheasant in Foil

Pheasant Scallopini

Pheasant With Scotch Whiskey

Pheasant with Rice Stuffing

Hunters Delight Pheasant

Sweet and Sour Pheasant

Barbecued Pheasant

Pheasant with Sauerkraut

Deep Dish Pheasant Pie

Pheasant in Red Wine

Pheasant in Cream

Pheasant and Wild Rice Casserole

Smothered Pheasant

PIGEON: Information

Stuffed Pigeons

QUAIL: Information

Quail and Oysters

Dove or Quail with Sweet and Sour Sauce

Quail or Dove Casserole #1

Quail Casserole #2

Baked Quail or Dove

North Carolina Creamed Quail

Woodcock, Snipe, Dove, or Quail Almandine

Sauteed Dove or Quail

Dove or Quail Breasts

Quail Casserole #3

Quail Casserole #4

Dutch Oven Quail

Quail with Mushrooms

Southern Fried Quail

Carolina Quail

Quail in Red Wine

Fried Quail with Onion Gravy

Quail Magnificent

Oven Fried Quail

Delicious Quail, Pheasant, or Dove Breasts

Best Ever Quail

Rattlesnake (or quail, dove, chicken, rabbit, pork) And Beans

RABBIT: Information

Smothered Rabbit

Squirrel or Rabbit in Crock Pot

Rabbit Almandine

Microwave Roasted Rabbit

Easy Rabbit Stew

Rabbit Salad

Sweet-Sour Rabbit

Missouri Rabbit

Rabbit Supreme


Fried Rabbit #1

Rattlesnake (or quail, dove, chicken, rabbit, pork) And Beans

Rabbit with Creamy Wine Sauce

Roasted Rabbit

Rabbit with Dark Raisin Gravy

Fried Rabbit #2

Fried Rabbit #3

RACCOON: Information

Baked Coon with Southern Dressing

Raccoon with Salsa

Beaver or Raccoon Roast with Barbecue Sauce

Woodchuck, Raccoon, or Opossum Patties

Fricasseed Racoon or Woodchuck


Deep Fried Rattlesnake

Baked Rattlesnake

Fried Rattlesnake

Rattlesnake Salad

Grilled Rattlesnake Dijon

Barbecued Rattlesnake

Rattlesnake (or quail, dove, chicken, rabbit, pork) And Beans

SQUIRREL: Information

Broiled Squirrel

Buttermilk Squirrel Pie

Squirrel Pot Pie

Squirrel in Dutch Oven

Squirrel or Rabbit in Crock Pot

Squirrel Fricassee

Squirrel with Rice and Potatoes

Jim Graham's Tar Heel Brunswick Stew

Squirrel Casserole

TURKEY (WILD): Information

Roasted Wild Turkey

Turkey Pimento Soup

TURTLE : Information

Turtle Stew

Turtle Soup #1

Turtle Soup #2

Barbecued Snapping Turtle

Terrapin Newburg

Fried Cooter (Softshelled Turtle)

VENISON: Information

Venison Sausage

Easy Venison Sausage

Hot Venison Sausage

Southern Venison Sausage

Venison Sausage Yankee

Venison Sausage Arkansas

Venison With Pork & Beans

Venison Chili for a Rainy Day

Game-a-Roni (using any meat)

Venison Meat Balls

(Venison) Porcupine Balls

Venison Burger Supreme

Mooseburgers or Venisonburgers

Venison and Pork Log

Venison Meat Loaf

Poyha (Cherokee Meatloaf) -- Venison

Venison Bites

Venison Spiedies

Chili Con Carne (using any meat)

Country Style Venison Steak

Country Fried Venison Steak

Venison Swiss Steak

Venison Steak in Gravy

Broiled Venison Steak

Stuffed Venison Steak

Venison Steak au Poivre

Venison Cutlets with Sour Cream

Fillet of Venison a la Ed Jones

Barbecued Venison

Barbecued and Steamed Venison Ribs

Jerky - Beef or Venison

Venison Roast

Venison Stew

Venison Soup

Venison Vegetable Pot Pie

Canned Venison Serving Suggestings:

Vegetable Soup

Barbecued Venison

Venison and Noodles

Venison Pie

Canned Sloppy Joe Mix (Venison) Serving Suggestings:

Sloppy Joes on a Bun


Hamburger-Rice Casserole (Venison)

Venison Delight

Ground Venison in Cabbage Leaves

Quick Venison Soup

Venison and Onions

Venison Green Chili Stew

Ginger Venison

Venison with Red Wine Sauce

Venison Burgundy

Venison Stroganoff #1

Tick Stew

Venison Stroganoff #2

Venison, Moose, or Elk Roasts Baked in Foil

Venison, Moose, or Elk Steaks and Chops

Venison or Moose Casserole

#2 Venison Swiss Steak

Venison or Moose Meatloaf #2

Venison, Moose, or Elk Roasts in Brown-in-Bag

#2 Venison Stew

Venison Spread

Venison Roast #2

Rocky Mountain Shish Kabob

Venison Spanish Rice

Venison Fritters

Venison Steaks With Wine Sauce

Venison Meat Loaf #3

Venison Enchiladas

Ground Jerky


Woodchuck (Groundhog), Raccoon or Opossum Patties

Woodchuck (Groundhog) Stew

Fried Woodchuck (Groundhog)

Woodchuck (Groundhog) Meat Patties with Tomato Sauce

Woodchuck (Groundhog) Pie

Fricasseed Raccoon or Woodchuck (Groundhog)


Woodcock, Snipe, Dove, or Quail Almandine

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