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There's no such thing as equal in the real world, grow up and get over it. Man may be BORN equal, but that is it.

This line of thought is what keeps PEOPLE from being PEOPLE; instead of being "Black" or "White"...

Putting one word in front of the other kinda' makes it seem to me like drawing a line in the sand.

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This line of thought is what keeps PEOPLE from being PEOPLE; instead of being "Black" or "White"...

Putting one word in front of the other kinda' makes it seem to me like drawing a line in the sand.

It's a lost cause brother, some people cling to thier racists views like thier life depends on it. I don't think there is anything we can say that will convince him to give them up and open his mind.

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Please do not argue... go look in the Yellow Pages... there is quite likely a Galic League in your neighborhood...

I can totally agree. I remember when I still lived in southwest detroit and everytime I went through delray there was this abandoned building that use to be a "Hungarian club" and there was a "Irish pub".

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I am saying no such thing. Racism is alive and well in America. What I am saying is, allowing racists activity of any kind is unacceptable. Equality is not achieved if one race has is given Rights that another race is denied. I am saying that excusing racism by people of color or denying that they are even racists does not promote equality.

Equality can never be achieved if we just shift special rights from one group to another.

Then let us say that equal consideration is given to those who are oppressed or held down by aspects of our flawed society. The issues that hold them down and the determining factors of whether they are given assistance. Not any special rights. Just the conditions they face. And we attempt to measure the assistance to the condition presented. Its not a perfect solution but its better than not doing anything at all.

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people from the south are still very racist most times and don't much like 'yankees' either

Not all. My Mom is from Georgia, she and her family grew up down there when there was still segregation. They are some of the least racist people I know.

My Dad is about 9 years older than my Mom. His father was from a strict German background his mother was Irish from New York. He grew up in Detroit, moving to Garden City while he was still young. He is one of the most racist people I know ... Although he would never admit it and I honestly think that he thinks he isn't. I don't know if the rest of his family is like that or not.

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Pretty much well said. The problem is that some has to dwell on racism and cry about it. Whoever just makes racail jokes and laughs about it, therefor it shows that person moved on. I guess thats what makes you and I different from the others.

Oh for phee's question. I wasnt saying that there was anything wrong about talking about one others bloodine for a social matter. Just only implying that to the ones who shove it down others throat.


I saw this thread and I was like why not put my 2 cents in the drawer.

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First off Haley was guilty of plagiarism, who knows how much of what he traced was true.

Second, that's one person out of how many thousands of slave families?

Third, don't you dare try to say I'm justifying racism against whites. I lived in St Thomas for 3yrs, the horrendous amount of racism towards whites on that island (And the USVIs as a whole) is mind blowing and scarring, and I lived with it during my early teens. Not one single moment during my time there did I feel any of it was justified.

I am not some mamby pamby socialist crybaby who bawls reading La Amistad, or Malcolm X.

If someone claimed a Gaelic, Anglo Saxon, Scandinavian Pride whatever was racist, then I would agree with you.

To sit there and say that you are proud of being white is just flaunting it into blacks faces that you probably know your ancestry, and they probably don't.

Nearly all the white people I know, who are admittedly definately under the poverty line, have no fucking clue who their ancestors are and never will, never the less what country(s) they originate from. It's pretty racist to assume that all white people automatically come with a pedigree, passed down for centuries upon centuries from their royal white bloodline :rolleyes:.

Also, I'm with Gaf in the fact that upon the availability of DNA testing things such as Black History Month should have been done away with because now black people can trace their heritage down to the country/region it originates. If they fail to do so, I demand the following:

Septermber is German History Month

October is Japanese History Month

November is Russian History Month

December is British History Month

January is Iraqi History Month

February is Congo History Month

March is South African History Month

April is Swedish History Month

May is Indian History Month

June is Thai History Month

July is Korean History Month

August is Italian History Month

Which is definately not as feasible as just getting rid of Black History Month to begin with...

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