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Life is turning shitty really fast.. Shit is about to hit the fan in a week and I'm slipping into that old depressive state I know all too well.. I feel so alone, I feel like a big fuck up, I feel like shit.

I need to rent a gun, and buy a bullet. Heh. Just kidding, but damn life is about to turn shitty. I'm getting an upset stomach just thinking about it.


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Ok well the deal is I kind of got sick and missed too many hours from school and now I'm looking at the possibility of a 6 month suspension for it.. Which kind of pisses me off because I was sick, it wasn't from skipping or anything like that.

I guess it's no big deal though, if I have to sit out and work for 6 months it's not going to be the end of the world... And hey I'll be able to come out to CC again.

That's what's been bothering me.. So at the end of this phase (Friday) I'll know if I passed or not.. Damn their strict attendance policy.

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That's crappy, Soul Rev. Well, as long as they let you finish the schooling it's not so bad. Plus, you'll have that 6 months to tool around. You can spend the time earning some extra cash, building up your immune system, and going to LCC. You also have that phat, new computer rig! I can think of many worse ways to spend 6 months. Hang in there!

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Not to encourage you to stir up trouble, but if you can provide a doctor's note they really can't do anything to you. (I'm not sure, but I think it's illegal.. maybe under Americans With Disabilitys Act??) I've had to do this with both school and employers... I actually missed almost an entire semester once and because I still turned in my work, got full credit. I'd see if it would help.

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It's possible it could be a blessing in disguise. School is stressful and getting sick really could mean your immune system has been stressed to the limit.

Like Jarod said it could give you a chance to build yourself back up, get a little break from school, have a chance to work and have some fun for a bit and then go back at it with full speed ahead again.

It took me a long time to finish school because I kept running out of cash, had to take a break and work for awhile, but I did make it through and make a hell of a lot more money than the ones who gave up along the way.

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Yeah the problem is they make sure everyone understands that missing school is missing school, even if you got in an accident on the way to school and had to go to the hospital they'll still deduct hours from you. Reason being is because missing work at a dealership or regular shop is bad, bad bad.. So they make no acceptions

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