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Men and make-up

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I want to know what you think about men wearing make-up. I realize this being a goth board there are a lot more in favor of it than there would be on a regular board, but I'm curious what others do and don't like.

Men: What, if anything, do you use? For everyday, or just clubs, concerts, etc. What don't you like, or wouldn't you wear?

Women: Do you think it looks good? Certain looks that you love or hate?

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I want to know what you think about men wearing make-up. I realize this being a goth board there are a lot more in favor of it than there would be on a regular board, but I'm curious what others do and don't like.

Men: What, if anything, do you use? For everyday, or just clubs, concerts, etc. What don't you like, or wouldn't you wear?

Women: Do you think it looks good? Certain looks that you love or hate?

Men or women... "normal" usage of makeup has no appeal to me. I like what more artistic usages do for others. But I don't have a need for it (male or female) and see it as a vanity at best. Fine if thats your thing. But its not mine.

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I wear the black under my eyes nearly (understatement) all the time (totally non-vain reasons)... I am saving to get perma-lines...

I wear full War Paint to events I deem fit...

I put some of my War Paint on for Club sometimes... when I feel vain (or want to feel vain)... or I feel a Ceremonious Necessitation...

I do not think that lipstick & full beard go together well, so I do not mix them...

I have been known to go out in AdamAnt-type regalia on the odd occasion...

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Guest Megalicious

I LOVE MAKEUP ON MEN! But just as on women it must be correct. I am the blending queen, IT MUST BE BLENDED CORRECTLY AND LOOK FLAWLESS.

If you don't know what I mean, I suggest you look at Brian Molko...... ::sigh:: :drool

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I guess I should answer my own question.

I think a little eyeliner looks good if the guy either knows how to apply it right or gets a female friend to do it, which a lot of guys don't. There have been times getting ready to go out that I've grabbed my guy friends and a tissue and said "I can't let you leave the house that way." It kind of annoys me if a guy wears eyeliner every single time we go out, though. Sometimes the natural look is nice too.

Once in a while I like to do the whole glam rocker look on my boyfriend with silver eye shadow and lipstick, but only maybe a couple times a year.

Anything else really does nothing for me. I especially don't like it when guys try to look like the Crow or Marilyn Manson, or some weird combo of the two. Most of the time they just look like misguided mimes or ousted Kiss members.

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(I don't know what "+1" means in forums, but I notice that people reply with that to things that they approve of.)

Correct, sir.

Furthmore...makeup on men? Necessary. I don't do my makeup just to stand next to some plain-looking underdressed icky guy. If you're goth and don't dress the part, wtf is the point? I might as well be dating some frat boy if that's the case.

But I will quote Satan when I say: NO ONE CAN GO AS THE CROW!

Edited by Chernobyl
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I like wearing makeup when I go out to the club.

And, as it happens, I stick to silver eyeshadow and some eyeliner, and that's generally about all I'll wear (though occasionally I'll put on nail polish).

I think it entirely depends on the guy. Some guys just shouldn't attempt it. Others who go out just don't look right if they aren't wearing some.

Me, I just play for both teams, ha ha.

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I have not worn makeup in many years.. but there as a time I did not leave my house without eyeliner and about an hours work on my hair.

You had hair?! :803530406161:

Believe it or not, there was a point in time where I could take the hair on top of my head and stretch it down to my bottom lip. Also a point in time when I used a blow dryer and mousse.

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when i'm not out clubbing i keep it pretty basic - no makeup, or accentuate features with mascara and the like.

sometimes i get a bit gothed up for cc...

i actually went out for a late dinner at twingos on the way to cc about a year ago. the hostess seated us in a corner where nobody else would be able to see us LOL

makeup on men can be very, VERY hot!

i agree though, it has to be well done.

I especially don't like it when guys try to look like the Crow or Marilyn Manson, or some weird combo of the two. Most of the time they just look like misguided mimes or ousted Kiss members.


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Men & Makeup.. it totally depends on the guy actually for me. Some guys call pull off the makeup thing, others, I think wouldn't look right with makeup on.

I agree :)

Some men can pull off the look of wearing make-up and some can't.

And for me, it also has to do with applying it the right way.

Same with women, some just do not know how to apply the make-up that looks

The best on them.

So it all depends.

But a man that can apply eyeliner & they know what they are doing, is a wonderful thing :p

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Meh, I dont really use much these days. I use to apply lipstick but now I use eye-liner instead. I just use three simple things. Face powder, eye-shadow and liner.

I dont really do it for the sake of style or try to impress. I do it because it just seems fun and because I can. =P

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