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this is what ammuses me about SOME christians not all becuase i have had quite few cool christian freinds BUT for those dumb ones a good majority of them seem two faced to me or hypocritical and often way to closed minded

so from my point of view with Miss Holland saying she belives Homosexuality is a sin and a hell worthy trespass BUT says she has gay freinds but iam not ganna tell them there going to hell becuase its not my place..BUT in my retort IF this IS what YOU truly belive (which i disagree with by the way) wouldnt you try to *SAVE* your freinds if this is what you thought i mean i certianly dont want any of my freinds burning in hell for all eternity...

now that out of the way the bible leaves out so much shit or portrays things in such difrent ways its ridiculas could jesus have been a woman yes possiby could he have ben a man yea sure..could he have engaged in homosexuality could have happend it from what ive read...i think the bible was so jacked when been written becuase it wasnt written by well Jesus or God for that matter it was written by normal people people that could have added in anything they wanted and taken out anything they wnated hell for all we know Jesus coulda been a strairt up cross dresser that was 100% gay and the pen holders just may have twisted it around who knows we werent around back then....and iam not sure if iam 100% right on this but i do belive he WAS NOT WHITE either (not that it matters to me) i belive i once read the discription of jesus gose along the lines of somthin like this..."and his skin was dark as the night and his hair was that of sheeps whool" so to me that discribes a man/woman who was either Middle Eastern or Black....i could belive this in a sence that God isnt ganna make a son and send him down to the middle east as a white guy just an opinion....

Hypocrisy is acting in a manner contradictory to one's professed beliefs and feelings, or conversely, expressing false beliefs and opinions in order to conceal one's real feelings or motives.[1][2] For example, a smoker would be hypocritical if he or she were to criticize someone else for smoking cigarettes. The term hypocrisy is often used in a religious context to refer to someone who gives a false appearance of virtue or religion, or does not "practice what he or she preaches".[1] Psychologically, hypocrisy can be an unconscious act of self-deception.

Everyone does it...and often those that point it out to others are practicing it more that those they are pointing at as a way of drawing attention away from others.

As a former christian, wisconsin lutheran, I find these attacks on christianity, though not my religion, to be horribly stupid and the poster-child for kicking a dead horse. To call someone a christian is generalising...which many people today claim to be a act that is not very nice.

What kind of christians are your friends? Christianity does have core beliefs yet the many branches of it bring in a whole new set of rules. Many of the branches will not actually try to convert you...rather, they will bring up their beliefs in normal conversation and discuss them with you, there is nothing wrong with this by the way, and if you show that you do not want to believe they will leave you alone...its your choice.

One of the questions I have is where did all this hostility toward "christians" come from? They have been around for a while now and if they haven't taken over the world yet I doubt they ever will...I mean they are ALWAYS trying to do these evil things right? My other question is...why not other religions? Why are the others left alone? I mean they aren't just left alone...they are almost protected by the government's version of "morality" because its wrong to make fun of them. Doesn't this seem backwards? I can't even begin to count the many times where people hammer home the fact that christianity is just like every other religion when you look at the core values. Well, if that is the case then they should all get their fair share of the jokes right? Or is there something else? Is there the possibility of death threats from other religions? Is this just like in grade school where even though that skinny kid over there is really not doing anything wrong we can really pick on him because he is the only one that, if he even makes a threat, will never act upon it?

Honestly, these attack on christians are pointless and childish. If you are able to just ignore someone and continue on with a happy life you have no damn reason to attack them. That is what christianity is...don't look at the nativity scene, don't tune into their broadcasts, there are other things to do.

And to the parts where people argue about what color jesus was...who the fuck cares? Not even the christians argue about it. Is it wrong of them to paint pictures of him? The majority of the pictures were painted by people in countries that had mostly white populations...and guess what? You paint about what you know and are familiar with...so now people are bitching about art...great...we have to completely rethink our influences for artistic expression.

I have another question too...isn't you trying to tell them that they are wrong just as "bad" and what they are doing? Or is it ok because your "beliefs" aren't organized? Honestly if people could just leave shit alone maybe we would spend less time and money of the "what if's" which would free up more time and money for the here-and-now. If someone wants to follow something why not let them? We all follow something and to deny that is just plain stupid. Sure it may not be organized but in the end nobody has any damn proof that they are right. Hell, we could all be wrong and this is some damn complicated computer game that some alien race is playing...like Super Sims or something. And to clarify this it is never wrong for someone to suggest or push their beliefs upon you...we do that every day...you do have a brain and should use it in these situations...nobody said that you have to be nice or mean either.

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I bring my son to campus with me because his daycare is there. I also happen to like to take him, everyday at his request, to the Crane Science building. There are many models, Plaques on Einstein, Oppenheimer, The Table Of Elements, A huge Michigan made out of different types of rock (Geology), pictures on Nebulas, and Galaxies. I take my son their because he loves to look and touch and learn. It's all about giving him an outlet to learn new things, and be interested in science. Though I don't let him run around and cause chaos, and I totally get your point. I was in the library the other day and someone had their 2 year old in there, just running around. I mean come on, ITS THE FUCKING LIBRARY... seriously.

See that I have no problem with, because it's educational. And the fact that's where his daycare is. But some people at my CC refuse to just get a sitter since we don't have a daycare, will just take their kids to class with them or have a friend watch them in the commons area. It's rather frustrating.

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Guest Megalicious

See that I have no problem with, because it's educational. And the fact that's where his daycare is. But some people at my CC refuse to just get a sitter since we don't have a daycare, will just take their kids to class with them

That is just ridiculous. Why on earth would you take your child to the class room!!! :rant: The nerve of some people..... JFC.

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That is just ridiculous. Why on earth would you take your child to the class room!!! :rant: The nerve of some people..... JFC.

I almost walked out of a class and went right to the Dean last semester in my speech class because of one inappropriate mother. She even said that "Daddy could watch the baby, but I wanted to bring her in for everyone to see!" You know, one of those motherly types where the only thing that they've accomplished with themselves is, well, being motherly...and so all they do is talk about how their kid is great, everyone has to see their kid, their baby is smart (when really they have the same damn child every other lady has popped out since the beginning of the earth).

ANYHOO...as I said, she brings her BABY, not kid, not behaved "go sit at a desk, draw, and be quiet" aged child, a fucking BABY. If I wasn't already infurated enough, during CLASS this woman finds it completely appropriate to plop her tit out and start feeding her baby. She wasn't even paying attention to class, so why was she there? To sit and "show off" her feeding her baby though her tit in CLASS. I didn't want to get in trouble for being politically incorrect, so I sat there and my bff and I just gave her the stink eye the entire class, made gestures, and giggled. After about 20 minutes, she KNEW we were making fun of her and gawking, and left, so Chernobyl FTW. You disrupt my right to the education I paid good money for, I will humiliate you in front of a live audience until you leave.

I don't care how much of a "natural act" it is, go someplace else and do it, or else I'll "naturally" fuck my boyfriend in your classroom and take an "all natural" shit and piss on your desk afterwards. There's a time and fucking place, a college campus classroom is not it, and during class is definately not that time. I'm fully against breastfeeding in public, like I said, the second I can fornicate in a restaurant, store, or school openly while pissing and shitting on everything is the second I will back down and say "Okay...breastfeeding in public isn't too bad now I guess, go ahead".

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Well there are at least two hints that he may have been gay. I would have to go digging up the sources for these and will if asked to but going from memory there is a verse in one of the Gospels where Jesus says that he loved John more than he loved any woman. And then there is a bit in one of the hidden/lost Gospels which suggested that after he raised Lazarus from the dead that he laid with him for some time.

And of course there is the old joke that of course he is gay as he hung out with a bunch of guys in togas all the time and his mother thought he was god.

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