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What do you do when you start to date someone..

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I think that being really honest about existence and all it contains is very refreshing to most people. Which is what I do, regardless of whether you want to hear it or not. I don't let myself get too close to anybody until I feel comfortable and many people don't understand that. It is often misconstrue as being stuck-up or snobby, that's not the case at all. I treat everyone with a certain amount of decency until they show me they don't really deserve it or surprise me and show me they were worthy of my time. I am not interested in dating at all at this time in my life because I have too much going on emotionally. I don't need my bullshit spilling onto other people.

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Just being me sets me apart before there is ever even a date. Which is maybe why I don't get asked out much. It must be painfully obvious that I am just way too much woman for most men. I would be completely comfortable asking a man out, but there aren't any that currently peak my interest enough just yet, at least, not in Michigan :p

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I don't do anything differently than I would around friends, family members, or other acquaintances that I'm not romantically interested in. I'll flirt, which I mostly just do because it's fun for me, and if I'm attracted to someone I'll usually let it be known, but I won't chase anyone and I won't compete for someone's affections. Ever. If he wants me, either he'll let me know, or he won't and I'll find someone else. If not, oh well, his loss. There are plenty of others out there.

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Have you ever heard those guys say something along the lines of:

Why the hell are women so crazy? What the fuck do they mean? Instead of using logic they just go on and on and on into more and more emotional nonsensical crap. I wish I could date other men, it would be so easy, except I can't get past the fact that I'm not attracted to them and buttsex does not sound all too pleasing. My oh my do I wish the good Lord would have made a man - yet put that man's brain into a woman's body so that I can have someone to fuck AND get along with at the same time. Someone that drinks as much beer as I do, someone that can pwn me in video games, someone who I can beat the hell out of without having the cops called, someone who understands that it's normal to want other people sexually in a relationship yet doesn't act on it and doesn't cheat, and yet....someone with tits and vagina that was actually naturally occuring at their birth...

Well ya know what?


For instance, this is what most normal females say after sending their man for groceries:

"OMFG! You were gone for THIRTY MINUTES! You're CHEATING on me with one of the clerks at the grocery store, AREN'T YOU?"

What I would say:

"Wow...you're back already? I didn't even notice you left... *closes porn window* Uhmmm...well we should like, have sex and stuff."

What a normal female says to get her man to do the dishes:

"OMFG! It's been THREE days, John, THREE DAYS! They're just SITTING here! In the SINK! Heaven FORBID I ask you to do ANYTHING AROUND here, you know that? You work hard all day while I watch Opera and here you can't even do the dishes! Didn't your mother ever teach you how to use a fucking SPONGE! Unbelievable! *bursts out in tears and runs upstairs crying. Will take a week to console, surely cutting into much more important Spike TV marathons and Playstation time.*

What I say to get someone to do the dishes:


What women say before getting intimate:

"I - I - I totally LOVE you...you've changed my life so much. I know we've only been together for a week and a half but LISTEN, I think we should marry. Just THINK of what our babies would be like. A white picket fence, I can stay home, you can work all day while I watch Opera, you do the dishes after you get home. It's just like a fairy tale! You change my soul completely...I cannot believe (and both parties are still fully clothed at this point) that I feel this way. This last week and a half makes me realize that we will NEVER BE apart for more than an hour, unless you're working, ever EVER AGAIN!"

What I say before I get intimate:

"So...who's takin' their pants off first? You? Sweet..."

What women say AFTER getting intimate:

"I - I - I totally LOVE you...you've changed my life so much. I know we've only been together for a week and a half but LISTEN, I think we should marry. Just THINK of what our babies would be like. A white picket fence, I can stay home, you can work all day while I watch Opera, you do the dishes after you get home. It's just like a fairy tale! You change my soul completely...I cannot believe (and both parties are still fully clothed at this point) that I feel this way. This last week and a half makes me realize that we will NEVER BE apart for more than an hour, unless you're working, ever EVER AGAIN!"

What I say AFTER getting intimate:


Note: Post entirely meant for satire, except the part about guys always saying they want to date me because I'm a guy with naturally occuring tits and girlie parts.

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For instance, this is what most normal females say after sending their man for groceries:

"OMFG! You were gone for THIRTY MINUTES! You're CHEATING on me with one of the clerks at the grocery store, AREN'T YOU?"

What I would say:

"Wow...you're back already? I didn't even notice you left... *closes porn window* Uhmmm...well we should like, have sex and stuff."

What a normal female says to get her man to do the dishes:

"OMFG! It's been THREE days, John, THREE DAYS! They're just SITTING here! In the SINK! Heaven FORBID I ask you to do ANYTHING AROUND here, you know that? You work hard all day while I watch Opera and here you can't even do the dishes! Didn't your mother ever teach you how to use a fucking SPONGE! Unbelievable! *bursts out in tears and runs upstairs crying. Will take a week to console, surely cutting into much more important Spike TV marathons and Playstation time.*

What I say to get someone to do the dishes:


What women say before getting intimate:

"I - I - I totally LOVE you...you've changed my life so much. I know we've only been together for a week and a half but LISTEN, I think we should marry. Just THINK of what our babies would be like. A white picket fence, I can stay home, you can work all day while I watch Opera, you do the dishes after you get home. It's just like a fairy tale! You change my soul completely...I cannot believe (and both parties are still fully clothed at this point) that I feel this way. This last week and a half makes me realize that we will NEVER BE apart for more than an hour, unless you're working, ever EVER AGAIN!"

What I say before I get intimate:

"So...who's takin' their pants off first? You? Sweet..."

What women say AFTER getting intimate:

"I - I - I totally LOVE you...you've changed my life so much. I know we've only been together for a week and a half but LISTEN, I think we should marry. Just THINK of what our babies would be like. A white picket fence, I can stay home, you can work all day while I watch Opera, you do the dishes after you get home. It's just like a fairy tale! You change my soul completely...I cannot believe (and both parties are still fully clothed at this point) that I feel this way. This last week and a half makes me realize that we will NEVER BE apart for more than an hour, unless you're working, ever EVER AGAIN!"

What I say AFTER getting intimate:


Note: Post entirely meant for satire, except the part about guys always saying they want to date me because I'm a guy with naturally occuring tits and girlie parts.

You have just described that first 6 months of all long term relationships

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Have you ever heard those guys say something along the lines of:

Why the hell are women so crazy? What the fuck do they mean? Instead of using logic they just go on and on and on into more and more emotional nonsensical crap. I wish I could date other men, it would be so easy, except I can't get past the fact that I'm not attracted to them and buttsex does not sound all too pleasing. My oh my do I wish the good Lord would have made a man - yet put that man's brain into a woman's body so that I can have someone to fuck AND get along with at the same time. Someone that drinks as much beer as I do, someone that can pwn me in video games, someone who I can beat the hell out of without having the cops called, someone who understands that it's normal to want other people sexually in a relationship yet doesn't act on it and doesn't cheat, and yet....someone with tits and vagina that was actually naturally occuring at their birth...

Well ya know what?


For instance, this is what most normal females say after sending their man for groceries:

"OMFG! You were gone for THIRTY MINUTES! You're CHEATING on me with one of the clerks at the grocery store, AREN'T YOU?"

What I would say:

"Wow...you're back already? I didn't even notice you left... *closes porn window* Uhmmm...well we should like, have sex and stuff."

What a normal female says to get her man to do the dishes:

"OMFG! It's been THREE days, John, THREE DAYS! They're just SITTING here! In the SINK! Heaven FORBID I ask you to do ANYTHING AROUND here, you know that? You work hard all day while I watch Opera and here you can't even do the dishes! Didn't your mother ever teach you how to use a fucking SPONGE! Unbelievable! *bursts out in tears and runs upstairs crying. Will take a week to console, surely cutting into much more important Spike TV marathons and Playstation time.*

What I say to get someone to do the dishes:


What women say before getting intimate:

"I - I - I totally LOVE you...you've changed my life so much. I know we've only been together for a week and a half but LISTEN, I think we should marry. Just THINK of what our babies would be like. A white picket fence, I can stay home, you can work all day while I watch Opera, you do the dishes after you get home. It's just like a fairy tale! You change my soul completely...I cannot believe (and both parties are still fully clothed at this point) that I feel this way. This last week and a half makes me realize that we will NEVER BE apart for more than an hour, unless you're working, ever EVER AGAIN!"

What I say before I get intimate:

"So...who's takin' their pants off first? You? Sweet..."

What women say AFTER getting intimate:

"I - I - I totally LOVE you...you've changed my life so much. I know we've only been together for a week and a half but LISTEN, I think we should marry. Just THINK of what our babies would be like. A white picket fence, I can stay home, you can work all day while I watch Opera, you do the dishes after you get home. It's just like a fairy tale! You change my soul completely...I cannot believe (and both parties are still fully clothed at this point) that I feel this way. This last week and a half makes me realize that we will NEVER BE apart for more than an hour, unless you're working, ever EVER AGAIN!"

What I say AFTER getting intimate:


Note: Post entirely meant for satire, except the part about guys always saying they want to date me because I'm a guy with naturally occuring tits and girlie parts.

Fuck, I think I've dated women before.. :rofl: JK!!!! :unsure:

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I be myself, if I can't be myself around her, then I just cannot be around her.

I don't pretend to be something/someone I'm not.

I don't get involved with a woman, just to get laid.

I try to treat the woman I'm involved with, the way I like to be treated.

I am very much a What you see is what you get type of guy.

I believe in being honest and straightforward and clear about everything.

Like he said

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I set myself so apart beforehand, that I have had dates canceled. The reason given; they were scared of me. These were guys that knew me a while too. What were they afraid of? That I would sex them to death? Like that would be such a terrible way to go. :devil:

You are my hero :bow

You succubus you!!! :rofl:

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