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[05/07, Sat] DGN Night Aftermath

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Kichi  is that picture in your profile of you?  >thinks hard as to who was sitting in that area<  I think that little area right there , the people standing there i mean, was packed with about 80% DGNers  (stuffed with crazy molesting perverts instead of "packed with" haha) all night long, well at least until 3 am ish, after which i have no clue as was in the dance floor area.    I remember  talking to some people at that table(s)  several times.  Hrmm.  >thinks harder<


Yup that's me... I have waist-length dreadlocks & was wearing black raver pants w/silver skull & bones all over 'em, and a Dark Lotus cami top... I think I had my black jester hat w/ribbons & bells too.

Bella Morte prolly thinks I'm a complete tool as I stood in the ladies room staring in abject admiration while her corset was being adjusted... wish I'd said something now but I was dumbstruck with awe at her magnificence... also with the extremely strong Jack & Cokes I was swilling down all nite :nut

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I had a fun night. Made some southern comfort n' iced tea drinks earlier in the evening. Saw and talked with many people.

Bella Morte


Darkchylde aka rambo


ms maldoror


ladywindstone (pervert? me? what..)


dressedlikeme (time to update your pics)

dark juggelet (you worked the door?)

meg ( lol, nice hat!)



goth brooks (not one, but two girls all over ya)

taby cat (nice meeting you finally)


gothic kitty


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I was there...but I don't think I met anyone from here.  That's kinda sad.  I know Rambo/DarkChylde but that's it.  I'll be lookin harder next time.


I met you! I had difficulty recalling your name, I had gotten you confused with another new poster here. But yes, I definitely remember meeting you.

goth brooks (not one, but two girls all over ya)
You're welcome. :grin

I'm too tired to come up with a witty reply, so I'll just say it was all the jacket.. had to be, I didn't wear it the first 2 weeks.

And I had fun just relaxing with Tripp and DC at the end of the night, bullshitting with the guys. A real (ass) blast. :cool

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Had a great time this weekend...unfortunately, though =( i won't be there again for another two weeks...I'll be in texas this weekend, and maryland the next, so i hope all the DGNers who go have fun...my life is going to be so empty :tongue: ...

ok ok ok....


GothBrooks- pleasure

DarkChylde- as always

Troy- all i have to say is "Wonka wonka wonka!!!"

Tripp- finally met you

Daevion- HA! i did update my pictures :Poke neenerneenerneeeeeeener!

DarkJugalette- but i see you all the time :tongue:

i SAW tabycat...but i didn't meet her

GothicKitty- Love ya!

Crank- i swear those pitchers come glued to your hand :cheerful

BellaMorte- Beautiful as ever, btw, i always love your outfits

Jarod...where were you?! i didn't even see you once!

i think that's all, if i forgot you i'm sorry, my memory occasionally fails me, but not due to booze...it just comes and goes now and then

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GothBrooks- pleasure


I've yet to decide which drives me more nuts, the braces or the bellybutton :blushing

See you in a few! :devil

Troy- all i have to say is  "Wonka wonka wonka!!!"

I hope with time, and plenty of everclear, this story will be burned out of my memory.

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I had Fun Hung out with Goth Brooks most of the night thank you my neck is still sore by the way. Brought some Virgins but I think they were a little freaked out. And little jelous of Goth but they'll get over it. I ran into a bunch of people there was one in particular but I dont remember his name kinda shorter had a white shirt on at first then took it off everyone had black hair and lipstick but, if you remember a hot chick with nothing but lightning airbrushed on her chest and electrical tape over her nipples comin up to you just to rub on your chest let me know.

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Now I have to make sure Im there next weekend... I wouldn't want to disappoint you, Troy.    :wink


I was there...but I don't think I met anyone from here.  That's kinda sad.  I know Rambo/DarkChylde but that's it.  I'll be lookin harder next time.

Anytime from midnight to about 2:30 am , go to the right of the bar, you'll find us. (at least some of us)

Troy- all i have to say is  "Wonka wonka wonka!!!"

No idea what your talking about. :wink

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Brought some Virgins but I think they were a little freaked out.

You did? Were they hiding out somewhere? Drats. Its sort of my self-apointed job to try and calm down any"Freaked out" and try and make em feel a bit more welcome. To bad i didnt meet them. =(

I had a short visit at LCC on Saturday, but it was good overall.  Sorry I wasn't particularly social.  My dinner didn't quite agree with me and was making me feel a bit off.

Sorry to hear that hope your feeling better.

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Guest MsMaldoror

It was a fun night, despite the fact that I was still feeling a bit under the weather. It was a good thing that I only had 2 drinks since I couldn't taste the alcohol in my rum and Coke. Stuffy noses can be a funny thing :ohmy: .

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I had Fun Hung out with Goth Brooks most of the night thank you my neck is still sore by the way. Brought some Virgins but I think they were a little freaked out. And  little jelous of Goth but they'll get over it. I ran into a bunch of people there was one in particular but I dont remember his name kinda shorter had a white shirt on at first then took it off everyone had black hair and lipstick but, if you remember a hot chick with nothing but lightning airbrushed on her chest and electrical tape over her nipples comin up to you just to rub on your chest let me know.


i think you might be thinking of paul...did he have red makeup around his eyes...pretty good looking? if so...he's not on DGN i don't think

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i was there, i remember meeting and talking to a lot of you, but just vaguely...i suppose if i remembered very well, that would mean i actually wasn't there. -For those of you who cannot remember me that well, i was the one wearing black, again...

-But no, everyone was very nice, seldom have i met people so accomodating and hospitable to me. Thanx.

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I was there. Talked to:



Bella Morte

Paper Hearts

Everyone seems friendly enough. I guess I'm pretty shy. I find it very difficult to just walk up to a group of people and barge into the conversation. :blushing

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I'll be in texas this weekend, and maryland the next, so i hope all the DGNers who go have fun...my life is going to be so empty :tongue: ...


I'm in Maryland. What possesses you to come here??


my boyfriend's family lives in Germantown and he's going down there to see star wars with his brother and his friends and i don't like the idea of him flying alone, so i'm driving him

I think so he was a sweetie do you know how to get ahold of him?


Honestly, no...i have no idea of how to get ahold of him besides running into him at city club...but you're right...he is a sweetheart...and damn good looking :whistling :tongue:

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I was there. Talked to:



Bella Morte

Paper Hearts

Everyone seems friendly enough. I guess I'm pretty shy. I find it very difficult to just walk up to a group of people and barge into the conversation.  :blushing


Your welcome to barge in on us anytime :grin

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Senay we are a friendly bunch. To be honest though you don't really even have to barge in , all you have to do is walk up.... *tap tap* "hi im senay!" and stand there for a minute and we'll probably abruptly drag you in, rather than you having to barge in hehe.

One of the key reasons DGN exists is to help make things a bit easier for people socially. =)

If nothing else you can just poke fun at that way-too-tall goofy looking long black haired guy named troy to break the ice. Thats always good for a laugh. :happy:

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