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Cosplay... the good, the bad, and the ugly

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Baka Ninja (BN)

the largest and best cosplay team in singapore!!

we got best team during performance at End of Year Anime convention 2008 at 13 Dec 2008.

I am Konan of the Naruto Shippuden 47 ppl team. ^w^

most of us are 1st timer cosplayers. me ish 2nd though.

I'm very very proud of the Baka nins!!

so are we good or bad??

:: Baka Ninja Cosplay Dance Video ::

as i promised.

i shall post a few pics during our expo performance.




gonna have photoshoot on the 27th along with a x'mas party with the team!! XDDDDDDDDd

soooo looking forward to it!!

Edited by lapin
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Baka Ninja (BN)

the largest and best cosplay team in singapore!!

we got best team during performance at End of Year Anime convention 2008 at 13 Dec 2008.

I am Konan of the Naruto Shippuden 47 ppl team. ^w^

most of us are 1st timer cosplayers. me ish 2nd though.

I'm very very proud of the Baka nins!!

so are we good or bad??

:: Baka Ninja Cosplay Dance Video ::

as i promised.

i shall post a few pics during our expo performance.




gonna have photoshoot on the 27th along with a x'mas party with the team!! XDDDDDDDDd

soooo looking forward to it!!

I does not see you. :no

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Baka Ninja (BN)

the largest and best cosplay team in singapore!!

we got best team during performance at End of Year Anime convention 2008 at 13 Dec 2008.

I am Konan of the Naruto Shippuden 47 ppl team. ^w^

most of us are 1st timer cosplayers. me ish 2nd though.

I'm very very proud of the Baka nins!!

so are we good or bad??

:: Baka Ninja Cosplay Dance Video ::

as i promised.

i shall post a few pics during our expo performance.




gonna have photoshoot on the 27th along with a x'mas party with the team!! XDDDDDDDDd

soooo looking forward to it!!

Amazing!!! I am definitely showing Rhiannon this when she comes over again!!!


HAHAHA!! Ain't that the truth!!

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I'm eternally on the search for a group of girls who want to dress up as the Sailor Scouts so I can cosplay as Tuxedo Mask.

I'm also determined to do Lupin III one day. I've never seen anyone else do him right. Their suits are always way too baggy. They forget he was from the '70s, so his suits have a tailored look.

Im willing to be Sailor Mercury... I love her. i call dibbs

Im currently in a loli meetup group.... I love loli... so pretty and proper.. Kawaii!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry No Cosplay Pics

Edited by Michiko_Dreads
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Im willing to be Sailor Mercury... I love her. i call dibbs

Im currently in a loli meetup group.... I love loli... so pretty and proper.. Kawaii!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry No Cosplay Pics

I could be Sailor Saturn because she is the gothest of them all.

Note to DBK: STFU! I will smack you! :tongue:



NOT QUITE AS GOTH-ISH (Sailor Scout of TIME...which is not as goth as DEATH and DESTRUCTION):


Sailor Saturn - 1

Sailor Pluto - 0 :tongue:

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For sewing practice, I plan on making cosplay outfits to start out. Plan on seeing me as the following within the next year:

Lain Iwakura - Serial Experiments Lain (pink casual outfit and BEAR JAMMIES....just because I really REALLY want those jammies)

Tsukiko Sagi - Paranoia Agent (hopefully complete with Maromi also)

Excel & Ropponmatsu - Excel Saga

Haruhara Haruko & Samajimi Mamimi - FLCL

Sailor Saturn - Sailor Moon

Osaka - Azumanga Daioh

Fuu - Samurai Champloo

Radical Ed - I shouldn't have to tell you, if you don't know, then you obviously don't watch anime :tongue:

What you will never see me cosplay as, because the following animes are, impo, retarded, so don't get your hopes up for any of them: Anything from Inuyasha, Naruto, Bleach, Evangelion, and any other horrible Mech Anime I haven't mentioned (i.e. all of them, even Big O. Yes, I know Dorothy is badass...actually I should cosplay as her also, but having one totally badass character does not save a series from being horrible imo).

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  • 4 months later...

Oh dear lord... Thank you god for making me unaware of the /cgl portion of dgn until now, and damn you god for now making me aware of it...


Posting cosplay pictures... 'win' when you are complimentary, 'fail' when you are calling others out for failing. Oh well.

I just hate the attitude of cgl that if it's not perfect or you aren't perfect, it's a pos...when all these kids wanna do is have a little fun and maybe learn how to sew.

No, it's not bitterness over having been called out on cgl for cosplay - I've never been. It's just a general 'f that' attitude I have. I used to cosplay back in my day, and mine were never perfect, but I do think a few were cute, and it would have made me sad to be posted on there just because I didn't look like the anime turned into live action around me.

Oh god, somewhere on the internet there probably exists photographic evidence of my past days...a scary thought, that.

Scarier still is the fact that I'm considering breaking out one of my old costumes and wearing it briefly at Acen this year, just for the heck of it. Though I'd almost certainly get posted on cgl negatively since I don't weigh 100 pounds and am not 5'0".

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