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McCain picks Alaska gov as running mate.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

I thought I stated my point pretty clearly.

You linked CFCs to Global Warming. I pointed out that CFCs actually cause Global Cooling and that Global Warming actually works against the affects of CFCs.

Spook also pointed this out.

Perhaps you should read the link you posted.

I read it...but, honestly....I was never an A student when it came to the "highschool" sciences...more like a "C+" student when it came to them.......great when it came to economics and such....not that great on math and "highchool" sciences.

everyone has a strong suit....anything with the periodic table was never mine.

oh...and I found this...and thought I would share...I found it HILARIOUS


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I think he was thinking of Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Ethane. Those are the gases most blamed for Global warming. They are not only organic, they are natural. By products of Life.

I farted methane once ... it was, well, not so great.

the question is.

are you getting a person able to do the job. or a person who cant do the job but gets votes.

i'd rather the usefull than usless.

Look at Teddy Roosevelt. He was such an embarrassment to his party causing so much trouble in New York that they gave him the VP spot just to shut him up and get rid of him. Who would've thought that McKinley would get assassinated and Roosevelt would go on to become a kick ass president.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

I personally would love to know when Wikipedia became a reliable source.

sure...we can go without wiki....

Anchorage Daily News, July 28th, 2008

a quote from the "The Swamp", the washington bureau of the Chicago Tribune

"Palin has another problem. After Alaska's public-safety commissioner Walt Monegan was fired (Monegan has said he felt pressure to dropkick the trooper) Palin replaced him with the former police chief of the city of Kenai. But he quit after it became known that he received a reprimand after sexual harassment allegations were filed against him in his former post.

At the very least, that incident raises some questions about Palin as a chief executive and might take some of the thrill away for some women who might otherwise be excited about seeing her on the ticket. "

A quick view of her stands, from "the Guardian"

"She is a fierce opponent of abortion and same-sex marriage. She supports the death penalty and the teaching of creationism in schools. Palin is an enthusiast for the outdoors and a gun owner, and is opposed to environmental restrictions on drilling in Alaska."

a quick bite more on her stands, from the Boston Globe

"According to an October 2006 profile in the Anchorage Daily News, Palin opposes stem cell research, physician-assisted suicide, and state health benefits for same-sex partners."

A quote from Andrew Halcro, a fellow republican in Alazka

"She surrounds herself with people who are solely focused on keeping her happy."

Oh..and here is a real nice one for all you mothers out there....the fact that her fifth son isn't her son...but her Grandson...and that she played fellow politicians and media alike to hide the fact that her 16 year old daughter was pregnant

the article.

Daily Kos - Sarah Palin pregnancy

Take a LONG look at those photos...read the article...

another article on the subject

Alaska POD show, with comments from natives.

Edit: Problems with the links fixed. There is an error in the DGN board's quick coding for linking

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Oh..and here is a real nice one for all you mothers out there....the fact that her fifth son isn't her son...but her Grandson...and that she played fellow politicians and media alike to hide the fact that her 16 year old daughter was pregnant

the article.

Daily Kos - Sarah Palin pregnancy

Take a LONG look at those photos...read the article...

another article on the subject

Alaska POD show, with comments from natives. :starwars:

Yeah..neither link goes to an article or pictures.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

Yeah..neither link goes to an article or pictures.

sorry...error in the DGN quick codes for linking...I fixed the problem...please try again.

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I got to the articals after he fixed the links

Yah I tried again and they worked.

As for the baby, personally I don't care much if it's her's or the daughters. The baby is being loved, and as a child with special needs isn't that all that really matters? Sure if it is Bristol's baby, covering up her pregnancy probably not the best to do, but at 16 in a small community that shit is hard to deal with. I went to school with a girl who got knocked up in high school and she was shunned by the entire community basically. Maybe Palin was just trying to do what was best for her family. Can people really blame her for trying to protect her daughter and the baby? And if he does turn out to be the daughter's, Palin and her hubby can adopt him and she will be his mother.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

Yah I tried again and they worked.

As for the baby, personally I don't care much if it's her's or the daughters. The baby is being loved, and as a child with special needs isn't that all that really matters? Sure if it is Bristol's baby, covering up her pregnancy probably not the best to do, but at 16 in a small community that shit is hard to deal with. I went to school with a girl who got knocked up in high school and she was shunned by the entire community basically. Maybe Palin was just trying to do what was best for her family. Can people really blame her for trying to protect her daughter and the baby? And if he does turn out to be the daughter's, Palin and her hubby can adopt him and she will be his mother.

I understand the want to protect your daughter, but how is lying to the mass media about something so obvious going to protect her? You will have more snoopy reporters around her now more then if she would have just said "hey...my daughter Bristol is pregnant. We have talked it over and decided to keep the child. We, her parents, will emotionally and financially support our daughter and her child till she is able ot be on her own. We are also encouranging her to finish school."

that would have promoting families TALKING and WORKING through teen pregnancies, rather then hiding all the facts and mom acting like it will completely fuck up her political life, which is what it looks like now. If the Palin family, with as much as Sarah has to loose, would have been upfront about the pregnancy, then it would have been a good starting point on helping pregnant teens to better cope with their situation and not try to hide from fear and everything else. But no...they didn't do that....they choose to TRY and hide everything...which will only damage the issue further.

the best protection for anything, especially when there is political spotlighting involved, isn't to hide it..but to be upfront about it. If you are upfront about it...and admit the truth...yes...you will get blasted...but there will be less to dig for and less of a scandal.

If you hide it..and something happens to leak out...or something doesn't seem right....then you get blasted hard, because you hid it from the public and the press...you become a larger target.

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OK, this thing that the baby MIGHT be her daughters... is all hearsay. There is no proof of it. It's all conjecture. Ofcourse, it is on Daily KOS and thats worse than Wiki when it comes to getting any form of Truth. They are openly biased against anyone that is not extreme left wing. the other website doesn;t show any real evidence either. It all seems to be based on pictures and whether one of them drank caffinated coffee.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

that's not a 7 months belly, either.


this is.

and your gonna tell me that Sarah Palin even looks anywhere near pregnant??....Honestly...there is little evidence that either of them look pregnant...but consider this...Sarah Palin has been in the public view during 8 months of her "pregnancy"...even flying 6-8 hours to Texas..all under Cmaera and 100's of pairs of eyes....and appearantly no-one noticed.

all the while, her daughter being kept out of school for almost 5 months, on a claim of Mono.

And Gaf...what WILL you take as the truth?? It seems that no matter what anyone puts in front of you, your going to cry wolf on.

I present yet another article

More on the Palin Pregnancy

I will also directly post a quote from that article

"4. Sarah Palin went into labor in Dallas just before she was due to deliver a keynote address at the Republican Governors' Energy Conference, and flew to Seattle, then Alaska while still in labor.

Supposedly, she was in labor during the 8 hour flight, and the crew and attendants did not know.

This is extremely risky behavior, and you are advised by doctors, traditionally, not to fly once you are past 7 months pregnant. If airlines are made aware, sometimes they will prevent you from flying. Sarah Palin did not inform the flight."

her 5th child....and she spent 8 HOURS ON A COMMERCIAL FLIGHT...SHOWING NO SIGNS OF LABOR!!!! no Sweat...no Pain....no quickened breathing....yeah...I'm calling bullshyt!!!

Also...while it is true that some women don't show till VERY late in the pregnacy...I HAVE TRUE PHOTO EVIDANCE THAT SARAH PALIN IS NOT ONE OF THEM!!!!

Observe: Palin at an earlier pregnancy...7 months along.


now...Sarah "several months pregnant"..a photo taken AFTER her announcement in april.


you tell me...does she look pregnant in that last photo??

also..video of her in an interview...at 7 months...LEANING FORWARD AND LEGS CROSSED!!!!

Palin Video from Newsweek

Evidance is showing....Sarah Palin is a bold-faced liar.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

Honestly I don't know what a lot of her kids sleeping habits have to do with her being a good VP.

I got that answer for ya phee!!!

She is pro-life and anti-birth control...totting a card of "ABSTINENCE ONLY" along with her...so IF the child is her daughters and not hers...like I am inclined to believe from the evidance I have found and posted...then it shows that she is standing behind objectives that she can't even enforce within her own family.

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