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McCain picks Alaska gov as running mate.

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I can't prove a negative anymore than anyone else can.

Now let me see if you can follow this... The Girl is 5 months pregnant. Read any of the major news sites.. CNN, FoxNews, CBS News... the story is on all of them. The baby that you think is hers, is 4 months old.

Do the math... I know you can do it...

Why are you still beating this dead horse? The Daily Kos debunked thier own story this morning.

As for the oil... ANWR is a small section of the area they want to drill in. It amounts to about 10% of the Oil field. They wont let them drill any of it. Not even slant drilling.

Why are you so against the USA being Energy Independant?

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Guest GodfallenPromos


I can't prove a negative anymore than anyone else can.

Now let me see if you can follow this... The Girl is 5 months pregnant. Read any of the major news sites.. CNN, FoxNews, CBS News... the story is on all of them. The baby that you think is hers, is 4 months old.

Do the math... I know you can do it...

As for the oil... ANWR is a small section of the area they want to drill in. It amounts to about 10% of the Oil field. They wont let them drill any of it. Not even slant drilling.

Why are you so against the USA being Energy Independant?

I'm not against the US being Energy independant...nor have i said anything to that light. What I have a problem with is the fact that she seems to be doing this more for personal reasons then anything else....JUST as she did with the firing of that state trooper and his boss.

As for the Daily Kos Story....They were not the first to come out with it...their just one of the most regconized sources of the story.

and if ANWR is 10% of the area....then it won't make that much of a differance to leave it alone and create a field in the Dakotas then...will it??

I personally thing that the slant drilling should be allowed, actually....because it effects very little of the current layout of the land and enviroment, while getting what they want.

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OK.. lets go through this...

So, you "think" you know what her reasons for wanting to drill in ANWR are... but you don't actually know. Have you thought about how many jobs an oil field brings to a State? How you thought about the economic gain her whole state would get from drilling there?

It has not been decided yet if she fired the State trooper for personal reasons... but you sure seem to have found her guilty. What do you know that no one in the investigation knows? And what happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Daily Kos didn't create the story.. they were just the first to publish it so widely and try to present it as fact rather than present it as a rumor.

but hey.. you keep beating that dead horse. You are making my case for me.

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Just to throw in my 2 cents, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Palin has had a tummy tuck. When a woman has a tummy tuck, then gets pregnant, she often won't look as big because the skin in the stomach region is pulled very tightly and won't stretch and sag as much as that of a woman who has not had a tummy tuck. Also, certain well-tailored clothing, such as the long black jacket she's wearing in the pictures posted, can do a lot to hide a pregnancy.

I think McCain has chosen an interesting and appropriate running mate. I don't agree with all of her stances, nor do I plan to vote for them, but I've seen nothing that leads me to believe that she would make a mockery of our country. But then again, I'd be happy to see a trained seal in office if it meant we were rid of Bush.

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Guest GodfallenPromos


OK.. lets go through this...

So, you "think" you know what her reasons for wanting to drill in ANWR are... but you don't actually know. Have you thought about how many jobs an oil field brings to a State? How you thought about the economic gain her whole state would get from drilling there?

It has not been decided yet if she fired the State trooper for personal reasons... but you sure seem to have found her guilty. What do you know that no one in the investigation knows? And what happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Daily Kos didn't create the story.. they were just the first to publish it so widely and try to present it as fact rather than present it as a rumor.

but hey.. you keep beating that dead horse. You are making my case for me.

hey....you don't know what her actual reasons are for wanting to drill either....all your doing is representing the flipside of the same coin.

use some common sense....the trooper in question had a impecable record UNTIL he went through his divorce...and his now ex wife JUST happens to be Gov. Sarah Palin....and that doesn't seem suspiscious to you??....it's called "motive" and "reasonable doubt". Police detectives use it all the time.

but no...I must be beating a dead horse because none of the facts of the cases hold sway....ok gaf....when it all comes clear...the only dead horse on these boards will be you, for being so damn blind.

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No. I'll be wrong. It happens. It's cool.

I do not condemn someone before guilt is established.

I have already admitted that her guilt is possible and even plausible.

I am using common sense. Assumption of Innocence is one of the most widely accepted tenets of Law.

You seem to be skipping the Judge and Jury on your way to verdict.

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hey....you don't know what her actual reasons are for wanting to drill either....all your doing is representing the flipside of the same coin.

use some common sense....the trooper in question had a impecable record UNTIL he went through his divorce...and his now ex wife JUST happens to be Gov. Sarah Palin....and that doesn't seem suspiscious to you??....it's called "motive" and "reasonable doubt". Police detectives use it all the time.

but no...I must be beating a dead horse because none of the facts of the cases hold sway....ok gaf....when it all comes clear...the only dead horse on these boards will be you, for being so damn blind.

I read an article somewhere, gotta see if I can find it again. Apparently the ex brother in law tasered his 11 year old step son and was caught drinking in the patrol car. I don't know about you, but that sure seems like a good reason to me to have him fired.

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Was it this one?

Troopers eventually investigated 13 issues and found four in which Wooten violated policy or broke the law or both:

• Wooten used a Taser on his stepson.

• He illegally shot a moose.

• He drank beer in his patrol car on one occasion.

• He told others his father-in-law would “eat a f’ing lead bullet” if he helped his daughter get an attorney for the divorce.

Beyond the investigation sparked by the family, trooper commanders saw cause to discipline or give written instructions to correct Wooten seven times since he joined the force, according to Grimes’ letter to Wooten.

Those incidents included: a reprimand in January 2004 for negligent damage to a state vehicle; a January 2005 instruction after being accused of speeding, unsafe lane changes, following too closely and not using turn signals in his state vehicle; a June 2005 instruction regarding personal cell phone calls; an October 2005 suspension from work after getting a speeding ticket; and a November 2005 memo “to clarify duty hours, tardiness and personal business during duty time.”

GodfallenPromons... I thought you said this guy had a impeccable record?

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Every pregnancies is different. Every labor is different. There is no pattern. Some times they come hard. Sometimes they come fast. Sometimes it builds over days... I have walked around Walmart shopping with my wife while she was having contractions ever 15Min.

Gaf is right. I have four kids. Techinically with my first I was in labour for about 12 hours ... only 6 of that was hard labour. It hit fast and hurt bad ... before that, I barely said "Ow." But it was still in labour. Also, she was 4 weeks overdue (yep ... I said, 4 WEEKS) and I didn't look more than about 4 or 5 months along.

My second hurt the whole 23 hours 45 minutes. And I was huge at 11 days overdue.

My third, techincally in labour for 10 hours ... only 2 hours was extremely painful. Again, he was 2 weeks overdue and I looked more like 7 months or so.

My fourth was 6 weeks early. I looked about overdue. He was an emergency c-section for a number of reasons. He was my largest baby at nearly 9 pounds ... 6 weeks early.

Every pregnancy is different and every pregnancy is different for the Mom. There's a lot of times you can function in every day activities in the early stages of labour.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

Was it this one?

GodfallenPromons... I thought you said this guy had a impeccable record?

I have read several papers, including the Washington Post and Chicago Sun, that have always said that this guy has an impeccable record.

and I ment Gov. Palin's sister...I was working on other things at the time of typing.

I think that it is rather interesting that a paper that has been the most "Pro-palin" is the only national paper to have this story...

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I have read several papers, including the Washington Post and Chicago Sun, that have always said that this guy has an impeccable record.

and I ment Gov. Palin's sister...I was working on other things at the time of typing.

I think that it is rather interesting that a paper that has been the most "Pro-palin" is the only national paper to have this story...

Well of course the Post wouldn't have anything to make a republican look good...and the chicago sun really do I need to give an answer for that one?

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I have been searching for a while... I can't find one article that says he had a impeccable record. I've have read a few that seemed like they were written by his Union Steward and they still admitted that the man had been suspended for drinking on the job, shooting his nephew with a taser and other issues.

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I have been searching for a while... I can't find one article that says he had a impeccable record. I've have read a few that seemed like they were written by his Union Steward and they still admitted that the man had been suspended for drinking on the job, shooting his nephew with a taser and other issues.

Sounds like a milder version of shooting best friends in the face with a shotgun... maybe we are seeing a pattern forming with VPs (lol).... I kid

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I would have been demanding for someone to get the baby out after the second week.

LoL, I would have ... but they were anticipating her to be much smaller than she was. They thought I'd be lucky if she was 5 lbs. She was 7 1/2. :)

They finally induced me when a non-stress test resulted in noticed placental deterioration.

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who said ANWR. you know we cant drill there. ancient wolf spirits live there. we be walking on there turf. naa just kidding. if its profitable enough to do it after all the red tape then why not. its a very small part of anwr not to far from where the drilling is taking place. plus we have alyeska pipeline right there... and you know if we can put a pipeline that is at risk to drunk hunters shooting at it. we should drill the SMALL part of anwr that has oil it whould only give a 5% incress at most to our fuel supplies . but hey better use it up as fast as possible before we die. and say fuck you to the next generation. sorry for trolling :p

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We cant end dependence on Fossil Fuels until we beat dependence on Foreign Fossil Fuels.

We need to first cut our dependance on foreign fuels by developing our own domestic fuels and keeping them off the international market. Also to this end, we need to build Refinarys that can not only process Fossil Fuels but Bio feuls down the road.

While doing that, we need to take a large portion of the money saved and direct it into Research and Development of alternative fuels and Fuel Delivery systems.

Bio-Fuels, Wind Power, Geothermal, Solar and Hydrogen.

None of them alone will meet our energy needs. None are ready to meet even a signigficant portion of our needs. Hydrogen, though most likely the best canidate to replace Fossil Fuels is the farthest away. Until we can Produce Hydrogen fuel with a net positive energy level... it's just not going to work. (Currently it costs about 1.5 units of energy from fossil fuels to create 1 unit of energy from Hydrogen fuel)

Drilling our known domestic fossil fuels is only a band aid... but we need something to stop the bleeding until we can actually fix the problem.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

ok....I am starting to find some interesting things about the whole "troopergate" that Palin is involved in.

1. Sarah Palin herself is the only witness on record to the said "threat". She mentions other people, but none of those people, (her sister and her son) are ever on record for witness statements.

2. The ONLY people to make the accusations of drunk driving, excessive violence, etc...is the Palin family...and all those accusations are made AFTER the divorce became filed.

3. A quote from an email, from Sarah Palin to Julia Grimes, chief of Alaska State Troopers."

That email from Palin to Grimes also said that failing to fire Wooten "would lead a rational person to believe there is a problem inside the organization". That seems like a veiled threat to Grimes' job if something didn't happen to Wooten.

4. During the trial, the judge expressed puzzlement at the efforts of Palin's family to get Wooten fired, since it would harm his earning capacity and damage his ability to pay child support. The judge said "It appears for the world that Ms. McCann and her family have decided to take off for the guy's livelihood -- that the bitterness of whatever who did what to whom has overridden good judgment." Also, visitation and custody of the child is still being decided...and yet he has been accused of TASERING the child....hmmm.

5. The Alaska State Trooper internal investigation also found that Wooten had violated both Alaska law and Alaska State Trooper policy in shooting a moose: he had been out hunting with McCann and had shot the animal himself even though their permit was in McCann's name only. According to subsequent news reports, McCann had obtained the permit but balked at killing the moose herself, so she handed the gun to her then-husband, who shot the animal.

lol...comon....any of us would have done with without a second thought, specially the "hunting couples".

6. The investigation initially cleared Wooten on all of the drunk-driving charges, but Grimes subsequently overturned that result and found that Wooten had driven while drunk on one occasion, violating both the law and internal policy.

Mysterious how someone having their job threatened overturns an investigation...specially when people that refused to go against Wooten got fired...by Palin.

7. Wooten was also cleared of numerous other allegations made by McCann and her family, including that he had taken illegal steroid and testosterone supplements, that he had physically assaulted McCann, and that he had illegally shot a wolf.

Proof that the "witness'" to everything made other allegations against the said trooper that were later proved false.

8. Union executive John Cyr said that many of the negative items in Wooten's personnel file were minor, and that the only complaints ever filed against him were those by Palin and her family. As of July 2008, Wooten was still employed as a state trooper.

Not a shocker, really...a whole list of accusations AFTER filing a divorce...happens ALOT.

I am really questioning the choice of Sarah Palin now, even if I wasn't before. There is alot here that adds up to a pissed wife and a sister on a power trip.

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ok....I am starting to find some interesting things about the whole "troopergate" that Palin is involved in.

1. Sarah Palin herself is the only witness on record to the said "threat". She mentions other people, but none of those people, (her sister and her son) are ever on record for witness statements.

2. The ONLY people to make the accusations of drunk driving, excessive violence, etc...is the Palin family...and all those accusations are made AFTER the divorce became filed.

3. A quote from an email, from Sarah Palin to Julia Grimes, chief of Alaska State Troopers."

That email from Palin to Grimes also said that failing to fire Wooten "would lead a rational person to believe there is a problem inside the organization". That seems like a veiled threat to Grimes' job if something didn't happen to Wooten.

4. During the trial, the judge expressed puzzlement at the efforts of Palin's family to get Wooten fired, since it would harm his earning capacity and damage his ability to pay child support. The judge said "It appears for the world that Ms. McCann and her family have decided to take off for the guy's livelihood -- that the bitterness of whatever who did what to whom has overridden good judgment." Also, visitation and custody of the child is still being decided...and yet he has been accused of TASERING the child....hmmm.

5. The Alaska State Trooper internal investigation also found that Wooten had violated both Alaska law and Alaska State Trooper policy in shooting a moose: he had been out hunting with McCann and had shot the animal himself even though their permit was in McCann's name only. According to subsequent news reports, McCann had obtained the permit but balked at killing the moose herself, so she handed the gun to her then-husband, who shot the animal.

lol...comon....any of us would have done with without a second thought, specially the "hunting couples".

6. The investigation initially cleared Wooten on all of the drunk-driving charges, but Grimes subsequently overturned that result and found that Wooten had driven while drunk on one occasion, violating both the law and internal policy.

Mysterious how someone having their job threatened overturns an investigation...specially when people that refused to go against Wooten got fired...by Palin.

7. Wooten was also cleared of numerous other allegations made by McCann and her family, including that he had taken illegal steroid and testosterone supplements, that he had physically assaulted McCann, and that he had illegally shot a wolf.

Proof that the "witness'" to everything made other allegations against the said trooper that were later proved false.

8. Union executive John Cyr said that many of the negative items in Wooten's personnel file were minor, and that the only complaints ever filed against him were those by Palin and her family. As of July 2008, Wooten was still employed as a state trooper.

Not a shocker, really...a whole list of accusations AFTER filing a divorce...happens ALOT.

I am really questioning the choice of Sarah Palin now, even if I wasn't before. There is alot here that adds up to a pissed wife and a sister on a power trip.

Seriously dude there are things I would love to say to you right now but I'm biting my tounge. I don't know about everyone else but personally I'm getting really tired of all the crap you talk day in and day out. By all accounts the man was a peice of shit, and as governor Pailn had the right to relieve him of duty since he was a state employee. Get over it. I mean really it's not even like she's going to be president, she's running for VP.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

Seriously dude there are things I would love to say to you right now but I'm biting my tounge. I don't know about everyone else but personally I'm getting really tired of all the crap you talk day in and day out. By all accounts the man was a peice of shit, and as governor Pailn had the right to relieve him of duty since he was a state employee. Get over it. I mean really it's not even like she's going to be president, she's running for VP.

whose accounts??....the PALIN FAMILY's accounts...Nothing else was ever brought up against the man...and there were NEVER any accusations BEFORE the divorce....NOTHING...but as soon as the divorce is filed..BOOM...the Palin family comes out of the wood work with multiple accusations and allegations.

The person that he allegedly made the threat too wasn't even there....the only people that claim that he made the threat are Palin and her sister...and Palin is the only on record to make a statement...her sister, the one that the threat was spoken to, NEVER MADE A STATEMENT.

Face it...It's fishier then a river in Alaska. Your tired of me defending someone that could VERY WELL BE getting the raw end of a deal because of a divorce??

What I'M sick of is that Gaf, you, and the rest of your "following" aren't using any common sense...and are hypocrites. All of you want everyone to wait around because "Palin is innocent until proven guilty"...well guess what...Wooten has yet to be found guilty of anything that the PALIN family has made accusations of...in fact, in every investigation....besides the shooting of the moose....everything they have said was found to be untrue, or not enough evidance to collaberate.

I think it speaks LOADS that the Palin family are the only ones, on file, to hold complaints against him...and that all those complaints are made AFTER the divorce is filed.

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Did you miss reading that he was disciplined for Shooting the kid with a taser? Did you miss that he was disciplined for drinking on the job? Did you miss that he was disciplined for making threats? Did you miss that there was enough evidence that the department seize his badge and gun when he is off duty? Did you miss that there was enough evidence to get a Restraining order on him?

He was found guilty and punished. it was a slap on the wrist

Oh, thats right... The Anchorage newspaper has full details of the story, but they printed something nice about Palin... so it's discounted as a source....

What I find as absolutely hillarious... OMG this is so damn funny...

She isn't being investigated for firing the Trooper. He still has his job. Laughing yet? She is being investigated for firing Walt Monegan, her Public Safety Commissioner because he would not fire the trooper. (BTW, as an gubernatorial appointee, she can fire him without giving cause any time she wants).

Perhaps... before you go getting all irrate you should argue about whats really going on.

and you sir, are just as tired of us defending someone who may be getting the raw end of the deal.

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