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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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I am irritated with the men folk in my family. None of them wanted to get the ice off my grandmothers porch roof, and with it being warmer today it started leaking. So guess who had to get up on the ladder and start chipping at ice. ME. So I was a popsicle untill I got home and jumped in the tub to warm the frak up. So now I'm just dandy.

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Highly critical of myself, in an artistic mood onset with deep frustration that is balanced out with hopeless lethargy. :w00t::wallbash:

Pummels you with green Jell-O to knock you out of your complacency. There is ART to be made, young man. Now drop your pants, do a little ditty and get back in there!

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Somewhat lonesome, and quite dozy. Can't wait for my snuggle buddy to arrive. It will be so nice to wrap my arms and legs around him, and snuggle into his neck all night through (with my deaf ear facing up, of course, as I've been forewarned of his snoring). :wub:

Most nights, I'm so lonely here, and this house is entirely too quiet. I find myself staying awake, just because I dread going to bed alone. *sigh*

*counts the seconds, minutes, hours, and days*

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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ugh... i do has the flu... i been sick all day. :( I am just now able to keep water down. I'm hungry, but I'm too scared to eat. i'll be going back to bed, here shortly. Thanks goodness my bed was moved to the floor... having to climb onto a loft bed after one expels every thing from the body, isn't fun....

I'm a little more coherent than I was several hours ago. I could deal with one end... but both!? :cry: least I'm keeping the water down, now....

I wanted to lose weight... this is NOT how I had in mind..

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Like I need the opinions of others on some choices of clothing I found on a vintage store site-- but all my best girlfriends have gone to bed! I have it narrowed down to five dresses for "airport day." :)

I'm so indecisive..will probably just work my ass off, and buy all!

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Like I want one of those brain scraper things the ancient Egyptian embalmers used, or a neti pot-- so I can clear my sinuses out!!!!!

I suspect there are a few of those "nesting crawdads" that Enishi has mentioned, living up inside of me noggin!! I keep onnnnnn a blowin', but nothin' is a comin' out. I'm certain there's something primordial and evil in there, though-- as I feel it sitting on top of my right cheekbone. It's most frustrating.

I also feel aggravated that I don't have any cash in my bank account at the moment (and no car to make it so), and there are a few things I REALLY need to buy fast with Paypal!!!!! I'll die, if I don't get this vintage bullet bra I found for six bucks, before someone else does!!

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