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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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Extremely anxious about tomorrow. My mother, whom I've been estranged from for 7 years or more, is coming over for tea. We really need to talk about a few things.

Wish me luck.

Don't kill her okay *hugs*

As for me, I'm the same as I always am...just with a headache tonight.

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Guest Megalicious

*hugs to Jixxy* I know how you feel. I just saw a man I haven't seen in 17 years... (my father) and had to remain respectful and quite. I left without saying a word to him. Good luck, its going to be hard. You and I had simular upbrings so I know how hard this is going to be for you, just remember, if it gets too much for you, leave or ask her to leave. Its not worth the stress and hurt love *hugs*

*hugs to GRG too* Death is aways hard, just cry, grieve and get that shit out love.

I feel CLEAN!!! theheheh. OMG, you should have seen how much dirt came out of my fucking hair!!!

The inside of my legs hurt from riding. Battery has grown on me a bit. Though she is not a fast as I would like her to be, she tried to eat my shirt when I geared her up today LOL... she is quarky, but she is NO Willow.

Tomorrows adventure - The North Kern River. Me, Kee and a quad up the pass =) Perhaps catch some dinner .. and go for a swim =).

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You know how you walk into a room, because you've misplaced something, and you know its in that room? You know you search and search and search, and then it dawns on you, you've forgotten what the heck you are looking for?

That feeling, in that very moment, is how I am feeling...

That's the only way I can describe the way I feel about the events that took place tonight.

and no, it has nothing to do with my friend passing away. I will miss her, always, but I no longer mourn her loss... This is something totally different, and non-related...

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fuck that shit. I'm so fucking pissed right now... I swear to gawd. jesus fukcing christ on a god damn flaming stick (and I am in no fucking mood to hear any lectures on anything, so stfu and gtfo)..


on top of all the fucking shit that has gone down tonight.. on top of all that.. fucking piece of shit fan bites the dust... and I have no fucking window in my room, or anything else to fucking circulate air. all I can do I fucking open my door and hope and pray that a breeze floats in. one more thing goes fucking wrong tonight, I swear I'm going to go of the fucking deep end, lose my mind and go psycho on every fucking body...


There are not words to convey how fucking pissed off I am right now... NONE...


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