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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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slightly annoyed cuz some lil 20 year old girl( no offensive to anyone around that age.. im not dissing the so called age group)decided to make a rude comment about a post i put on there myspace as well as here for tarot readings. she said.. "what makes you so qualified?lol"

and honestly i felt that comment was a bit rude and snobbish.. and i told her.. its part of my heritage and i enjoy doing it..cuz i know what i am doing!!

grrrr.. stupid lil girls :rant:

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scared, concerned, in love, anxious, powerless, absent, in love, wanting a magic wand with only one cast left in it even, that will do, wanting to be with her right now and allways

I'm feeling like my husband deserves to be beatified. He is truly a saint.

I love my archangel, so much. He's my rock, my strength, my only hope, and the only man I have ever truly loved.

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Dead tired! Filling out job apps, faxing resumes, trying to research airfares and airline pet policies, not being able to reach the person I'm booking the ticket for, worrying about how I am going to pay the bills this month, having the friend I was supposed to hang out with today not call me back, spending 6+ hours working on a project for someone yesterday, feeling generally like I can't get anything right, and sleeping like hell last night has drained me. I think I need to go nap.


like shit... and I'll leave it at that



If I may, hugs

Like I actually got things accomplished today

Angry on Eternal's behalf rant.gif

Happy to see a report from Megalicious!

+) 1 with Eternal.

Glad you had a good day. Hugs


You and your wife are both fucking special! Hugs to you both.

I am hanging in. If If I may, may everyone have a good Thursday.

Blessed Be/Take Care,


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Guest Megalicious

So let me get this right .....

Phee feels like nothing.

Chris feels like Me.. or should I say, I feel like Chris.

And the fucking megabeast of doom has fucked with E YET AGAIN BECAUSE SHE IS FUCKING CRAZY. (gggrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Hillie ... send me your ADDRESS!!!!!!!!!(I have something for you).

Angel - for the love of god, check your PM's. *hugs*

E, I'm sorry (wiether it is the megabeast of doom or not) *hugs* to you and Bean.

For the last half of the afternoon I have found myself WAY to bored... with too much time to think.

I hate the way you maded me smile - it maded my face hurt.

Traderadio is AWESOME. OMG, some of the shit people call about .. and to give your phone number out on live Radio LOL ... these people are funny.

FUCK SOMEONE SAVE ME ... please. Just for now....

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I'm feeling like the sixth harry potter movie wasn't nearly as good as some people were claiming, except for seeing death eaters massacre stupid muggles in the beginning.

I'm also feeling like vodka mixed with oj = happy Enishi!

Edited by Enishi
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Guest Megalicious

Worried as all FUCK.

Looking up resources.. even if this connection is slow as all fuck.

I feel a bit ... restrained being this far away and not having control. Meaning that I mean driving to your house picking you up and getting done what ever needs to be done to make this shit go away ...

WORRIED... *worries*.

There is an answer, I PROMISE.... everything is going to be okay.. just remember .. HIM and love .. and you ARE STRONG ENOUGH. You have been though TOO MUCH BULLSHIT .. to have it .. be like this.

*bites nails*

*thinks .. perhaps I should just .. go.*

Remember, you are strong, you are smart... and you have people that love and care about you. *hugs*

I feel like I should listen to my own advice.

I feel empathy, I feel pain, I feel loss. I feel like everything will be as it should.

I feel like you are VERY fucking lucky ... or he is very UNLUCKY.

I feel like Cix is right.

I feel like everyone else is right too.

I feel a strange sense of comitment, even if I shouldn't.

I feel like the first thing I am doing when stepping off that fucking plane is having lunch with Jonathan.... and then beating the shit out of something.

I feel like the box of gifts for the child will be taking a different route.

I feel like I need to vent, but I can't gather up the strength to say what I want... to anyone, including myself.


I feel I need to chain smoke and final finish The Diamond Age... thank you for it ... do you want it back?

I feel like I need to cry, and yet I can't ...

I feel like I need to suround myself with friends...

I feel like the word "friend" has a much more defined meaing now then it ever has before.

I feel like I should stop because this post is going to be to long.

I feel like I don't care LOL.

I feel like junk food at 3 am .. my hair spread across.. .listening to the beauty.

Tomorrows adventure - finding a hat big enough for Cix's head. Finding more parts for Jen. Pour the quickset for these posts, looking for a "nature" inspired keep sake for the child. Calling around for a friend to see what kind of help we can get. Trying to work of the courage to erase them ... ALL OF THEM - they no longer have any merit then to spark in unwanted emotional reponse... of need. This is going to be hard.

Fuck. This has been... candid.

This has been .... nothing that I expected.

This has been hard, and loving, and frustrating, and clarifying, and everything I never thought I ever needed....

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Thanks. :grouphug for you as well. :)

and :grouphug for anyone else that needs one.. i sure could use a good hug right now... Sadly.. I dunno when that will be..

and I don't mean a hug where people are afraid to touch each other... or the sort of hug only 9 month pregnant ladies give each other (which is pretty funny to watch, by the way)... I mean a real, full body touching, warm embrace. and I don't mean a lustful full body touch. I mean a real @%&* hug!

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Like I actually got things accomplished today

Angry on Eternal's behalf :rant:

Happy to see a report from Megalicious!

Thank you!

So let me get this right .....

And the fucking megabeast of doom has fucked with E YET AGAIN BECAUSE SHE IS FUCKING CRAZY. (gggrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I've been mindfucked so many times by my ex, that my brain has won an AVN award five times for "best skullfuck in an non-nude role"

Actually, this time it was my boss, now ex-boss who rewarded my putting in of a one-week resignation notice, by firing me on the spot, thereby stripping me of my $1000 bonus, leaving me with min wage for the month which isn't even enough to pay my ex her monthly court-ordered allowance after taxes are taken out. :rant:

I sure could use a good hug right now...I mean a real, full body touching, warm embrace. I mean a real @%&* hug!

I know those hugs well.

If I go too long without one, I lose all functionality.

If you're in the area, I'll spot you one.


Direct non-PM to Meg only--- Don't feel like you've been too candid. If anything, I'm more confused AFTER reading your last couple posts than before.

You have so many different things going on I can't quite pull them apart to give you proper support. It's like a WWE Battle Royale cage match in your head, with so much shit fighting for your attention and care. Or at least that's how it made me feel.

I hope it all gets sorted out and you feel better.

As for me, I'll keep it simple:


Feelings of committing murder.



Pain. Murder.


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Annoyed that my insomnia has returned ... Hopefully it is temporary.

Annoyed about one of my classes for Fall ... But it should be rather easy.

Like I really like RockBand and am so glad my oldest daughter has a big mouth so I got it early.

Like Phee works too much so I figured out a way around my childcare situation with school so I can finish my degree.

Like I changed my program majour at school and can finish even earlier now.

Like I absolutely love my new phone and I'm glad I listened and didn't get a free phone I'd never use.

Happy about our appointment on Friday ... Although I'm nervous about it too.

I miss my little bro already and his plane doesn't leave until Tuesday. I don't know when I'll see him again ... And it's sad.

Happy I finally get to let the kids start buying their school stuff. They keep bugging but it's been too early.

Not happy about the court stuff I have to handle shortly.

Not happy all four kids need new school uniforms. LoL.

And I feel like I've said enough, for now.

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