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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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frustrated. Michigan Works just called to cancel my no worker left behind appointment that was scheduled for the 31st because the case worker "suddenly retired on them." The lady who left a message said that if I was still interested to give her a call but I wouldn't be having my appointment until the end of September now. I've only waited since May. stupid freaking people.

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Throat still hurts like hell, but I had some soup and I can talk a little bit better.

Does that mean I have to listen to you? LOL :p

I'm quite well. I have a job interview on Mon. or Tuesday.

If you are spiritual pray for me to whatever it is you pray to, as I will pray to the Big Electron.

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Guest Megalicious

A little better now that I took a nap and kept some food down.

I think I've got whatever Tyger has. I've thrown up four times now, already. I've never had the flu in the summertime, before. This sucks.

I feel bad for TL and Jynxxy *hugs*

Happy that I passed the written final, now on to the practical final on Saturday.

Congrads and good luck on Saturday!

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Basically content, and like most of the ongoing issues are starting to resolve.

But a tiny bit hurt that a teacher at my former school didn't invite me to her wedding. We've worked together at two different schools, and I felt as close to her as I ever get to coworkers. I saw the pix and other teachers were there... so now I kind of feel like everyone I worked with has just written me off.

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I think I've got whatever Tyger has. I've thrown up four times now, already. I've never had the flu in the summertime, before. This sucks.

*hugs* Mine was food poisoning, so I don't think it was contagious. Unfortunately I learned the hard way last night that food poisoning severely lowers your alcohol tolerance. I only had 3 drinks last night, before I realized I was sick, but by the way my body reacted to them you'd have thought I had at least twice that many. Give me a call tomorrow if you need anything.

I feel bad for TL and Jynxxy *hugs*

*hugs* Thanks, M.

Basically content, and like most of the ongoing issues are starting to resolve.

But a tiny bit hurt that a teacher at my former school didn't invite me to her wedding. We've worked together at two different schools, and I felt as close to her as I ever get to coworkers. I saw the pix and other teachers were there... so now I kind of feel like everyone I worked with has just written me off.


Slightly confused.., I feel like I am being pulled in so many directions and

I don't know what to do.

I wish I had someone to talk to.

Wow, you pretty much described exactly how I am feeling right now, too. *hugs*

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Beat and tired... Ugh, 40 hours in steel toed boots is to much, I need new boots... Good weekend planned out though, hanging out with Slogo and a friend from work tomorrow, then the same people on Saturday at City, then a movie night Sunday! ^_^

I've been able to keep friendships, started making new ones and have just become more active in my normal life, trying to keep busy... And lose weight. lol Good times, good times. :happy:

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My throat is feeling better, but still a little worked up over the test. Have another on Saturday, but after this I will be able to take the national registry and get my license, so I guess it's all good.

Good to hear you are feeling better. Taking a test and not feeling good, sucks.

A little better now that I took a nap and kept some food down.


Happy that I passed the written final, now on to the practical final on Saturday.

Congrats!!!!! Good Luck Saturday!

I think I've got whatever Tyger has. I've thrown up four times now, already. I've never had the flu in the summertime, before. This sucks.


Basically content, and like most of the ongoing issues are starting to resolve.

But a tiny bit hurt that a teacher at my former school didn't invite me to her wedding. We've worked together at two different schools, and I felt as close to her as I ever get to coworkers. I saw the pix and other teachers were there... so now I kind of feel like everyone I worked with has just written me off.


I am okay.

If I may, may everyone have a good weekend,


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