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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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I feel like I just got back from FetishCon where I had a ton of fun

I feel that I will be even busier with my little hobby

I feel like I am back in other ways

I feel like I need to travel more

I feel stressed about the reality I have to deal with now that I am back

I feel like there are many delightful possibilities that have come my way

I feel like I missed my friends.....When can we all get together?

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Tired, but reluctant to let myself sleep, because of the nightmares and odd occurrences that have been plaguing me.

Hopeful that it will rain soon, and bring some cool, fresh breeze through.

Really hungry. I was wanting to bake a chicken earlier, but it was too effin' hot. I suppose I could still make it, right now...

If I may, hugs. I have ugly nightmares, and it not fun thing.


Just got out of the interview. He said I am very well qualified for the job.

Now let's just hope everyone else he interviews flings feces at him

Good Luck!



I feel awesome. Still a bit confused on somethings, but I think I am making the right choice, and that feels good. happy.gif

Good to hear you are doing well. Hugs.

Like the quest for funding of for things has now gotten personal, in ways I absolutely abhor. X.gifwallbash.gif


Utterly furious at the insulting email I just received from my former school. Fuck 'em, I'd rather starve on the street than go back there.

I feel the same about one of my old job. Big Hugs.

Ready to get back into the gym. Aggression backup.

Welcome Back! Hugs

I feel loved, sexy, wanted, missed and just about every other good feeling right now. This is an awesome feeling!

It is good to see you post. That is no BS. Hugs.

I am good. I am get ready for school.

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Sleepy, but too restless...

Worried and annoyed....

Like I hate being a girl sometimes...

a little lonely. lol Me and my best friend have been hanging out, and he stopped by before he went to work, since its near by... now that the house is empty (well, its not, no one else is awake yet. lol), i feel lonely.... ugh.. and neither one of us got much sleep last night, and he thinks he's coming down with something :sad:


I hope that everyone else is doing well, and has a good day...

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Like Pomba's old school's officials can stick it up their asses.

Like I should not be on this board and will be off at the end of this post.

Like I think I'm well liked at my new job, but the pace is very demanding.

Like Ponyo is just like every other Miyazaki film---amazing

Like I feel a little bad b/c I think someone left the board b/c of me but at the same time,

the spell check button could've solved ALL her problems here and

<pardon this rant>

How the f*ck do people get through school without learning how to type three words w/o misspelling two of them??????



Like seeing the psychos at town hall meetings remind me of when I was a rabid activist (for the left) and that interrupting a meeting

(that people drove miles to get to to hear reasonable debate and answers)

IS NOT cool and should NOT warrant praise on cable news networks.

I'd be embarrassed if MSNBC had me on years ago

and Fox should be ashamed for making nutcases who yell at our elected officials and spray paint swatikas on Congressmen's plackards<---CLICK, into heros.

It was inappropriate when I did it, (even though I NEVER did anything so disrespectfull) and it's inappropriate now

and if Obama takes away the public option for healthcare b/c of it, that will be a sad day.

If he takes it away b/c he felt it was the right thing to do then that's cool. :thumbup:

Bottom line, no one should buckle to yelling yahoos, and I'm sick of them being made folk heros by the same people

who made fun of the comparatively mild "loony left" activists a few years back


Like it's very frustrating seeing people in terrible relationships that have no idea what's ahead. I was there and I'll never go back.

Like I'm very lucky to have bean.

Hope everyone's been well since I've posted last

Take care all

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