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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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like my wisdom teeth are moving and my jaw and head hurt... need to get some motrin

correction... blood pressure acting up again... thats where pain is coming from ugh stupid doctor not calling in my prescription... good think I'm getting a new doctor soon

also i feel like i'm in a void zone from the world today... no email no text no calls all day... weird...

Edited by Azeuron
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A bit peckish.

i feel like chuckling, because every time i see/hear the above, i think of the cheese shop sketch from monty python -

Customer: Well, I was, uh, sitting in the public library on Thurmon Street just now, skimming through Rogue Herrys by Hugh Walpole, and I suddenly came over all peckish.

Owner: Peckish, sir?

Customer: Esuriant.

Owner: Eh?

Customer: 'Ee, ah wor 'ungry-loike!

Owner: Ah, hungry!

Customer: In a nutshell. And I thought to myself, "a little fermented curd will do the trick," so, I curtailed my Walpoling activites, sallied forth, and infiltrated your place of purveyance to negotiate the vending of some cheesy comestibles!

Owner: Come again?

Customer: I want to buy some cheese.


also relieved that the day-long migraine i had thursday finally decided to go away. only the third time i've had one, but it laid me out for almost 8hrs...

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Guest Megalicious

I feel sadness. I just hurt someone I care about a lot - but this is the way it has to be, I don't know what else to say.

I cannot fit, I do not fit and I never will. I know you think differently, but I SEE.

I feel I will die a lonely old spinster with a million ferrets, who eat me once I die because I am a complete introvert that no one has noticed has died. *nods*

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Better, since I sold a snakelet & went for a walk (and got hugz from Meg thanks.gif )

Congrats! Glad it all work out. Hugs.

Like I am sick of this shit, and I expect things to improve or maybe they need to dirty up their OWN place.

If I may, hugs

Overwhelmed and drained.


Very good No drinking no meds or caffine I think my narcalepsy is going to be ok with a monitored diet and no stimulants or depressants. I really do.

And I feel so GOOOOD!

Good to hear! Hugs


I hope you feel better. Hugs

I'm not sure yet.

I don't feel bad.... I just don't feel good.

I feel I need to take a walk....

Regardless, if you are not sure yet on how you feel, hugs

like my wisdom teeth are moving and my jaw and head hurt... need to get some motrin

correction... blood pressure acting up again... thats where pain is coming from ugh stupid doctor not calling in my prescription... good think I'm getting a new doctor soon

also i feel like i'm in a void zone from the world today... no email no text no calls all day... weird...

If I may, hugs.

I am okay. The doctor said this past Friday, that there no need for me to wear a heart montior. My tests came out good. My problem is the stress. Since heart disease runs in the family, I have to take two more tests just to be safe.

I saw one of my nephews today. He feel asleep in my arms. wub.gif He later work up and we just stare at each other. He made some crazy faces due to me making weird faces. It was funny! For me, any time with any of my nephews or nieces, is one of the best medicines for me! yes.gif I love all of my nephews and nieces very much! wub.gifkiss.gifsmile.gifwub.gif

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I feel sadness. I just hurt someone I care about a lot - but this is the way it has to be, I don't know what else to say.

I cannot fit, I do not fit and I never will. I know you think differently, but I SEE.

I feel I will die a lonely old spinster with a million ferrets, who eat me once I die because I am a complete introvert that no one has noticed has died. *nods*

Whoops, I was proof-reading and did not see your posts.

You are loved by many!!!! Many and many DGN members can vouch on that!

Big Hugs. More Hugs.

If you are up to talking, you can call me anytime. Even at 4 am. :)

Even more Hugs.

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Stronger, after my first full, non-stop 30 minutes on the Gazelle. I started out at five, and now I'm up to thirty! I'll be back to my normal curvy size 5 in no time. These little pads on the upper backside of my pelvis are as good as GONE.

P.S. Tony Little is right-- I can do it! :hrhr:

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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Guest Megalicious

I feel like I can't sleep ~ and Lady Day is in order.

I feel like I wonder why I do this to myself.

I feel like I will stay in my room for the rest of the week, alone and come next week I will be all cried out , school will start and I won't have time to think anymore ~ at least not about the things that keep me awake at night.

I feel like I am going to play with legos right now.

Thats right, Lady Day and Legos.

I feel like I WISH I could sleep ....

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