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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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I feel like I am sexy enough, no reason to "do" my hair, just put in up in a ribbon and tada. wink.gif

You are. Hugs.

Like a complete & total dumbass for thinking I had another paycheck coming when in fact I didn't.

Dreading asking my mother for a loan.

Bemused that a mean-spirited, judgmental Facebook comment has led to me making a new friend.

Peeved at Breeder Lady who was supposed to pick up the remaining snakelets on Tuesday and is not returning my email.

Even more peeved at the snakelets who still refuse to feed, thus rendering themselves unsellable to anyone else.

I feel you.

I went through PTSD after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. I thought I was going crazy... would start crying suddenly for no reason, was terrified to be in a room alone, etc... and I do remember what a relief it was to find out what was wrong with me.

Am here if you need to talk sweetie!


Annoyed that I have to work tonight, but otherwise content.

Happy that the new baby (kitty) is taking to me quickly, and happy that other than a little hissing at 5:30 this morning, my two little girls are getting along okay.

Good to hear! I hope your allergies are doing better. Hugs.

grrr grrr grrr.


mildly annoyed

Regardless if only mildly annoyed, hugs

Like even more a complete and utter dumbass than yesterday.

You are not a dumbass. We all make mistakes. Do not beat yourself up. It will not help. It would only cause further headaches. I understand you are just venting. That is good to vent. Just do not let it go any further from venting. Hugs.

This dragon is doing good.

On Friday, it was told that my dad's brain has heal. He had a spot on his brain, that is gone. His brain is looking good the doctor stated. His memory problems are just due to old age. He still has other medical problems. Yet, I am grateful that is brain is healed.

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Regardless if only mildly annoyed, hugs

This dragon is doing good.

On Friday, it was told that my dad's brain has heal. He had a spot on his brain, that is gone. His brain is looking good the doctor stated. His memory problems are just due to old age. He still has other medical problems. Yet, I am grateful that is brain is healed.

Coming from a serial hugger, Dragon gives too many hugs. Her arms must get very tired

I'm very happy your dad's doing better. That type of thing is often the toughest on the loved ones.


I'm amazed at how empty I'm feeling.

I had my best friend, next to bean, be around here for over two months this summer, and now she's gone. She cried and bemoaned the circumstances that made this go into place. It's back to a few hours here and there, and a liquidated paycheck---until next summer.

A year ago I had money and stability and her.

Now I have the love of my life, but everything else is in flux

I feel like I'm ruining three lives at once.

I keep telling me it was all for the best

it was all for the best

it was all for the best

it was all for the best

it was all for the best.

(And I honestly couldn't imagine my life without bean, not a day, not an hour)

I just hope I'll still be saying that when the final notices start coming.

I'm too old for this shit.

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I am feeling that I hope that things get way better for The Eternal. Someone that awesome should not be treated that way, by the universe...

I am feeling the pain in my hip, my big toe that got broken last year, and my wrist that I damaged at a show last weekend.. I think I sprained something....

other than that...

there are some job opportunities in Ann Arbor, and I am hoping to get my foot in the door... things seems to be moving in a really good direction for me, lately. :)

I will be attending the wedding of two amazing people... WOO! with my best friend. I'm SO happy for those two! ^_^

one day, I hope to be the bride in my own wedding. :biggrin: but I'll worry about that when I have a job, and a place of my own, and can stand on my own two feet. :) its nice to be taken care of, but its just not plausible in this economy, so we (as in who ever I'm with) will take care of each other... yeah, my nesting instinct is starting to kick in LOL

um, what else..... that's pretty much it, I think... for now, anyways.. :)

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but lonely

And like a really, really stupid idiot who has mistreated living creatures out of sheer thoughtlessness. Really ashamed of myself over that one, even though the issue has been corrected and the babies seem to be OK. Gawd I'm a dumbass sometimes, for such a supposedly smart person.

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I am feeling that I hope that things get way better for The Eternal. Someone that awesome should not be treated that way, by the universe...

I've been under the impression that with the best of the human race, God has a sick sense of humor. Or for those more positive thinking, all of these challenges are what help us grow and develop to become stronger and better.

I feel like a pineapple.

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Guest Megalicious

I feel like I had a nice day with the boys, besides the fact they fuck up my book order that I picked up yesterday and had to go straighten out today, JFC. What a fucking headache, I am just glad I called yesterday and they had my shit waiting for me. I was not in the mood to deal with asshatry.

They forgot 2 of my larger books and one manual, of the important classes I might add. Grrr. It was funny to see people with one bag of books and here I am carrying a huge box of them LOL.

I am feeling nervous. The beginning of the semester is starting, I am always a little apprehensive, but given a small amount of time that will turn into confidence as it always does.

I feel like Iron Man wasn't bad. I hadn't seen it till last night. I decided last night was a night better spent at home with my boys, but received a call asking if I was coming out to play - thank you - its nice to know you guys were thinking of me =) *hugs*.

All in all I feel really good. I am a bit scared, but that is always better then be TOO cocky *nods*.

I feel like its time to add the finishing touches on getting ready for school and then to clean up a bit. =)

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Guest Megalicious

Coming from a serial hugger, Dragon gives too many hugs. Her arms must get very tired

I'm very happy your dad's doing better. That type of thing is often the toughest on the loved ones.


I'm amazed at how empty I'm feeling.

I had my best friend, next to bean, be around here for over two months this summer, and now she's gone. She cried and bemoaned the circumstances that made this go into place. It's back to a few hours here and there, and a liquidated paycheck---until next summer.

A year ago I had money and stability and her.

Now I have the love of my life, but everything else is in flux

I feel like I'm ruining three lives at once.

I keep telling me it was all for the best

it was all for the best

it was all for the best

it was all for the best

it was all for the best.

(And I honestly couldn't imagine my life without bean, not a day, not an hour)

I just hope I'll still be saying that when the final notices start coming.

I'm too old for this shit.


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