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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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Not good, not good.

With my anxiety at a peek, I've been feeling sick to my stomach a lot. Which makes my appetite go bye bye. But also makes me afraid to eat anything.

And its difficult. Because there's more to these stomachaches then just anxiety and many of my friends don't know...which may make me more anxious? I dunno.

But I'm feeling unwell.


I am done with whining and feeling sad over being lonely. I will accept it. It is what it is, and I don't want to meet some idiot and make a decision to be with that person out of desperation and fear. I will never find the person I am meant to be with (if anyone) if I act like a desperate, whiny, baby. I have alot going for me in life and I really need to regain focus on me and my life. If someone is meant to walk beside me, it will happen. What matters is that I am okay. "end journal entry"

Kudos for finding yourself more. Hugs

I wish I could be numb. Numb would be easier than this..


Beyond bad headache. I am behind in this thread again and I am no energy to catch up. I need to take some more pills for this headache.

Take Care DGN. Have a good week. :)



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Guest Megalicious

Very grateful and very happy. :heart:

Apollo and Kee keep me extremely busy. I thought I would just stop in and tell everyone thank you for the birthday wish and baby gifts. I :heart: you guys.

Back to my regular scheduled mommy duties (which I am more than happy with :wub: ).

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Six and seven kids really isn't much of a difference than my four, but when your still recovering from Mono, it's best to keep the busy-ness level minimal.

I feel tired, busy all weekend, awesome concert with the kids and woke up after the kids went to school to come get the oldest boy. Who knew he was THAT allergic to fertilizer? Now we know, and the Benedryl seems to be working.

I feel nervous about my specialist appt tomorrow. Last thing I need is ANOTHER medical condition, but *sigh*, I gotta do what I gotta do.

And my oldest child turns 11 in a few days ... And my baby turns 6 a few weeks after that. Where does the time go?

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Six and seven kids really isn't much of a difference than my four, but when your still recovering from Mono, it's best to keep the busy-ness level minimal.

I feel tired, busy all weekend, awesome concert with the kids and woke up after the kids went to school to come get the oldest boy. Who knew he was THAT allergic to fertilizer? Now we know, and the Benedryl seems to be working.

I feel nervous about my specialist appt tomorrow. Last thing I need is ANOTHER medical condition, but *sigh*, I gotta do what I gotta do.

And my oldest child turns 11 in a few days ... And my baby turns 6 a few weeks after that. Where does the time go?

If i knew where time went... I'd set a trap, and bottle it up to sell back to people who complain about not having enough of it... :p lol

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Kinda irritated. Saw the shrink dude guy today, it'll be at least 2 more weeks before I can get into regular therapy, so they threw more drugs at me. I have to be back at the end of the month to see shrink dude guy again. Bright side is that one of the side effects for the new drug is weight loss...I can roll with that.

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I am done with whining and feeling sad over being lonely. I will accept it. It is what it is, and I don't want to meet some idiot and make a decision to be with that person out of desperation and fear. I will never find the person I am meant to be with (if anyone) if I act like a desperate, whiny, baby. I have alot going for me in life and I really need to regain focus on me and my life. If someone is meant to walk beside me, it will happen. What matters is that I am okay. "end journal entry"

Your post makes me wet :heart:

Tits McGee--This is what you do.

1. Print out this post

2. Copy this post 100 zillion times

3. Put it all around you. Put it on the things you hold dear.


5. Read it. Learn it LOVE IT! REALLY LOVE IT!!

6. Make love to this post.

7. Rinse.

8. Lather.

9. Repeat

Although this may seem unorthodox it is still far more acceptable than



v. thread-humped, thread-hump·ing, thread-humps


Origin--bean's warped little mind


a. To follow another poster and quote them.

b. To brazenly respond to everything another user posts. He's thread-humping her, and she just takes it. And we're supposed to believe it's all innocent?

c. To notice, in a past tense, post-stalking. Did you see all the thread humps last night on this thread? If he threadhumped her anymore, they'd have a baby-post.

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Your post makes me wet :heart:

Tits McGee--This is what you do.

1. Print out this post

2. Copy this post 100 zillion times

3. Put it all around you. Put it on the things you hold dear.


5. Read it. Learn it LOVE IT! REALLY LOVE IT!!

6. Make love to this post.

7. Rinse.

8. Lather.

9. Repeat

Although this may seem unorthodox it is still far more acceptable than



v. thread-humped, thread-hump·ing, thread-humps


Origin--bean's warped little mind


a. To follow another poster and quote them.

b. To brazenly respond to everything another user posts. He's thread-humping her, and she just takes it. And we're supposed to believe it's all innocent?

c. To notice, in a past tense, post-stalking. Did you see all the thread humps last night on this thread? If he threadhumped her anymore, they'd have a baby-post.

I'm trying..at my own pace. Isn't that enough? Seriously, people constantly telling me to get over things faster really isn't helping me much. I'm hurting, I'm stressed out, I feel guilty because I wish I could be anywhere but here, I feel like the worlds worst child. I'm seeing the doctor and taking my meds and trying to deal with life without cutting myself. I'm trying..

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I am done with whining and feeling sad over being lonely. I will accept it. It is what it is, and I don't want to meet some idiot and make a decision to be with that person out of desperation and fear. I will never find the person I am meant to be with (if anyone) if I act like a desperate, whiny, baby. I have alot going for me in life and I really need to regain focus on me and my life. If someone is meant to walk beside me, it will happen. What matters is that I am okay. "end journal entry"

Insert eternal moralizing (I hate quoting myself. I find it egotistical)

I'm trying..at my own pace. Isn't that enough? Seriously, people constantly telling me to get over things faster really isn't helping me much. I'm hurting, I'm stressed out, I feel guilty because I wish I could be anywhere but here, I feel like the worlds worst child. I'm seeing the doctor and taking my meds and trying to deal with life without cutting myself. I'm trying..

But I'm not telling you to get over things at someone else's pace.

Hell, maybe kat was this way for years. I don't know.

Nowhere in my post did I ask you to get over it OR to speed up said getting over.

I was making a suggestion.

To read it like a mantra.

I have friends that write things on their mirror.

When they get up in the morning, no matter how they feel, they have to look at it.

(Well, technically they could look away or ignore it, or shake a glove at it and proclaim "I fart in your general direction" BUT THEY DON'T)

They look at it as a reminder of who they need to be or what they need to aspire to. And it gives them strength.

I have a lot more patience than some of your friends, apparently.

I was simply suggesting to read something positive,

make yourself think of something/someone who is overcoming their pain

in the hope that someday somehow

in due time---you too will be able to have the strength that they proclaim.

There are other perspectives of course---

According to Dr. bean

"Grief has no timetable,

and people around you are saying insensitive things that they think will get you over it quicker,

but in reality, they're just making it worse.

People may say they understand, because they've been though pain,

but no one has been through what you've been through

so they'll never be able to feel your pain, because it is different than their pain

and the way you process it is also different from how others do, so you will need to achieve peace with yourself in your own time"

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