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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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A little more down now that our snowblower is broken, at the start of the first big snowfall in upper Michigan, with a driveway that is about, I dunno, 500 yards long or more? And that's only if we do half of it.

Oh, and we don't have a shovel, either.


Shit! And I thought what I have to do sucks at times.

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I don't know if you're on any meds, but if you are they might be causing it. Think about it.

I'm not on anything right now because I haven't been able to see my doctor in order to refill my perscriptions. So I just take advil when it gets too bad.

I feel like being productive, but there isn't much to do at the moment.

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I'm not on anything right now because I haven't been able to see my doctor in order to refill my perscriptions. So I just take advil when it gets too bad.

I feel like being productive, but there isn't much to do at the moment.

Good to hear that you can do something to help you with your head.

Please take this in a nice way: I'm glad that you can't get refills.

Check out www.cchr.org ---- check out the stuff regarding psych drugs there.

:) and I mean it.

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Good to hear that you can do something to help you with your head.

Please take this in a nice way: I'm glad that you can't get refills.

Check out www.cchr.org ---- check out the stuff regarding psych drugs there.

:) and I mean it.

I know you mean well, but I don't take psych medication. I've just been getting really bad headaches lately. The medication I do take is for something else.

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Can you tell me what "flip the bean" means?

Bean = clitoris

Flip = masturbate

(I have never heard that before but instantly knew what it meant, and I think that's just precious and intend to use it any chance I get - the expression, not the suggestion.)


I am feeling absurdly good right at this moment. It just kinda came on me. Yay me!

Edited by Fierce Critter
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Have you had your eyes checked? It could be eyestrain. You might be surprised at how bad eyestrain headaches/headpains can be.

I haven't had my eyes checked. My mom tells me all the time I have stress headaches because of where the pain is coming from. I'm not sure why I'm stressed. It could be because I know I'm going back up to Mount Pleasant on Sunday. I really wish I could stay home. I like it better here. At the same time I know I am getting a good education and being out there by myself has taught me a lot.

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I haven't had my eyes checked. My mom tells me all the time I have stress headaches because of where the pain is coming from. I'm not sure why I'm stressed. It could be because I know I'm going back up to Mount Pleasant on Sunday. I really wish I could stay home. I like it better here. At the same time I know I am getting a good education and being out there by myself has taught me a lot.

Where are your headaches radiating from?

I had chronic headaches and migraines for about a year. Come to find out, I REALLY needed glasses and my right eye was straining so hard the optic nerve started to swell (which is why my head hurt so bad) And the pain started above my eye and eventually wrapped around my whole head. It was so painful, the sound of my own breathing hurt.



I feel freaking amazing. My guy friend might not harbor any romantic feelings for me, but my god can he lay on the sexy time! good grief.

I feel warm and fuzzy, light and airy....... lol (which the last two is a feat in itself ROFL) But yeah. Emotionally I'm still blah, but physically I feel amazing.

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Bean = clitoris

Flip = masturbate

(I have never heard that before but instantly knew what it meant, and I think that's just precious and intend to use it any chance I get - the expression, not the suggestion.)


I am feeling absurdly good right at this moment. It just kinda came on me. Yay me!

Thanks, I got it understood now. It's probably better to f**k.

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Where are your headaches radiating from?

I had chronic headaches and migraines for about a year. Come to find out, I REALLY needed glasses and my right eye was straining so hard the optic nerve started to swell (which is why my head hurt so bad) And the pain started above my eye and eventually wrapped around my whole head. It was so painful, the sound of my own breathing hurt.

I wasn't going to over-elaborate. But since GRG added her valuable .02, here's mine.

Around 2002, I started experiencing horrible headpains. They were located primarily slightly above and behind my temple area. They weren't headaches, they were massive, intense, sharp pains. They would worsen or become acute if I was doing something that increased my blood pressure. One was so bad, I went to the ER scared I was having an aneurysm (I do NOT take going to the ER lightly, so this was a serious step for me to take). They did a spinal tap and either a CAT scan or MRI, and both came back normal.

My doctor pushed the diabetes diagnosis on me despite blood tests coming back normal. I don't know what got me on the road to thinking eyestrain, probably my husband. I had my eyes checked. Turns out, I have astigmatism in both eyes. No far or near sightedness. But both eyes are shaped such that I have a double focus point, like if you're looking at a clock face, 12 and 6 will be sharp but everything else will be slightly blurred. My eyes were constantly trying to blend the focus and this strained my eye muscles and optic nerve. I got glasses, and the pains went away instantly.

I despise wearing glasses. But I wear them every day because I'd rather not experience those pains again.

Get your eyes checked. Seriously.

Edited by Fierce Critter
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