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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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Where are your headaches radiating from?

I had chronic headaches and migraines for about a year. Come to find out, I REALLY needed glasses and my right eye was straining so hard the optic nerve started to swell (which is why my head hurt so bad) And the pain started above my eye and eventually wrapped around my whole head. It was so painful, the sound of my own breathing hurt.

I wasn't going to over-elaborate. But since GRG added her valuable .02, here's mine.

Around 2002, I started experiencing horrible headpains. They were located primarily slightly above and behind my temple area. They weren't headaches, they were massive, intense, sharp pains. They would worsen or become acute if I was doing something that increased my blood pressure. One was so bad, I went to the ER scared I was having an aneurysm (I do NOT take going to the ER lightly, so this was a serious step for me to take). They did a spinal tap and either a CAT scan or MRI, and both came back normal.

My doctor pushed the diabetes diagnosis on me despite blood tests coming back normal. I don't know what got me on the road to thinking eyestrain, probably my husband. I had my eyes checked. Turns out, I have astigmatism in both eyes. No far or near sightedness. But both eyes are shaped such that I have a double focus point, like if you're looking at a clock face, 12 and 6 will be sharp but everything else will be slightly blurred. My eyes were constantly trying to blend the focus and this strained my eye muscles and optic nerve. I got glasses, and the pains went away instantly.

I despise wearing glasses. But I wear them every day because I'd rather not experience those pains again.

Get your eyes checked. Seriously.

My headaches mostly start either from my neck or between my neck and head. I have glasses and I wear them everyday, but I haven't been to a check up in a while. I'm waiting to get insurance back again. I'm not sure if I'll have optical, but if I do I want to check how long it has been since I got my glasses. Last time I went they raised my perscription.

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Feeling a bit rejected.

I know how to handle a FWB situation... I've just had a crush on this guy since I've met him. (About a year ago.) The added sex did't make my crush stronger though. Its pretty steady.

I knew what this was, when we agreed to have sex as just friends, but I can't help but feel a bit jealous of a lady he's been chatting with, lately. Not because she might get him and I probably never will... Its not that at all. I don't wanna give up the sex. Its such amazing sex. Who thought that sex between two people, who seem to have no romantic chemistry at all, could be so good????

ah well.

If this thing works out with this lady, I will miss the late night visits... Even if we never started having sex, I'd still miss the visits... because he's pretty much the only person who bothers to come and see me....

Even with all this... I still feel a bit sad. :( I want to be happy for him. He deserves it... But it just goes with what I've been saying "fuck me and you'll end up finding someone"... its never me, though...


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My headaches mostly start either from my neck or between my neck and head. I have glasses and I wear them everyday, but I haven't been to a check up in a while. I'm waiting to get insurance back again. I'm not sure if I'll have optical, but if I do I want to check how long it has been since I got my glasses. Last time I went they raised my perscription.

In case she's eating aspartame, Nutrasweet, etc. - these artificial sweeteners are toxic and might be helping to cause the headaches. These things are found in diet sodas, candy, foods sometimes, gum, etc. These things have been pushed into American foods heavily as a replacement for sugar, but they are harmful to consume. A little sugar is not gonna kill you, a lot can cause cavities, birth deformities, I think obesity, tiredness, etc (in case I forgot some). High fructose corn syrup (I think in larger amounts) can cause obesity, and other things too. As I figure you know: many companies don't give a shit about you as long as they get you to consume their products.

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My headaches mostly start either from my neck or between my neck and head. I have glasses and I wear them everyday, but I haven't been to a check up in a while. I'm waiting to get insurance back again. I'm not sure if I'll have optical, but if I do I want to check how long it has been since I got my glasses. Last time I went they raised my perscription.

As for the eyeglasses thing: people who sell glasses generally want people to need them. So watch out, many of these people will get you wearing 2 feet thick lenses if they can do it. An option you might find useful is: if you have been reading for a long time and feel tired, been at work all day and are tired, etc., go for a walk for an hour AND LOOK AT THINGS, notice things, get your attention outward. Those headaches might disappear and eye strain might go away too. Remember: people who sell eyeglasses would have no income if there are no people who need/want them. So it is in their interest that people need/want them.

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Feeling a bit rejected...Even with all this... I still feel a bit sad. :( I want to be happy for him. He deserves it... But it just goes with what I've been saying "fuck me and you'll end up finding someone"... its never me, though...


I know this sort of thing usually comes of little comfort, but perhaps disengaging with someone who satisfies only one aspect of your needs will give you a freedom to open your eyes and heart and availability to someone who can give you that - and more.

[Edit: Didn't see your follow-up before I posted this.]

Edited by Fierce Critter
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Bean = clitoris

Flip = masturbate

(I have never heard that before but instantly knew what it meant, and I think that's just precious and intend to use it any chance I get - the expression, not the suggestion.)


I am feeling absurdly good right at this moment. It just kinda came on me. Yay me!

ya, i can't remember were i heard it, i cant take claim for comming up with it, but its just an expession i use myself when the situation calls for it and i don't wanna be vulgar or drop to much of a hint if the converation is around people and i don't want them to have to much of a clue what is being talked about, and i can understand the frustration with it getting rather mundane, cant say that i'm 2 years in the whole, but as a guy these 5 months feel like 2 years lol

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I was drinking booze and smoking tea, and decided to try a nicotine lozenge for a-pack-a-day smoker since I've tried chewing tobacco once. On a normal basis, I never take in nicotine, so hours later I'm pretty lightheaded right now. :fun:

Also, sleepy.

Edited by Coffeenated
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bummed i guess, sick of hearing how amazing and awesome and good looking certian members of my family are, it gets so repetitive and annoying, it depresses me and pisses me off.

I hear the same thing about how beautiful my sister is..I have been in a room of people and someone will make a comment about me saying something positive about my looks and then another family member will say "you should see her sister:(...so I understand how it feels...

Well, atm I feel like I am in a cold, clammy sweat and that I could punch the shit out someone for very little reason at all. The neurologist said to chill out and stop taking the meds my other doctor has me on right now because that is what is causing my agitation.

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I hear the same thing about how beautiful my sister is..I have been in a room of people and someone will make a comment about me saying something positive about my looks and then another family member will say "you should see her sister:(...so I understand how it feels...

Well, atm I feel like I am in a cold, clammy sweat and that I could punch the shit out someone for very little reason at all. The neurologist said to chill out and stop taking the meds my other doctor has me on right now because that is what is causing my agitation.

ya, i understand that, ill be in a room *not paying attention tomuch to the convo* and its basically the same shit, oh *insert brothers name* is so goodlooking you havent seen him in so long he gotten so tall and looks so handsome now, hes doing this this and this, oh and *inster other brothers name here* hes just as good looking as the other hes even taller and he just got excepted to a big ten school, has a 3.9 GPA is really big works out all the time, and then they ask about me, oh hes doin fine, hes just workin ya know helpin out with the family....conversation switches gears.....gee thanks....not that i NEED compliments, but for fucks sake, its like that 90% of the time >:-/

right now im irritated i slept like 14 hours, but i guess i needed it,slept threwmy alarm and everything *grumbles*

but i take it everything seems ok then if the doctor said to chill out?

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i feel confused, i signed up for cougarlife.com for uhhh obviouse reasons. and was exchanging messeges with a rather sexy mature lady and by the fourth e-mail she says i find you attractive and sweet, but i think your to young for me...well wtf...

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I feel stupid, I went grocery shopping today and as a treat I bought a six pack of neon frosted cupcakes for the kids and I. I get them home and set the package on top of the counter and I asked my dad to watch my two year old son and one year old niece while I use the bathroom. I come back and my dad is playing on his laptop and the cupcake container is empty in the floor and there are neon handprints all over my white kitchen walls I find both kids in my room hiding under my bed covered from head to toe in frosting and crumbs all six cupcakes were gone. Lesson learned never letting my dad watch kids when he has his laptop with him and never leave a container full of brightly colored cupcakes on the counter when I leave the room. I got most of the frosting off the walls with a Mr. Clean eraser there is still a hint of color but I think with time and a little elbow grease I can get it too all come out.

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ya, i understand that, ill be in a room *not paying attention tomuch to the convo* and its basically the same shit, oh *insert brothers name* is so goodlooking you havent seen him in so long he gotten so tall and looks so handsome now, hes doing this this and this, oh and *inster other brothers name here* hes just as good looking as the other hes even taller and he just got excepted to a big ten school, has a 3.9 GPA is really big works out all the time, and then they ask about me, oh hes doin fine, hes just workin ya know helpin out with the family....conversation switches gears.....gee thanks....not that i NEED compliments, but for fucks sake, its like that 90% of the time >:-/

right now im irritated i slept like 14 hours, but i guess i needed it,slept threwmy alarm and everything *grumbles*

but i take it everything seems ok then if the doctor said to chill out?

That was yesterday over the phone he said chill out, but yes today he said that all the problems I was having was because of these migraines, he also said stress was an issue too. He did this nerve test and, well, I had fallen a few years ago and hurt my neck, didn't have much trouble right away but it seems that some of the problems I am having could also be a result of that so now he wants me to have a MRI of my neck...I am just glad it is not what he thought it was but I am not rushing to another MRI anytime soon just to tell me I have a muscle strain or spasms. LOL, I just got my benefits this month:) My insurance company won't take too kindly to that nor will my job for me missing time. Ya know?

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Completely disgusted, frustrated, pissed off and totally fucking useless. I was trying to something that, to most people would be really simple, and I couldn't handle it; I fucked up......I just want to bang my head against the wall.


I also feel chill, on the way to wired, and that my legs are toasted.

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