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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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I feel weird today, I know I was soooooo fucked up last night but I don't think It was from alcohol..I was fine, than all of a sudden felt like I was in a trance and shit just hit the fan, I felt like I had a petit mal seizure or something, I stopped talking mid sentence to someone, couldn't move at one point for a few seconds, it was closest to like a state of sleep paralysis except I was awake.

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Can't do anymore stress. When you lose your memory, you ache all over non-stop, when your a fucking bitch all day to everyone..that's topped out. I can't take another second of shit.

You know that "making stress your friend" video Troy posted? - http://www.ted.com/talks/kelly_mcgonigal_how_to_make_stress_your_friend.html?utm_content=awesm-publisher&utm_medium=on.ted.com-static&utm_campaign=&utm_source=detroitgothic.net&awesm=on.ted.com_UpsideOfStress

Someone else in a comment to that video posted a link to this, - http://www.ccl.org/leadership/pdf/research/WakeUp.pdf

Together, I find those to be useful bits of info. I've been trying to keep these things in mind and it has been working pretty well for me, so far. I also try to keep in my mind that the things that stress me out, shouldn't stress me out as much as they do. It's not worth getting all worked up over 99% of the shit that happens in our lives because it does no good, all it does is take years off of your life and make you feel worn out all the time.

Lately I've been trying to concentrate my energy in positive ways, like working out, staying busy, etc. It really makes a big difference if you can find something to keep your mind occupied. An idle mind is the devil's playground, after all.

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You know that "making stress your friend" video Troy posted? - http://www.ted.com/talks/kelly_mcgonigal_how_to_make_stress_your_friend.html?utm_content=awesm-publisher&utm_medium=on.ted.com-static&utm_campaign=&utm_source=detroitgothic.net&awesm=on.ted.com_UpsideOfStress

Someone else in a comment to that video posted a link to this, - http://www.ccl.org/leadership/pdf/research/WakeUp.pdf

Together, I find those to be useful bits of info. I've been trying to keep these things in mind and it has been working pretty well for me, so far. I also try to keep in my mind that the things that stress me out, shouldn't stress me out as much as they do. It's not worth getting all worked up over 99% of the shit that happens in our lives because it does no good, all it does is take years off of your life and make you feel worn out all the time.

Lately I've been trying to concentrate my energy in positive ways, like working out, staying busy, etc. It really makes a big difference if you can find something to keep your mind occupied. An idle mind is the devil's playground, after all.

Thanks, I usually am busy so I needed the last four days to relax...I don't agree totally with that woman in the first video said because, yes regular life stress, a certain amount of stress is healthy, but too much stress raises cortisol, which affects your adrenals and than after your cortisol has been so high for so long it drops to a level in which puts your body into what's called an "adrenal fatiique"...you than are unable to deal with stress, at all..I have had the condition before...It destroys all your hormones, like estrogen, your body starts to act like it's in menopause, I couldn't lose weight and after awhile I started to feel better but that was because I was taking adderall and it was a stimulant,, but that I am now tolerant to. Plus, this is a bad time of year for everyone, the holidays.

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Thanks, I usually am busy so I needed the last four days to relax...I don't agree totally with that woman in the first video said because, yes regular life stress, a certain amount of stress is healthy, but too much stress raises cortisol, which affects your adrenals and than after your cortisol has been so high for so long it drops to a level in which puts your body into what's called an "adrenal fatiique"...you than are unable to deal with stress, at all..I have had the condition before...It destroys all your hormones, like estrogen, your body starts to act like it's in menopause, I couldn't lose weight and after awhile I started to feel better but that was because I was taking adderall and it was a stimulant,, but that I am now tolerant to. Plus, this is a bad time of year for everyone, the holidays.

Yes, holidays suck. For the past month or so I have tried to change a lot of aspects in my life. I've been pretty successful so far. I have started eating food that is better for me, and I feel better physically, which helps me feel better mentally, to give me the energy to deal with stress in a healthy way. I used to drink pop (I call it soda) all day every day. I cut that out completely. I know there are studies that link high fat, high sugar diets to depression and anxiety, and I found some truth in this, because I feel better as a whole now that I am eating right and exercising. It's not easy, it took a lot to get me motivated at first, but once you get moving, get busy, the rest falls away and soon what seemed like a downward spiral into oblivion is now a climbing stairway into serenity.

Just saying, sometimes you can't just change one part of your life and expect the rest to be fine. Sometimes you have to go all the way. It's working for me, I know, everyone is different, but hopefully you find something useful from my advice. I know how you feel, believe me, I've been there. I've tried everything to deal with depression/stress/anxiety.. Including drugs (both legal and illegal) and found nothing that helped except what I am doing right now, trying to live an overall healthier lifestyle. I still smoke cigarettes, I'm not a health nut. I was never active, I always got an F in Gym for not participating..

I just got to a point where I literally could not take it one more second. I was on the verge of either killing myself or making a huge change in my life, I went with the latter, and it's working out fantastically.. I'm not saying all the stress in my life is gone, because it's FAR from it, but I find I can handle it a LOT better than before, and those are the things I did. Try it, maybe it will work for you!

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Yes, holidays suck. For the past month or so I have tried to change a lot of aspects in my life. I've been pretty successful so far. I have started eating food that is better for me, and I feel better physically, which helps me feel better mentally, to give me the energy to deal with stress in a healthy way. I used to drink pop (I call it soda) all day every day. I cut that out completely. I know there are studies that link high fat, high sugar diets to depression and anxiety, and I found some truth in this, because I feel better as a whole now that I am eating right and exercising. It's not easy, it took a lot to get me motivated at first, but once you get moving, get busy, the rest falls away and soon what seemed like a downward spiral into oblivion is now a climbing stairway into serenity.

Just saying, sometimes you can't just change one part of your life and expect the rest to be fine. Sometimes you have to go all the way. It's working for me, I know, everyone is different, but hopefully you find something useful from my advice. I know how you feel, believe me, I've been there. I've tried everything to deal with depression/stress/anxiety.. Including drugs (both legal and illegal) and found nothing that helped except what I am doing right now, trying to live an overall healthier lifestyle. I still smoke cigarettes, I'm not a health nut. I was never active, I always got an F in Gym for not participating..

I just got to a point where I literally could not take it one more second. I was on the verge of either killing myself or making a huge change in my life, I went with the latter, and it's working out fantastically.. I'm not saying all the stress in my life is gone, because it's FAR from it, but I find I can handle it a LOT better than before, and those are the things I did. Try it, maybe it will work for you!

Thank you for sharing. Authenticity is a great quality but so many people are afraid of it...

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Thank you for sharing. Authenticity is a great quality but so many people are afraid of it...

Better than the paradigm of fallacies people represent themselves with these days. I hate fake people. That's another tip.. Don't let fake people get to you.

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Better than the paradigm of fallacies people represent themselves with these days. I hate fake people. That's another tip.. Don't let fake people get to you.

I never used to deal with people who acted fake, but the more and more we deal with online socialization the harder it is to tell when you have been manipulated. I am really trying to be mindful of who I befriend anymore because I have learned some really hard lessons as a result of online "fantasy" life. It was like culture shock to me, this whole world of people meeting online...but now, the internet seems to be the favorite of gathering places. I used to try to go online dating sites after I became seperated and divorced from my ex but now...I don't even bother there now. X-mas is bad for me because my daughter's dad died 17 years ago on X-mas eve this year, I posted a whole rant about it on here recently...it's really a hard year...specially being single, 34, with two kids, one almost grown...I just feel like so empty right now..I also have to be mindful that when I get all sad like this it doesn't come across as me being manipulative or wanting sympathy...people have got me wrong so often. It is hurtful because I was raised by a manipulative mother and have fought my whole life not to be like her...I don't want someone to exploit me just because I have a shitty past..damn sorry for the ramble and thanks for being so nice.

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I never used to deal with people who acted fake, but the more and more we deal with online socialization the harder it is to tell when you have been manipulated. I am really trying to be mindful of who I befriend anymore because I have learned some really hard lessons as a result of online "fantasy" life. It was like culture shock to me, this whole world of people meeting online...but now, the internet seems to be the favorite of gathering places. I used to try to go online dating sites after I became seperated and divorced from my ex but now...I don't even bother there now. X-mas is bad for me because my daughter's dad died 17 years ago on X-mas eve this year, I posted a whole rant about it on here recently...it's really a hard year...specially being single, 34, with two kids, one almost grown...I just feel like so empty right now..I also have to be mindful that when I get all sad like this it doesn't come across as me being manipulative or wanting sympathy...people have got me wrong so often. It is hurtful because I was raised by a manipulative mother and have fought my whole life not to be like her...I don't want someone to exploit me just because I have a shitty past..damn sorry for the ramble and thanks for being so nice.

Never tried any of those online dating sites, to be honest. I don't like social media very much. DGN is as far as I go. That's the problem with online socialization, it's like being cut off from the world, physically. It's not so easy to tell if someone is putting on a front or being themselves.

Personally? I find no use in trying to be manipulative, dishonest, or putting on a front to impress people. The people you bring into your life by being honest, and being yourself, 100%, are far better than the ones you can attract by manipulation.

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I agree. It hit me hearing that, hard. I am actually pretty spiritual, I am more of a culture/humanities geek...I love learning about people and their belief systems and how they arrived at the conclusions they have in life. I am a social worker and deal with client's who are Developmentally and Emotionally Impaired. I have clients that cannot even move their limbs, a young girl who has been in a vegetative state since age 2, she's just barely hanging on...I deal with mortality on a daily basis, it consumes me and, although I have recently began to have a greater appreciation of life and what I do have, such as the ability to walk, the ability to breathe on my own, to see, to hear, the ability to feel..all the simple things in life most of humanity doesn't think twice about being grateful for...I feel selfish just getting depressed, stressed, and down like this...but being called out on trying to manipulate is like so much of a misjudgment of my character...word are strong, and they hurt..I can be sarcastic and brash but that's the clown that I am, I want to make people feel better by laughing..so I may even embarrass myself...It doesn't really hurt me that I am judged, rather the hurt comes from seeing how apathetic people can be...I am not malicious but feel for some reason I always must defend myself...and I know I don't but I get weak. I only wish for one person in this world to actually "get me".. I know I have a problem with caring for and loving those that have no desire to be loved or cared about, but I am human. Ya know?

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LOL. Christmas music has that effect on people.

Dude, I will walk out of a place if I have to hear that xmas shit...hence, why I hate xmas shopping..it's everywhere you go, than all these Salvation Army bell ringers...I feel bad for the people doing the bell ringing I know they are only getting paid probably minimum wage but I refuse to donat to the Sally.

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Happy that it's the beginning of a new month, so much more at ease and relieved. My agency is on stress overload at the end of every month. It fucks me up. Also, need positive healing vibes, thoughts, prayers, etc...for my coworker, she's an amazing woman just diagnosed with breast cancer. She is strong and will beat it but she told me today (she is only telling a few people about it though) It was horrible to hear about anyone, but it's hush hush at work, of course, I just wanted to put out in the universe that she will heal. She is the 7th female at my agency in the past, she says like year to be diagnosed with Breast Cancer...which is statistically scary. She is just an amazing woman, though.

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