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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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Anyone ever feeling suicidal remember we want you here, there's a reason your here. You are needed. Saying this to someone just now nearly brought tears and he said you don't how much that means to me. .. ♥ Making him feel like a person seeing his face change and eyesbrows raise as if noone ever told him that is why I do this. Prayers

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I feel that tall ginger headed married men who wear wedding bands shouldn't wink and flirt with me and ask oh where u been, cause I try to avoid there store because he's hot and married and flirty with my fat ass most likely cause he wants my business. Damn even your truck is hot bet your wife is too.

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33 inch tire gingerhead man I'm sure flirted with me and dissed me in the same breath. I am humored. I said do you sell American Spirit. He said just yellow. Me: yellow suck. Him: I can get the ones you like. ..it's not too often we get hot uppity women in here from Ohio. .right, Toledo? Me: no Detroit. Him: oh, your tough than. Me: um I'm from the ghetto idk.

Lol..confused. .I'm uppity? Lmao. .I just try to carry myself like a lady I guess, well lately I try, overcompensating for like 35 years of stigma, classism. I'll take his dis as a compliment. If he only knew. Uppity. ..ha!

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I miss passion. .having someone that can spark that for me..I need that feeling that rare connection you get with someone who just thinking of them sends you into ecstasy so intense your head spins, time stands still and the rest of the world is beneath you. Like your spirit lifts and you feel closer to heaven than anything or anyone. ..damn.

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Frustrated. I really can't stand living with two guys who are such fucking lazy slobs. .."turn the light off for me ouch my shoulder hurts, turn the tv off, turn the fan on, " yada yada. ..I just finished cleaning and organizing, hanging pictures trying to make this place look homie but I ask u to like take garbage out, um, pick your dishes up, pick your clothes up and your tired! I am not your mother, wife, housekeeper, or slave! Pick your nasty shit up. I can't believe how well and proper these two were raised yet live like pigs....and you got a couple acres so the field mice come in that's more of a reason to be on your p's and q's. I am sorry for the rant but I can't do the filthy pig thing....AND YOUR BOTH HOME ALL DAY! TALKING ABOUT YOUR TIRED. ..BIATCH! Wish I could afford my own damn house. This place would be beautiful. .god you don't even appreciate your own shit. I assume you were spoiled as youth.

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