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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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Feels like my brain is about to explode from all the paperwork finalization. It wouldn't be so bad if other stuff didn't keep piling on top of what I am already responsible for. Now I hear my first ward has been dropped from claim responsibility back in 2007. All this time and no one had a chance to drop me a letter in the mail or anything to let me know how to proceed? 


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I feel like I tore my calf muscle. I went to play disc golf with someone Saturday, a game I knew nothing about and the next day my entire body was sore, which is great good exercise, however earlier tonight I was carrying laundry downstairs and I hear a "snap" in my calf and now it hurts pretty bad and I have been limping around unable to keep my leg straight. Hopefully I can keep it elavated tonight and it goes away. 

I'm not a doctor, but I don't think something like that is going to go away overnight. Sounds a bit serious...:ohmy:

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I'm not a doctor, but I don't think something like that is going to go away overnight. Sounds a bit serious...:ohmy:

it still hurts, I been rubbing it and put an ice pack on it. I'm not limping now but if it isn't gone by Saturday I'll go get it looked at. I'm just so sick of doctors right now:(

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Whoa, I passed out mid form fill in and just woke up on my face when the phone rang a few minutes ago. All this filing has mentally exhausted me, but hopefully I have enough left in me to do a brief shopping. 

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I am just thinking about the future and I want something good to happen, I want better than this, I feel stuck and I need to get out of this.

Wish you could come over for a Karaoke night at the HomeHouse. You might actually get a chance to relax and laugh at us yelling at the top of our lungs to 80's music. :hrhr:

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Bored, lonely, tired, and frustrated.  It's kind of funny how everything is linked.  I am lonely since I don't really have any friends here, bored because I don't have the money to go out and do anything or meet new friends, tired because I work a lot, and frustrated because I work mainly evenings so I wouldn't be able to really get out and do anything or meet anyone but I don't make enough money to do that anyway.  It's a horrible cycle to be stuck in.

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Bored, lonely, tired, and frustrated.  It's kind of funny how everything is linked.  I am lonely since I don't really have any friends here, bored because I don't have the money to go out and do anything or meet new friends, tired because I work a lot, and frustrated because I work mainly evenings so I wouldn't be able to really get out and do anything or meet anyone but I don't make enough money to do that anyway.  It's a horrible cycle to be stuck in.

I drove around your workplace Thursday morning, but I wasn't sure if that was the type of place you just walk into and say, "Hey, does Michael work here?" I did see a couple of guys doing some unloading behind the building, but I felt odd saying anything. You know...creepy chick in a black truck asking about a guy...:hrhr:

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I drove around your workplace Thursday morning, but I wasn't sure if that was the type of place you just walk into and say, "Hey, does Michael work here?" I did see a couple of guys doing some unloading behind the building, but I felt odd saying anything. You know...creepy chick in a black truck asking about a guy...:hrhr:

  I actually had the day off on Thursday. Lol.  I  was bored and lonely so I stopped in for a bit to joke around while it was slow.  I know that's sad but it got me out of the house.  I should give you my number in case you are heading out this way and want to meet my zoo of pets or have coffee.  Lol

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  I actually had the day off on Thursday. Lol.  I  was bored and lonely so I stopped in for a bit to joke around while it was slow.  I know that's sad but it got me out of the house.  I should give you my number in case you are heading out this way and want to meet my zoo of pets or have coffee.  Lol

Sounds like a plan...just PM it to me if you'd like :happy:

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I can't believe how angry I feel right now. Our mother just passed, I have spent the last 2 weeks handling accounts and sending out death certificates and now the kids that I am responsible for are acting like they are getting ready to run everything. 

People were worried that the kids would be depressed from the passing of their grandmother. No, they are more concerned about when they will be able to play Skylanders because their grandmother made them stop playing it when she got sick.

They no longer ask for permission to do things they believe is something they are entitled to do.

They lie first then answer honestly because they got caught - which is every time, so you would think they'd learned.

Now they are leaving me shopping list with exclamation points and messages that I'm taking to long to purchase something.


Well, I tried to be nice, but they have just cracked the lid on the can of Whoop Ass and Fury that is about to be unleashed on their behinds! (exclamation point)

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I feel like I messed up a little. I had a cold. I took care of it using natural and home remedies. All I had left was one half of a stuffed up nose so I tried a little experiment. Ma used to give the kids Children's Claritin every day...long story short, I tried some last night. That stuff stopped every form of mucus flow it got a hold of. My brain felt like a lump of mass was stuck on one side of my skull. My eyes dried up and got stuck cracked open. Breathing clearly was out of the question. It felt like I was back where I started from 2 days ago. Experiencing that answered a lot of questions. 

You are only supposed to take it once every 24 hours. However, it leaves you in a slight state of misery while you wait for the next dose. Forget this, it's green tea time...

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Feeling better. Now I'm back to where I was last night before the Claritin. 

My family always believed in a version of a Hot Toddy as a cold remedy.  Get the biggest mug you have, fill it half way with a dark hot tea, fill the rest with whiskey, and sweeten with lots of honey.  Chug that puppy back as fast as you can and bundle up in sweat clothes with a thick blanket.  Make sure you have at least 8 hours to sleep.  The alcohol will help make you sleep and clear your sinuses.  The hot tea and honey help with your throat and help boost your immune system.  Bundling up will cause your fever to break, which also helps boost your immune response.  You will wake up the next day feeling like a million bucks.  

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My family always believed in a version of a Hot Toddy as a cold remedy.  Get the biggest mug you have, fill it half way with a dark hot tea, fill the rest with whiskey, and sweeten with lots of honey.  Chug that puppy back as fast as you can and bundle up in sweat clothes with a thick blanket.  Make sure you have at least 8 hours to sleep.  The alcohol will help make you sleep and clear your sinuses.  The hot tea and honey help with your throat and help boost your immune system.  Bundling up will cause your fever to break, which also helps boost your immune response.  You will wake up the next day feeling like a million bucks.  

Thanks for the suggestion. That's the way my aunt does it :happy:

Unfortunately, due to the fact that I don't drink, it may do more harm than good. I'm known for "burning it out". Replace the whiskey with Cayenne Pepper and Tamazula Hot Sauce and you have my version of a Hot Toddy followed by a shot of Wasabi. :jamin

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