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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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Like this place needs some spark. Not asshole/troll-style spark. But the spark that it used to have.

I keep reading things along that line...what used to happen here :question:

From the time I first signed up, I've read a lot of the older posts, but apparently stuff must have been going on in the real world...

Maybe I'm just too easy or lazy, but this seems cool to me, but then again, I've been a loner most of my life so anything from there is a plus... :hrhr:

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I keep reading things along that line...what used to happen here :question:

From the time I first signed up, I've read a lot of the older posts, but apparently stuff must have been going on in the real world...

Maybe I'm just too easy or lazy, but this seems cool to me, but then again, I've been a loner most of my life so anything from there is a plus... :hrhr:

When I first came here, I didn't even live in Michigan. I'm not even goth, really. But I fell in love with the energy of this place, and quit lurking. I made friends, and eventually became a mod. All the way from Baltimore. There came a time when the sr mods began to drop off like flies, and the last remaining sr mod promoted me to that position. Then, I was the only sr mod. Then, (I think) I promoted Torn, who is still a friend of mine. After a while, I didn't want to do it anymore. I don't recall why. Then, I left. Not on bad terms. I just moved on. I came back once, and it didn't go well, for whatever reason.

I came back, along with several. And while I'm glad to be back, this place needs a little brightening up. Hopefully, I'm part of that. This board is what brought me to visit Detroit in the first place. Now that I live here, I've physically remained friends with many. This site sort of holds a really good place in my heart. The name of Brenda Starrr is dead, but I'm still here. ;)

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When I first came here, I didn't even live in Michigan. I'm not even goth, really. But I fell in love with the energy of this place, and quit lurking. I made friends, and eventually became a mod. All the way from Baltimore. There came a time when the sr mods began to drop off like flies, and the last remaining sr mod promoted me to that position. Then, I was the only sr mod. Then, (I think) I promoted Torn, who is still a friend of mine. After a while, I didn't want to do it anymore. I don't recall why. Then, I left. Not on bad terms. I just moved on. I came back once, and it didn't go well, for whatever reason.

I came back, along with several. And while I'm glad to be back, this place needs a little brightening up. Hopefully, I'm part of that. This board is what brought me to visit Detroit in the first place. Now that I live here, I've physically remained friends with many. This site sort of holds a really good place in my heart. The name of Brenda Starrr is dead, but I'm still here. ;)

When I first found DGN, I was so excited to find a site that housed multiple people of different backgrounds who communicated with actual conversations and weren't cursing each other out just because they were finally old enough (or being secretive enough) to us the "F" bomb on the internet. It was very refreshing and I was glad I held out long enough to sign up.

When I first started posting, I was on so much I thought everyone would get tired of seeing my little purple elf. So I requested that someone inform me if I start getting annoying. To be honest, I was inspired to post due to several members who I used to read up on (when I finally figured out how everything worked here)...

At the time:

phee = 56,156

Brenda Starr = 30,442

Troy Spiral = 24,526

Chernobyl = 11,244

torn asunder = 9,142

prick = 5,646

And then Slogo declared me "NEW-PHEE" and Coffeenated :right: Class-Punk declared the "Nu-Slogo" :hrhr:

I figured if these members could post this much and still be here, then no one should have a problem with me posting like a crazy person :biggrin:

Then I got really addicted and started sleep posting in an attempt to dominate the board as much as possible (and maintain a position on the front page rank at that time), but it was a secret game until Troy made a new thread..."You May Be Unaware That Miss Tron Is Winning" :rofl:

Thanks to DGN, I found City Club at The Leland...a place I had been driving by my entire life. Never knew anything was happening there, but now I know and knowing is half the battle. When I do get the chance to go, I get a kick out of being the last dancer on the floor...just before closing time...

I must admit, I have been having posting withdrawals due to the fact that, since the end of June, I am currently on renovation builds to be completed before the snow flies...so I had to sacrifice my favorite pastime...

Taking Over DGN

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When I first found DGN, I was so excited to find a site that housed multiple people of different backgrounds who communicated with actual conversations and weren't cursing each other out just because they were finally old enough (or being secretive enough) to us the "F" bomb on the internet. It was very refreshing and I was glad I held out long enough to sign up.

When I first started posting, I was on so much I thought everyone would get tired of seeing my little purple elf. So I requested that someone inform me if I start getting annoying. To be honest, I was inspired to post due to several members who I used to read up on (when I finally figured out how everything worked here)...

At the time:

phee = 56,156

Brenda Starr = 30,442

Troy Spiral = 24,526

Chernobyl = 11,244

torn asunder = 9,142

prick = 5,646

And then Slogo declared me "NEW-PHEE" and Coffeenated :right: Class-Punk declared the "Nu-Slogo" :hrhr:

I figured if these members could post this much and still be here, then no one should have a problem with me posting like a crazy person :biggrin:

Then I got really addicted and started sleep posting in an attempt to dominate the board as much as possible (and maintain a position on the front page rank at that time), but it was a secret game until Troy made a new thread..."You May Be Unaware That Miss Tron Is Winning" :rofl:

Thanks to DGN, I found City Club at The Leland...a place I had been driving by my entire life. Never knew anything was happening there, but now I know and knowing is half the battle. When I do get the chance to go, I get a kick out of being the last dancer on the floor...just before closing time...

I must admit, I have been having posting withdrawals due to the fact that, since the end of June, I am currently on renovation builds to be completed before the snow flies...so I had to sacrifice my favorite pastime...

Taking Over DGN

it breaks my heart to see that I was second place to Phee. LOL

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What does one do when all your resources are gone? The job I'm waiting for the great job requires I have a vehicle well I have no vehicle the engine is fucking gone courtesy of flood water. This is bottom. ..this is slow, uber sober bottom. What now? I may really go this time. Its now or never.

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They say the grass is greener and it always is. I am so close to getting the job I want buy this car setback is like really? No matter anyone's opinion on my shitty quality of life I know what I did to fuck up but I also know there are things I can't control. .bad things can happen. Look at all the damaged homes.

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Felt like crying. I was watching the fish live feed at the National Aquarium when I realized I was having a hard time remembering which fish swam by. I still have trouble with people's faces. I constantly rely on photographs to remind me. I recall family members only because they are around me practically everyday, otherwise, I wouldn't know who they were. I still have moments when riding in the car, I look over and have no idea who the person driving is. I calm myself down and trust that I must know them or else I wouldn't be in the vehicle with them, right? It gets really scary sometimes. Especially when I can't remember where I am. I have no idea what to do or how to fix this. At least my family understands which is of great comfort but that doesn't stop this from happening. I never want to be riding in a vehice with someone and actually don't know them but figure I must simply because I'm in the vehicle. That is a truly terrifying thought.

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Feels like all I am doing is working on stuff and yet it still feels like I'm not getting anything done...just a bunch of busy work doing nothing...it's making me crazy...need to see progress like NOW!!!!

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