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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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Severely annoyed. Last night on the way home from my parents house, I hit a raccoon. A HUGE flipping raccoon.

Yet another round of damage to my car:


Luckily, I took it in to the dealership today and the quote was slightly under my deductible, so I don't even have to bother claiming it on my insurance. But I'm still annoyed. You can't see how it knocked the bumper off alignment and mangled my fog light insert but you can see the dent.

I made the right decision though. It was either hit the raccoon or swerve off into a tree lined ditch in the middle of nowhere on Geddes Road. Yeah, hitting the raccoon was the best choice.

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It's like your car has an "attracts solid objects within 30 ft." attribute, Rayne! :p Perhaps you could reverse its polarity with a giant electro-magnet.. :rofl:

I'm still feeling a bit beat-down. Nothing I've tried to do seems to be coming together today. I'll be glad to see my uncle when he gets here-- as I haven't seen another living, breathing human being in almost three! It gets lonesome out this way, working mostly from home. With all the rain, I haven't been able to leave the house anyway-- because of the fear of leak-catching buckets overflowing.

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It's like your car has an "attracts solid objects within 30 ft." attribute, Rayne! :p Perhaps you could reverse its polarity with a giant electro-magnet.. :rofl:

You know, that's not a bad idea.

*ponders* Unlucky for me, every car I have ever had seems to have it.

My car was in the dealership earlier this week for some work, it figures.

See .... mine's on the far left up on the lift.


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Sick, hot, irritable, tired, sore, lazy, bored, etc.

I have been in bed since 7pm Sunday and have only gotten up to eat, drink, or use the restroom today! I cannot believe I went a whole day without smoking...I really want a cigarette though, but I am trying my best not to. Also, I feel completely numb...my whole body...I know that I am moving, but I cannot feel it. Strange...and I never felt hunger pains at all today, so I ate because I knew that I should. And I am dizzy. Blah.

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Sick, hot, irritable, tired, sore, lazy, bored, etc.

I have been in bed since 7pm Sunday and have only gotten up to eat, drink, or use the restroom today! I cannot believe I went a whole day without smoking...I really want a cigarette though, but I am trying my best not to. Also, I feel completely numb...my whole body...I know that I am moving, but I cannot feel it. Strange...and I never felt hunger pains at all today, so I ate because I knew that I should. And I am dizzy. Blah.

*Sends no smoking forever vibes*

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I was just told that i wasn't in tune with someone's needs, this weekend, and boy do I feel like an idiot, because of it. I feel so bad!!! I just want to dig a hole and climb in. I didn't act this way on purpose!!! And I am worse that dog shit in the deep crevies of a really old boot.... Least that's how I feel... there was a lot of misscomunication between us, but I feel like i was the worst at it. I rejected him, without realizing I was, and I wasn't doing it on purpose!!!!


I feel terrible!!! Most, if not all, was my own damn fault. I love him so much, and i never meant for this fiasco to happen.

I feel utterly horrible. My guts hurt now. And I hurt someone VERY close to my heart and that makes me sick to my stomach.



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so i feel a bit rediculous. I feel kinda dumb that things went the way that they did.... I feel bad, but still in love. I will make it up to him. I promise that. I love him with my body, heart, mind, and soul... and i want to share all of that with him. I love it when I do... and i love when he shares such with me.... we will fix this.... and move forward. I still feel bad, but i know it will pass... sometimes, these things happen, miscomunications will occure. I just hope that his frustration will subside... :\ I wish I was closer, or I'd walk to him and fix it all... fucking-a! i wish i could walk there.... it would take three hours, and i don't know how to get there on foot... :cry I hate this!!!

now I'm frustraited... but not the same kind, nor for the same reason... i wish i was there... i wish i had a way there.... ggrrr! I want a job, damnit! but if I am moving in a few months (maybe) I have to wait to get one, till I move. damnit all to fucking hell!!! *!!!!!!screams in anger!!!!!!*

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