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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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I feel like I keep screwing up, and hurting feelings.

I feel like I my actions are sometimes taken totally the wrong way, but I can't find the words to say what I mean.

I feel like I have a lot of love in my heart for someone, but I keep irritating them, and I don't know how to stop.

I feel like it hurts to have them not happy with something I have done...

I feel like, sometimes he is too good for me... Like I don't know what it is I did, that was so good, to warrent such a beautiful gift, as this man in my life....

I feel like I want to say that I am sorry, for whatever it is that I have done, that I wasn't aware that I had done, am aware of it now, and feel bad about

I feel like I want to spend whatever is left of my life, with him. I hope that he feels the same, and in time we can get closer to making that happen. :)

I feel blessed that I have such understanding people around me.... Even if we don't agree with something, we are there for each other, emotionally, as best we can be....

Know what else?

It feels good to feel again.... something I have to get use to, becuase I get so wrapped up in what I am feeling, i forget that others may be more sensitive than I think they are, and may take offense to something I may say, or do, or something I may not say or do... I am sorry that I step on toes (so to speak), or hurt feelings, or get on nerves, or lose control, or whatever. Its nothing personal, I don't do it to be mean... I'm just so damn use to having to be a certain way, to be heard, that I forget that not all people are like that. Not all people, who claim to be my friends, are going to ignore me... I'm so use to having to scream above the croud, and I get so harsh with my tone, that I do hurt others. Like I said, i don't do it to be mean, I just have to get use to beig around dencent people, who give a rats ass about me, and aren't going to hurt me... I have to get better. I need to watch what I do... I'm so use to being so loud! (litterally... most of the ppl I knew, way back when, are so hard of hearing!) and because of that, a rushed tone, or impatient tone, could be mistaken for anger. I see that... but you also have to understand that this is who I am use to being..., I'm so use to being this way that this transition is hard for me. I'm not use to not HAVING to be like this, and you are so use to someone NOT doing it, that wires get crossed, feeling get hurt, and a HUGE misunderstanding happens.... So.... yeah.....

I am sorry... very sorry.... I keep getting under your skin, and hurting you. I don't like when that happens. I don't want you mad at me... :(


I wanted to cry earlier.... I try so damn hard not to hurt ppl, that I get nervous, and I end up doing it anyways...

I do have a lot of emotional baggage, but I AM working through it.... I'm not always right, and I'm not always justified, but sometimes you do need to see things through my eyes, instead of just writing it off... I think that's what hurts the most.... Not being understood... "Doesn't matter why you did it, it was wrong!" It may be wrong, but the "why" is still relevent!!! That's why I get so defensive, and upset... No one wants to see things through my eyes, or from my point of view...

One thing that bothers me about some of the people in my life, is that I'll tell them how bad I feel, and they try to tell me something in their life to try and make it worse than what I'm going through... Its not that I don't care about them, but when you ask me "what wrong?" or "what's on your mind?" or "what's bothering you?" Don't make it into a god damn contest. I feel bad, and you want to deminish how I feel by trying to make it seem like you got it worse? WFT is wrong with you? YOU asked ME what's wrong. Don't get mad at me, when I bloody tell you!

I am happy, though, despite what's going on... I am losing weight, and I am going to the Dr, soon, to try and figure out what the hell is wrong with me, and why my left ovary keeps hurting, when I'm not on my damn period.... i can deal with it a week out of the month (though it hurts like hell), but sparatically, through out the moth... come on!

I am also happy because of the man in my life, that loves me. ^_^ I know that i get on his nerves, but that's with any relationship... he gets on mine too... its normal. :) I love him so so so so very much....

I can't believe that I wrote so much, and I am thinking of erasing most of it, but I'll leave it where its at... for now...

Edited by GothicRavenGoddess
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I feel like the changing of seasons has brought on a new batch of insomnia. I'm also worried about some friends and family who are having a hard time right now. I wish I could help fix it. I feel like I'm going to run into my ex fiance the next time I'm at city because he messeged me saying he was going to look for me on halloween since he knows its my favorite holiday. I'm not looking forward to running into said ex. I'm kinda annoyed because my sister keeps asking if I'm going to have a boyfriend for her wedding next year, I know I'm intuitive but I'm not psychic. I wish I could communicate better with someone inparticular, or at least I wish we were able to get our feeling out in the open so things weren't so confusing. Finally, I have a headache from reading the subtitles while watching Sailor Moon.

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