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How Are You Feeling?

Troy Spiral

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Obsessive-compulsive, uncomfortable in my own skin, seeing every flaw.

Sad, because as I am cleaning, I keep finding little things he left behind. I miss him so much, it's affecting the rest of my life. I just can't go on this way.

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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Extremely anxious about tomorrow. My mother, whom I've been estranged from for 7 years or more, is coming over for tea. We really need to talk about a few things.

Wish me luck.

Good Luck.




fuck that shit. I'm so fucking pissed right now... I swear to gawd. jesus fukcing christ on a god damn flaming stick (and I am in no fucking mood to hear any lectures on anything, so stfu and gtfo)..


on top of all the fucking shit that has gone down tonight.. on top of all that.. fucking piece of shit fan bites the dust... and I have no fucking window in my room, or anything else to fucking circulate air. all I can do I fucking open my door and hope and pray that a breeze floats in. one more thing goes fucking wrong tonight, I swear I'm going to go of the fucking deep end, lose my mind and go psycho on every fucking body...


There are not words to convey how fucking pissed off I am right now... NONE...


Hugs. I am glad you were able to make terms with the loss of your friend. I understand that it not easy.

I am okay.

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Dead tired! Filling out job apps, faxing resumes, trying to research airfares and airline pet policies, not being able to reach the person I'm booking the ticket for, worrying about how I am going to pay the bills this month, having the friend I was supposed to hang out with today not call me back, spending 6+ hours working on a project for someone yesterday, feeling generally like I can't get anything right, and sleeping like hell last night has drained me. I think I need to go nap.

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Guest Megalicious

Like I didn't feel like I could get much tanner... YET I am.

Like I tried Cix's wheaties idea.... and didn't catch anything, but thats okay, I used 4 different kinds and didn't get as much as a nibble.

Like Jen is going to love these....

I am greatful that Kee is napping.

I need more Rasberry Almond M&Ms.

I need to stop chain smoking.

The North Kern River is stunning.

I will NEVER again take a mannual ATV again when going up hill... JFC.... yeah... I really didn't have the feel for it .. so .. its was my fault really.

Like all this beauty means nothing .. ...

Like despite that Miogi son is an asshole goat, we have made friends =) and I feed him horse cookies... he loves me now.

Tomorrow I will help Sergio with the fence. Hard labor in 104 heat is exactly what I NEED.


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Thanks, Meggies. I sure need them. That meeting isn't going to happen until tomorrow, as my mom had to go into work early. We had a nice telephone conversation earlier today. I'm so glad she's working, and self-sufficient, now. She works many hours at a nursing home, these days. To know this fact, has given me a new respect for her.

As of now, I'm feeling mentally at ease, yet melancholy. Been drowning my melancholic sorrows in rain, delicious Moscato, putting faraway cyber-loves on my husband, petting kittehs, music, and looking at beautiful cars. I'm sad, yet happy. Sounds manic and strange, but my feelings are always mixed up.

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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